Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? (2 Viewers)

Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh regularly.

    Votes: 16 12.7%
  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh occasionally.

    Votes: 44 34.9%
  • I never listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    Votes: 66 52.4%

  • Total voters
I, like SBTB, try to listen to parts of his show everyday. Yes, he is an egotistical gasbag, but that is part of his act. He is one of many sources I read or listen to everyday to get an eclectic view of current events. As for some of the other conservative voices out there, Hannity can get tiresome very quickly, and O'Reilly makes my skin crawl. Rush's show is much more "entertaining" than anything out there and that is why his show has been consistently #1 for many years.
To me it's not about any "facts" so much as the "tone". I like to hear what that segement of the electorate is saying, what they're feeling (because we know large parts of them get their marching orders from him), what the "issues" are for them.

It's just a way to stay informed. Not about the issues themselves. I can find much more reliable and complete information elsewhere, but about certain groups responses to those issues.

It's also amusing to come back to the EE and see exact phrases or talking points being parrotted as original opinion by certain people, but that's pretty much just "bonus" :hihi:

Zing! precisely why I listen to him on occasion, besides the humor factor. I have been known ti check into Laura Ingram too.
I still occasionally listen to him. He has his moments, but he just gets boring because it's the same thing over and over again.
I still occasionally listen to him. He has his moments, but he just gets boring because it's the same thing over and over again.
I used to listen every day, but I lost interest after the ESPN thing. I thought he handled the fallout from his comments like a coward (not that what he said was right, but it was an opinion, and should've been defended as such). Then, as Reb pointed out, it just was too much of the same thing over and over. He is entertaining though, in smaller doses...
I listen once or twice a week when I'm in my car during his "on" hours. All b.s. partisan politics aside, Rush knows what he's talking about and presents angles that are both often correct and outside of the mainstream thought. I find his spin particularly good after major elections.



I would not have thought you felt this way.

I listen to rush whenever my schedule allows it, generally about 7ish hours a week (of 15 hours of programming)

I can tell by the comments that the majority of "rush haters" do not listen to him.

Often his comments and thoughts are taken out of context, and he is far less a cheerleader for the republican party than levin or hannity.

Rush makes no bones that he is an entertainer and he does what he does and says what he says to make money.

He gives very thoughtful political insight and as TPS says presents angles that are both often correct and outside of the mainstream thought.

Does he have a bias against Liberals? Yes, he disagrees with the policies.

He takes issues with the republicans when it may be unpopular with his fan base to do so, but of course he will ultimately always side with the republicans because for a conservative the Dems are just not an option.

Rush's biggest problem (IMHO) is his huge ego. which can easily get tiresome of listen to, but being a listener, and someone who agrees with limbaugh on multiple issues (not all personally) does not make you "brainwashed".

Nor does defending him...

I thought lazybones did a good job defending himself from the masses in the other thread..

But of course when a right leaner defends themself from the masses, and feels they kinda got ganged up on (which I feel he did) they are whining.

That attitude has caused me to post less and less on the EE...
See wombats eloquant summary of the EE in that thread.

the overall theme is that right leaners and conservatives are some less "enlightened" than the moderates and left leaners. I'll stop pointing this out before I get accussed of conservative crybagging...
That attitude has caused me to post less and less on the EE...
See wombats eloquant summary of the EE in that thread.

I usually stay away from political threads. It's like standing in the water naked while chumming for barracudas.
I find complete hilarity in the idea that the EE is somehow dominated by "the left".

Moderates? Probably. However, this "conservatives get ganged up on" stuff is nonsense. Ideologues get hit by all sides because the EE, more than most other places, is free minded turf. A leftist ideologue is just as likely to get an intellectual beatdown here as a right wing one. However, since this is a board comprised almost entirely of southern white males there just aren't many of those.

It's not about conservative or liberal it's about being able to express your self in a succinct way. LSSPAM is one of the strongest defenders of the war on this board. He doesn't whine about getting ganged up on when Reb and adder are going at him because he's able to express himself and his own thoughts effectively. dapperdan is about as rightwing as you'll find and is also one of the more respected posters here because of the wealth of knowledge he brings to almost any subject. Same can be said for guys like Inkspot and Sparkle.

It's not a conservative thing, it's a thinking thing.
I used to listen to him daily, but I've since moved on. I'll occasionally turn him on if I'm driving at the time.
I can't. His pompous *** makes me want to yank my radio out of the dash. he's so transparent in his agenda and he sickens me.
I can't. His pompous *** makes me want to yank my radio out of the dash. he's so transparent in his agenda and he sickens me.


If he makes any valid arguments they are so clouded by and sandwiched between his mean-spirited, intellectually dishonest commentary. While he does speak for a significant segment of the electorate, it's not like they're the most unpredictable crowd. I'd say that I pretty much know where the Rush Limbaugh listeners stand without having to listen to Rush.

He's better than Hannity though.
In honor of this thread, I'm listening to Rush for the first time in about 3 years. We'll see if I find the same stuff grating.
I find complete hilarity in the idea that the EE is somehow dominated by "the left".

Moderates? Probably. However, this "conservatives get ganged up on" stuff is nonsense. Ideologues get hit by all sides because the EE, more than most other places, is free minded turf. A leftist ideologue is just as likely to get an intellectual beatdown here as a right wing one. However, since this is a board comprised almost entirely of southern white males there just aren't many of those.

It's not about conservative or liberal it's about being able to express your self in a succinct way. LSSPAM is one of the strongest defenders of the war on this board. He doesn't whine about getting ganged up on when Reb and adder are going at him because he's able to express himself and his own thoughts effectively. dapperdan is about as rightwing as you'll find and is also one of the more respected posters here because of the wealth of knowledge he brings to almost any subject. Same can be said for guys like Inkspot and Sparkle.

It's not a conservative thing, it's a thinking thing.

Good post. I almost wanted to bring dapperdan in as an example, because you don't see him coming in on a lot of the weakest threads, where there seems to be the greatest amount of complaining about liberal bias, or liberal whatever. The reason you don't see him IMHO is because they are weak threads to begin with.

He's a great poster who has a conservative point of view, but at the same time he's usually pretty open to having his mind changed about things if the arguments are strong enough. He doesn't change his mind much, but still, that's probably why threads that he invests in are pretty strong.

I'm not trying to get a date with him or anything, but I just think he's a good example of someone who mostly argues from a conservative point of view, but you don't see him giving a flip about Rush Limbaugh, do you? I think the smartest conservatives know that's just a silly sideshow topic.

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I can't. His pompous *** makes me want to yank my radio out of the dash. he's so transparent in his agenda and he sickens me.

Liberale. I bet you do work for the DNC. :hihi:

I feel the same way. What finally did it for me is when he was running a fund raiser to get people to buy subscriptions to his web service for troops serving in Iraq so they could "hear the real truth" not the spin from the "liberal media." He wasn't giving them away to the guys serving, he was getting other people to pay for them. He sold it as him being a capitalist and it was patriotic of him to have others buy them for the troops. If he really cared about the guys who were serving he would have given all active military personnel free passes to his site, it's not like it would have cost him much of anything.

In my mind, that was war profiteering and just a gimmick to get more money for him. I lost any respect I had left for him that day and have only listened on very rare occasions since then. And, I was a person who listened to him every day in the late 80's to early 90's and went to see him speak at UNO in 1991 or 1992.

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