COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (4 Viewers)

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Has anyone heard any rumblings about what JBE is going to announce today in regards to the stay at home order?
I know I'm not the only one who finds all of this fascinating. To think that there are all these other coronaviruses out there and they don't really do much to us, but this just keeps on coming up with more and more ways that it damages us. To paraphrase a famous line, "Of all the coronaviruses in all the organisms in all the world, this one makes the jump to us."

What really blew my mind is when I found out that the common cold is a coronavirus.
I don't want to speak for L.C., but we know that UV rays kills the virus so the idea was that if you are outside in sunshine the sun's UV rays would kill the virus before it can infect someone else.

Yes, and also being outside more readily dilutes the virus particles after each breath, especially if it is windy. Indoors, we are all breathing contained air, so the chances of breathing in virus from someone elses exhale or sneeze is higher. And in cooler temps with windows closed, that makes it even easier to catch it.

Obviously it is still possible to catch it if outdoors, but I think the chances are lower.
The problem is everywhere cannot be ruled the same. Here in Baldwin County there has only been 5 deaths out of 222 cases. Plus the increase of cases has to do with the increasing of testing. There are new testing locations coming out all the time.

I just checked the Alabama numbers, a total of 129,426 tested with 9,904 positive, about 7.65%. It would be interesting in two to three weeks to look at the tested and positive numbers to see if that percentage changes. I suspect that if you tested every person in the state that the overall positive number would go WAY UP, but the percentage positive out of those tested would go down. I think a percentage graph of positives vs total tested on a seven day moving average would be very useful.
Yes, and also being outside more readily dilutes the virus particles after each breath, especially if it is windy. Indoors, we are all breathing contained air, so the chances of breathing in virus from someone elses exhale or sneeze is higher. And in cooler temps with windows closed, that makes it even easier to catch it.

Obviously it is still possible to catch it if outdoors, but I think the chances are lower.

Right, but if you’re in a large group outside (like at a rally), you’re basically in a big cloud of germs. Kind of like the difference between getting a glass of water thrown at you and jumping in a swimming pool.
Protest to open the gyms in Florida - by showing that you can actually workout outside of the gym. 😂

Wasn't one of the main reasons for shutting everything down was to not overload the hospitals? In locations that this is not an issue they are opening back up. If you are afraid you may get sick stay inside. If you are not get out and about, but be responsible. Businesses need to also be responsible for themselves and their customers. Everyone needs to make their own decisions and not be controlled by a blanket decision. Depending on where we go we may or may not wear our masks. We will still use hand sanitizer and wash our hands.

The first problem with this is that people who don't want to put themselves at risk for medical or any other reasons won't be able to stay in because once their job opens most don't have a choice but to go back and put themselves at risk.

Second, people are already going out and many, if not most, are not being in any way responsible. you yourself are even deciding when you want to wear a mask and when you don't.

Third, the problem with a virus is that in order to stop it, it has to be a blanket decision. Doing it piece meal only means that you are constantly running around putting out fires in different areas as the virus moves from one place that is locked down, to the places that are not locked down. Unless the areas that are not locked down close the borders of their parish/county to all outsiders, the virus will spread there as well. Letting people make the decision for themselves is the same as doing nothing.

We don't let people decide if they should speed, run red lights, steal, assault, kill, etc. Why would we let people individually decide if they are going to spread a deadly disease?

Finally, part of the point was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed, and we are at that point right now in some places. But, if people continue to be irresponsible and open the way they have been, then we will be back at that risk point very quickly again. Except this time, it will be nearly impossible to get people to stay at home again and if they do it will be even worse for the economy than if we had stayed in lock down longer. And, a bunch more people are going to die.
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Right, but if you’re in a large group outside (like at a rally), you’re basically in a big cloud of germs. Kind of like the difference between getting a glass of water thrown at you and jumping in a swimming pool.
ABSOLUTELY! I should have added the caveat that we should still wear masks, and probably MORE importantly practice social distancing (and I personally prefer 20 feet). If people are milling around shoulder to shoulder, laughing, yelling, high fiving, sneezing, not wearing masks, then ALL bets are off.
The first problem with this is that people who don't want to put themselves at risk for medical or any other reasons won't be able to stay in because once their job opens most don't have a choice but to go back and put themselves at risk.

Second, people are already going out and many, if not most, are not being in any way responsible. you yourself are even deciding when you want to wear a mask and when you don't.

Third, the problem with a virus is that in order to stop it, it has to be a blanket decision. Doing it piece meal only means that you are constantly running around putting out fires in different areas as the virus moves from one place that is locked down, to the places that are not locked down. Unless the area that are not locked down close the boards of their parish/county to all outsiders the virus will spread there as well. Letting people make the decision for themselves is the same as doing nothing.

We don't let people decide if they should speed, run red lights, steal, assault, kill, etc. Why would we let people individually decide if they are going to spread a deadly disease?

Finally, part of the point was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed, and we are at that point right now in some places. But, if people continue to be irresponsible and open the way they have been, then we will be back at that risk point very quickly again. Except this time, it will be nearly impossible to get people to stay at home again and if they do it will be even worse for the economy than if we had stayed in lock down longer. And, a bunch more people are going to die.' freedom!
So long as you dont cough or sneeze on them.

Yeah, it's obviously not fool proof and I wouldn't personally trust my life or my family's life to it, but you are "safer" outside than inside. Although I don't think there has been any serious study of how much the risk is reduced by being outside. But, as buzd suggested that's probably only true when people aren't close together at things like rally or concert. Once you get close together, there is not time or space for the virus to be killed by the UV or for the virus to dissipate in the air.
Looking for a metaphorical meme I saw the other day, something about WWII London and the blitz, dealing with lights off, and a subset of the populace claiming their right to leave their lights on.

Anyone seen this? I have looked in numerous threads but cannot find it.
The first problem with this is that people who don't want to put themselves at risk for medical or any other reasons won't be able to stay in because once their job opens most don't have a choice but to go back and put themselves at risk.

Second, people are already going out and many, if not most, are not being in any way responsible. you yourself are even deciding when you want to wear a mask and when you don't.

Third, the problem with a virus is that in order to stop it, it has to be a blanket decision. Doing it piece meal only means that you are constantly running around putting out fires in different areas as the virus moves from one place that is locked down, to the places that are not locked down. Unless the areas that are not locked down close the borders of their parish/county to all outsiders, the virus will spread there as well. Letting people make the decision for themselves is the same as doing nothing.

We don't let people decide if they should speed, run red lights, steal, assault, kill, etc. Why would we let people individually decide if they are going to spread a deadly disease?

Finally, part of the point was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed, and we are at that point right now in some places. But, if people continue to be irresponsible and open the way they have been, then we will be back at that risk point very quickly again. Except this time, it will be nearly impossible to get people to stay at home again and if they do it will be even worse for the economy than if we had stayed in lock down longer. And, a bunch more people are going to die.

What is your solution - stay holed up forever? If I lived in a heavily populated area I would probably stayed holed up. In the rural areas the virus is not that bad. If people are afraid to go to work or go out and about stay home. The county I live in only has 222 positive cases and 5 deaths.
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