I find complete hilarity in the idea that the EE is somehow dominated by "the left".
Moderates? Probably. However, this "conservatives get ganged up on" stuff is nonsense. Ideologues get hit by all sides because the EE, more than most other places, is free minded turf. A leftist ideologue is just as likely to get an intellectual beatdown here as a right wing one. However, since this is a board comprised almost entirely of southern white males there just aren't many of those.
It's not about conservative or liberal it's about being able to express your self in a succinct way. LSSPAM is one of the strongest defenders of the war on this board. He doesn't whine about getting ganged up on when Reb and adder are going at him because he's able to express himself and his own thoughts effectively. dapperdan is about as rightwing as you'll find and is also one of the more respected posters here because of the wealth of knowledge he brings to almost any subject. Same can be said for guys like Inkspot and Sparkle.
It's not a conservative thing, it's a thinking thing.
I disagree. I know that all views may take an "intellectual beatdown" but it is the overall tone that rightwingers are simply "sheep" and that they are not freethinkers.
Implications are rampant that they "get thier marching orders" or "are brainwashed" just in these two threads.
And then when this is pointed out we get accussed of whining.
I dont really care, I am not scared and will not dunk a legit discussion, I have views that many on the board disagree with, and I feel I have [almost] always been very reasonable when discussing them, and though from time to time I may point out what I feel to be a condesending tone towards the low brow redneck religous right wingers, I generally have my discussions with out "whining."
even some people I believe are "moderates" on this board make such implications about rightwingers, especially limbaugh listeners, saying his listeners are sheep, and are brainwashed...
I just think that is an unjust, invalid, and unsupport generalization of MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people....
and frankly the tone is one of superiorority over the lowly sheep that listen to rush.