Cops: Man Choked 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom (4 Viewers)

This is, on all sides, the dumbest election year "issue" ever invented to rile up one voting base or another. To paraphrase Allen Iverson, we're talking about bathrooms, man. The rich get richer while the middle class lives off of the scraps, our nation's largely post WWII public infrastructure is crumbling due to neglected maintenance, and other things that matter are going on and we're talking about bathrooms. We're talking about bathrooms.
This is, on all sides, the dumbest election year "issue" ever invented to rile up one voting base or another. To paraphrase Allen Iverson, we're talking about bathrooms, man. The rich get richer while the middle class lives off of the scraps, our nation's largely post WWII public infrastructure is crumbling due to neglected maintenance, and other things that matter are going on and we're talking about bathrooms. We're talking about bathrooms.

Exactly. Part of the argument my wife and I had about this was the fact that they're just using this as a distraction from actual issues affecting the country, but we're talking about bathrooms.
I reiterate: If someone you see as a man walks into a women's restroom they are:

A) A transgender who identifies as male being forced to use the women's restroom because they were born female.

B) A perv who should get their *** kicked.

C) A guy who got confused and somehow walked into the women's room on accident. (Happened to me once, the signs were missing. I promptly ran out, quite embarassed.)

Transgender man is in the running to appear on 'Men's Health' cover

This person was born female. What would you think if they walk into the women's room?


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To me the issue arises about this happening more frequently because for the past century a man trying to walk into a women's restroom would have been stopped.
A man trying to walk into a restroom today will still be stopped. Men cannot go into women's restrooms, only women. If you see a man walking into a restroom and you think you should say something, then say something or do something. You won't get in trouble. If you happen to stop a woman who looks like a man you'll likely be embarrassed, but does that matter if you think someone is in danger? She might get mad at you too and call you names, but again, is that important if you think someone was in danger?

The North Carolina law forces some men to go into the women's room, and it forces some women to go into the men's room. How are you going to react when one of those men has to -- by law -- walk into the women's room?
A man trying to walk into a restroom today will still be stopped. Men cannot go into women's restrooms, only women. If you see a man walking into a restroom and you think you should say something, then say something or do something. You won't get in trouble. If you happen to stop a woman who looks like a man you'll likely be embarrassed, but does that matter if you think someone is in danger? She might get mad at you too and call you names, but again, is that important if you think someone was in danger?

The North Carolina law forces some men to go into the women's room, and it forces some women to go into the men's room. How are you going to react when one of those men has to -- by law -- walk into the women's room?

I didn't say that people would get in trouble for stopping a man from walking into the women's restroom at a place like Target but all it takes is one person stopping someone and then getting blasted on FB and twitter before people are afraid to do so. Me personally, I'm gonna say something if needed but most of this can be eliminated by the large stores having Family Restrooms.
Based on the recent "recommendations" by the White House, it is now ok for a male go into and use the girls locker room at school.
It's like people refuse to read. Men cannot go into a woman's bathroom. Only women can. Every trans bathroom law written does not allow men to go into the women's room. If a man walks into a women's room they should certainly be asked to leave.
I really don't give a crap about the argument that there is a low probability of anything bad happening. We as a society should be doing everything to make sure that nothing ever bad happens in the first place. Once something bad is allowed to happen, there is no taking it back. Ever.
It's not more likely to happen, it's the same likelihood of happening. The law isn't changing the likelihood of a pedophile/rapist going into the bathroom and trying to do pervy/illegal things. It's just some people can't grasp the logic of the situation and see the types of incidents in the OP are no more likely to happen than before. This one happened with nothing to tie it to the brouhaha yet people still try to make it connect.

Oh and oddly you don't seem to care about making sure nothing bad happens to the trans people forced to go into a bathroom that is not their gender. I mean, that's what the laws allowing it were intended to do in the first place.
It's like people refuse to read. Men cannot go into a woman's bathroom. Only women can. Every trans bathroom law written does not allow men to go into the women's room. If a man walks into a women's room they should certainly be asked to leave.
It's not more likely to happen, it's the same likelihood of happening. The law isn't changing the likelihood of a pedophile/rapist going into the bathroom and trying to do pervy/illegal things. It's just some people can't grasp the logic of the situation and see the types of incidents in the OP are no more likely to happen than before. This one happened with nothing to tie it to the brouhaha yet people still try to make it connect.

Oh and oddly you don't seem to care about making sure nothing bad happens to the trans people forced to go into a bathroom that is not their gender. I mean, that's what the laws allowing it were intended to do in the first place.

Didn't Target just announce that men and women can go into the bathroom that they "identify" with? How does that say that men can't go into the women's restroom? How do you determine that someone doesn't "identify" with the bathroom they are about to walk into?
I didn't say that people would get in trouble for stopping a man from walking into the women's restroom at a place like Target but all it takes is one person stopping someone and then getting blasted on FB and twitter before people are afraid to do so. Me personally, I'm gonna say something if needed but most of this can be eliminated by the large stores having Family Restrooms.
Well then it sounds like the problem isn't the law, it is that people don't have the courage of their convictions. The same people who have no problem publicly denouncing a law and posting all kinds of things on FB and twitter and message boards would suddenly become shrinking violets if presented with the actual situation? I doubt that.

I'm fine with family restrooms, but I also have no problem with trans men sharing the men's room or trans women sharing the women's room (and yes, I have a daughter).
It's like people refuse to read. Men cannot go into a woman's bathroom. Only women can. Every trans bathroom law written does not allow men to go into the women's room. If a man walks into a women's room they should certainly be asked to leave.
It's not more likely to happen, it's the same likelihood of happening. The law isn't changing the likelihood of a pedophile/rapist going into the bathroom and trying to do pervy/illegal things. It's just some people can't grasp the logic of the situation and see the types of incidents in the OP are no more likely to happen than before. This one happened with nothing to tie it to the brouhaha yet people still try to make it connect.

Oh and oddly you don't seem to care about making sure nothing bad happens to the trans people forced to go into a bathroom that is not their gender. I mean, that's what the laws allowing it were intended to do in the first place.

Not being sarcastic just curious how this below statement reads that men can't enter the women's restroom?

“Inclusivity is a core belief at Target,” the statement read. “Most relevant for the conversations currently underway, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”

How is someone supposed to "prove" they are transgender? That's the issue I'm referring to.. couldn't a man just simply say he's a transgender as he's walking into the women's restroom?
Well then it sounds like the problem isn't the law, it is that people don't have the courage of their convictions. The same people who have no problem publicly denouncing a law and posting all kinds of things on FB and twitter and message boards would suddenly become shrinking violets if presented with the actual situation? I doubt that.

I'm fine with family restrooms, but I also have no problem with trans men sharing the men's room or trans women sharing the women's room (and yes, I have a daughter).

Again I've never said I had an issue with trans men or women.. it's the loophole that's there. How does someone PROVE they are trans? How does someone ask someone to prove they are trans?
Again I've never said I had an issue with trans men or women.. it's the loophole that's there. How does someone PROVE they are trans? How does someone ask someone to prove they are trans?

Who really cares who's in what restroom?
Didn't Target just announce that men and women can go into the bathroom that they "identify" with? How does that say that men can't go into the women's restroom? How do you determine that someone doesn't "identify" with the bathroom they are about to walk into?
A transgender woman is a woman, not a man. If you are a woman, you can use the women's room.

Have you known any trans people? They are almost always unnoticeable. They don't dress like women but look and act like men, they do everything to be what they feel like inside. Surgery, hormone therapy, therapy in general -- doing things to become their trans gender. You don't have people like Chris Helmsworth just throw on a dress one day and say "I feel like I'm a woman now."

And if a woman who looks like a man walks into a women's room, do you think people honestly aren't going to say anything? If Seth Rogen walked into a women's room, would you think nobody is going to say anything?

You asked about they have to PROVE they are trans? Why? You're making up situations to need proof when you don't. If you get the store manager and they ask the person to leave and it turns out they were trans, if they file a complaint nobody is going to jail; nobody is going to be fined. Honest mistakes are going to happen. Heck they already happen today with women dressing like men who are women, and vice versa. Are you going to demand to see the privates of every person who walks into a restroom that's you are unsure of?
Based on the recent "recommendations" by the White House, it is now ok for a male go into and use the girls locker room at school. I really don't give a crap about the argument that there is a low probability of anything bad happening. We as a society should be doing everything to make sure that nothing ever bad happens in the first place. Once something bad is allowed to happen, there is no taking it back. Ever.

that's not what it says
in fact it says the exact opposite of that
which you probably know and are spread falseness for whatever reason

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