Cops: Man Choked 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom (3 Viewers)

So how do you feel about open carry of guns?

As mentioned, men aren't going to be able to just throw on a wig and a dress and go be stealthy predators in public restrooms. Ultimately that's a poorly conceived plan with a likely outcome of being apprehended and facing consequences.

How is this being legislated?? As I understand it there is none. No excuse or medical records people will wear like a badge. Sorry. I just think it's dumb. What is the need for the sub 1%? This is a distraction and sjw-ism at its worst.
No, a transgender woman is a man. No amount of surgery, hormones of feelings can change that. He may act and look like a woman but he is still a man.

This is the equivalent of a guy with a 6th grade education arguing with a Fields Medal winner that imaginary numbers aren't real math and that's that. There's no point in engaging people about a subject that they clearly know nothing about.

It's so infuriating. There's so much information out there at your fingertips yet you choose to be willfully ignorant to support your preconceived, uneducated narrow opinion on this topic. There have been cases of children born into families with father's that sound just like you. Listen to their stories about their 1, 2, or 3 year olds. It's heartbreaking to watch a child try to deal with identity before Kindergarten. was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service and the domain name

Like I said...narrow minded. Could you review the scientific data available? No, you link a site whose motto is "The Right News. Right now." The former editor took a leave of absence in to serve as the director of radio and online operations for the Republican National Committee. Seriously?

Nah, stay in the echo chamber. Ignore the countless other information available from nonpolitical periodicals for the undocumented claims of a septagenarian Republican shrink. Marlboro also produced cancer research that proved there's no link between cancer and smoking. I'm guessing you trusted that over the REST of the research that the scientific community produced. Go ahead. Put your fingers back in your ears. was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service and the domain name

Like I said...narrow minded. Could you review the scientific data available? No, you link a site whose motto is's motto is "The Right News. Right now." The former editor took a leave of absence in to serve as the director of radio and online operations for the Republican National Committee. Seriously?

Nah, stay in the echo chamber. Ignore the countless other information available from nonpolitical periodicals for the undocumented claims of a septagenarian Republican shrink. Marlboro also produced cancer research that proved there's no link between cancer and smoking. I'm guessing you trusted that over the REST of the research that the scientific community produced. Go ahead. Put your fingers back in your ears.

So results are only right if they agree with your view? Nothing I put on here you would agree with...
So results are only right if they agree with your view? Nothing I put on here you would agree with...

You didn't put anything. You linked a conservative blog. All the world of actual science at your fingertips....and you linked a political blog.

That's where you get your science news. We can't have a conversation if you don't see the issue here.
How is it wrong unless it's a birth defect?

how about this - try to put the ideas of "normal" and "abnormal" on the table for a bit

imagine an average bell curve - most everyone fits under the big part of the bell
now look out at the sides and see where the occurrences start getting pretty rare
notice also that there's no place where there's some sort of gap -where we jump from a bunch of occurrences and then there's an interruption and we land in that rare area

defect is only a label that some apply because "othering" is just coin of the realm - but the human condition is fluid and constantly adapting to any varieties of factors


note that the lines drawn that separate the light from dark gray areas is a choice - it's not indicative of anything other than that's where someone drew the line
No, a transgender woman is a man. No amount of surgery, hormones of feelings can change that. He may act and look like a woman but he is still a man.

I'm going to guess that you - like most people - have never spent any time with a transgendered person. You're also not a doctor, so you don't know you're talking about.
I'm going to guess that you - like most people - have never spent any time with a transgendered person. You're also not a doctor, so you don't know you're talking about.

But it hasn't prevented him from making false diagnoses--on numerous occasions in multiple threads. And when intellectually challenged, he cries foul and plays the victim. He's proven that he isn't interested in substantive discussion on this issue because doesn't even read (or understand) the links he posts (and I doubt he reads what others link, likewise) and conflates opinion and research-based science.
This is, on all sides, the dumbest election year "issue" ever invented to rile up one voting base or another. To paraphrase Allen Iverson, we're talking about bathrooms, man. The rich get richer while the middle class lives off of the scraps, our nation's largely post WWII public infrastructure is crumbling due to neglected maintenance, and other things that matter are going on and we're talking about bathrooms. We're talking about bathrooms.

Absolutely. Not to belittle LGBT issues (there are legitimate issues on this subject), but this (political spin) is nothing more than an election year ploy at a wedge issue attempt to further split conservative votes or rally progressives. It's shallow and appeals to people's basest instincts and emotions rather than a real policy issue in presidential politics. Every election, it's the same thing, some social wedge issue tends to dominate the debates and it's a distraction from the very real issues of economics, jobs, military readiness/usage, SCOTUS, and the ever widening gap between the rich and lower/middle class.

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