[Bumped to discuss resulting legal actions] Elementary school shooting in Connecticut. (Edit/Update - 26 reported killed, many of them children) (3 Viewers)

Did she ? Or did she think it was fairly irrelevant to put out a story about a guy who plays a kids’ game for a living, no matter how kooky and off base she thought his comments were…. But then once his name came up for the SECOND MOST POWERFUL JOB ON THE PLANET, maybe she then thought it might be pertinent information for the public to know ? Hard to say……. but yeah, by all means, as you said let’s all just move on, im sure there’s nothing to see here……………………….
This makes sense and to me answers the question of why put this out here now
Awesome.. you and i can then agree that there is nothing political about this whatsoever… This is purely about being a human being, a decent person- vs being a total scumbag .
How did you come across someone from Sandy Hook, CT?
How did you come across someone from Sandy Hook, CT?

I’ll refer you to my earlier post, where i said i wont say anymore about it… but lol, i have many, many friends from the northeast, we even have a couple of posters here who live/lived in Connecticut , not sure how active they are here anymore……. Are you questioning the veracity of my claim ? Are you with Rodgers , and think that those kids were just figments of some imaginary government plot ?? Just asking .
I’ll refer you to my earlier post, where i said i wont say anymore about it… but lol, i have many, many friends from the northeast, we even have a couple of posters here who live/lived in Connecticut , not sure how active they are here anymore……. Are you questioning the veracity of my claim ? Are you with Rodgers , and think that those kids were just figments of some imaginary government plot ?? Just asking .
I’m not questioning, I live 10 minutes from Sandy Hook, some of my favorite restaurants are there, and my son is friends with many of the kids who were involved and there. We do a special vigil every year. The kids seem to be doing a lot better but the safety for schools here are second to none.

A lot of the kids go to school in my town because they don’t want to go to Newtown schools anymore
I’ll refer you to my earlier post, where i said i wont say anymore about it… but lol, i have many, many friends from the northeast, we even have a couple of posters here who live/lived in Connecticut , not sure how active they are here anymore……. Are you questioning the veracity of my claim ? Are you with Rodgers , and think that those kids were just figments of some imaginary government plot ?? Just asking .
Sorta like asking people if they were there when we landed on the moon, or in NY when 9/11 happened or whatever. I just don't understand why people insist on trying to discredit events that actually happened. It's weird.
I’m not questioning, I live 10 minutes from Sandy Hook, some of my favorite restaurants are there, and my son is friends with many of the kids who were involved and there. We do a special vigil every year. The kids seem to be doing a lot better but the safety for schools here are second to none.

Gotcha, sorry to misinterpret your intent.. Sorry you have had to be so close to what i know is a nightmare for many people .
Sorta like asking people if they were there when we landed on the moon, or in NY when 9/11 happened or whatever. I just don't understand why people insist on trying to discredit events that actually happened. It's weird.

I think it's a combination of ego....there are folks that have to believe they are smarter than everyone else and "they know stuff" that others don't....ironically the ego leads to the gullible/illogical/ridiculous stances that they go to incredible lengths to defend.....AR can go suck eggs, he is a flake of the highest order....

AUSTIN — Robbie Parker’s 6-year-old daughter, Emilie, had been dead for less than 48 hours, gunned down alongside 19 of her classmates and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School, when right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones went on Infowars and claimed Parker was “a soap opera actor” who’d made it all up.

All Parker had done was nervously laugh before giving a statement to the press about who his daughter was, the father says in the documentary, “The Truth vs. Alex Jones,” debuting March 26 on HBO.

The movie premiered this month at South by Southwest in Austin, where Jones is based, stood trial and was once heckled at a chicken restaurant.

But Jones was on a roll. He’d called the massacre of 20 children “a false flag” hours after it happened in December 2012 — “before the bodies were even cold,” as a lawyer for the parents says in a deposition for one of two defamation trials featured in the film that were eventually brought against Jones.

Soon he was urging his listeners to pick apart video of Parker for evidence that the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history had been staged as an elaborate ruse by liberals to take away Americans’ guns.

Immediately, Parker says in the film, Emilie’s memorial Facebook page became inundated with people who called her “a whore” and threatened to show up at their home with guns demanding proof that she was still alive.

This went on for 10 years. It’s still going on. Every time Jones aired another hoaxer theory, these grieving families would be hit with a fresh wave of vicious harassment: rape threats, death threats, people confronting them on the street.

In the film, another mother, Jacqueline Barden, testifies in court that she and her husband received letters from people who said they’d peed on their son Daniel’s grave, or promised to dig it up, because they were convinced no one was in it.

Yet another, Francine Wheeler, tells of how she was in an elevator at a conference for mothers who’d lost their children to gun violence when a woman told her that the mass shooting that killed her son Ben never happened…….

Students who survived one of the deadliest school mass shootings in US history are graduating high school on Wednesday, as many call for more action on gun control.

Emotions were running high at Newtown high school in Connecticut on Wednesday, more than 11 years after a former student entered Sandy Hook elementary school in 2012 with guns and killed small children, teachers and staff in a massacre that shook the nation.

On Wednesday, 20 seats at the high school graduation ceremony were being left empty in honor of the children who didn’t grow up to see this day because they did not survive one of the deadliest mass shootings in US history and the deadliest at an educational establishment below college level. Six adults who worked as teachers or staff at the school were also killed that day, including the head teacher, and the children who died were all six or seven.

Many who did survive are speaking out against gun violence and calling for more gun control legislation.

In interviews for various news outlets, survivors, who were in the first grade at the time of the shooting, recounted watching their classmates and teachers get killed, and running for their lives.

“We don’t want ‘I’m sorrys’. It’s past that. It’s happened too many times,” 18-year-old Henry Terifay told ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday. “Your prayers honestly don’t mean anything.”

Terifay added: “It’ll never get easier, no matter how many times I talk about it. Honestly, it’s just time for it to change.”

Emma Ehrens was in one of the classrooms the gunman entered. She told ABC that her class was reading a book together right before the shooting.

“I watched all my friends drop and one of the victims did not make it,” Ehrens, 17, said.

Ehrens said she remembers running out of the classroom.

“On the way, we saw bodies in the hallways and doors blown off the hinges,” Ehrens said. “We just ran and ran and ran, out of the school and out of the parking lot.”

In that same interview, Grace Fischer said she believes the biggest change needed is “regulations on AR-style assault weapons”.

“I think one of the hardest things is getting people to see eye to eye on it. I think that stops a lot of regulation and legislation, which unfortunately is costing more and more lives every day,” Fischer, 18, told the TV show.…..


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ‘ Infowars media platform and its assets will be sold off piece by piece in auctions this fall to help pay the more than $1 billion he owes relatives of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, under an order expected to be approved by a federal judge.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston said during a court hearing Tuesday that he will approve the auctions that start in November. But he said he first must change a previous order to make it clear that the trustee overseeing Jones’ personal bankruptcy case controls all the assets of Infowars parent company Free Speech Systems, which is owned 100% by Jones.

Despite the pending loss of his company, Jones vows to continue his talk shows through other means, possibly including a new website and his personal social media accounts. He also has suggested that Infowars’ assets could be bought by his supporters, allowing him to continue hosting his show as an employee under the Infowars brand in their home city of Austin, Texas.

“It’s very cut and dry that the assets of Free Speech Systems, the website, the equipment, the shopping cart, all that, can be sold,” Jones said on a recent show. “And they know full well that there are a bunch of patriot buyers, and then the operation can ease on.”…….

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ‘ Infowars media platform and its assets will be sold off piece by piece in auctions this fall to help pay the more than $1 billion he owes relatives of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, under an order expected to be approved by a federal judge.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston said during a court hearing Tuesday that he will approve the auctions that start in November. But he said he first must change a previous order to make it clear that the trustee overseeing Jones’ personal bankruptcy case controls all the assets of Infowars parent company Free Speech Systems, which is owned 100% by Jones.

Despite the pending loss of his company, Jones vows to continue his talk shows through other means, possibly including a new website and his personal social media accounts. He also has suggested that Infowars’ assets could be bought by his supporters, allowing him to continue hosting his show as an employee under the Infowars brand in their home city of Austin, Texas.

“It’s very cut and dry that the assets of Free Speech Systems, the website, the equipment, the shopping cart, all that, can be sold,” Jones said on a recent show. “And they know full well that there are a bunch of patriot buyers, and then the operation can ease on.”…….


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