Classic/Popular movies you've never seen... (3 Viewers)

I never saw Avatar, Eternal Sunsine of the Spotless Mind, Kill Bill, any Harry Poter, and Godfather, and Lord of the Rings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, any Twilight, the Hunger Games, My Big Fat Greek Wedding..... I'm sure there is more.
O yeah, definitely any Harry Potter: Never saw it

Lethal Weapon
Apocalypse Now - only seen the fist 30 mins
Deer Hunter
Butch Cassidy
Taxi Driver
Lion King
None of the Harry Potter films
I have seen just about every movie y'all have not seen.
Any Disney movie from the last 25 years
The 3rd Lord of the Rings movie
Any Harry Potter movie
Any animated movie made since Heavy Metal
Any Nicholas Cage movie since Con Air
This thread is very interesting because Ive seen most if not all of these movies.
So, I must ask to those of you that haven't seen Lord of the Rings, Godfather, Harry Potter, Lethal Weapon, Star Wars, etc.

Is it because you folks aren't that into movies?
Or is it just a lack of interest in the stories/films themselves?

I can understand no interest in a movie like The Pest starring John Leguizamo but a lot of these flicks are either classics or just entertaining. I read the Lord of the Rings and had created visuals in my head but it was even better to see the characters and settings brought to life.
Gone With the Wind
Miracle on 34th St
Its A Wonderful Life
If you haven't seen Avatar you aren't missing out on much, another extremely overrated movie.
I never saw Avatar, Eternal Sunsine of the Spotless Mind, Kill Bill, any Harry Poter, and Godfather, and Lord of the Rings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, any Twilight, the Hunger Games, My Big Fat Greek Wedding..... I'm sure there is more.

You should really just take the time out to watch the bolded IMO.
This thread is very interesting because Ive seen most if not all of these movies.
So, I must ask to those of you that haven't seen Lord of the Rings, Godfather, Harry Potter, Lethal Weapon, Star Wars, etc.

Is it because you folks aren't that into movies?
Or is it just a lack of interest in the stories/films themselves?

I can understand no interest in a movie like The Pest starring John Leguizamo but a lot of these flicks are either classics or just entertaining. I read the Lord of the Rings and had created visuals in my head but it was even better to see the characters and settings brought to life.

Lord of the Rings: Im just not big into fantasy and midevil flicks. Not into kings, dragons, wizards, and all that stuff. I do like Game of Thrones, becauses its so grimey, but it took someone to force me to watch that.

I watched some of the 1st LOTR and it just didnt grab me.

Godfather: Its just a long movie and you have to take a lot of time out of your day to watch. I finally did a few years ago and boy was it worth it. Not I have to muster up enought to watch part 2.

Harry Poter: I just have absolutely no interesting in Harry Potter, the books, the movies, none of it. None of what I heard about it interests me whatsoever.

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