>>I'm more concerned that he's Dick Cheney's cousin than what his middle name is.
Olbermann or someone cracked on Cheney last week, "Look out, Vice President Cheney is going on a hunting trip this weekend."
As far as Barack Hussein Obama (get used to hearing that like you used to hear George Herbert Walker Bush), he also cracked on his relationship to Dick Cheney.
Reacting to the news, Obama's campaign spokesman Bill Burton told CNN's Dana Bash with tongue in cheek, "Obviously, Dick Cheney is sort of the black sheep of the family."
Obama is also an 11th cousin of President Bush tied to a Massachusetts anscestor in the 1600's. He's related to Cheney via the first Richard Cheney who came to America in the 1650's.
What Obama said about it last week was that you want to be related to someone cool, like a king. But he's related to Dick Cheney, not so cool. :17: Of course we all probably are too, but, yeah, he's the blacksheep.
Olbermann or someone cracked on Cheney last week, "Look out, Vice President Cheney is going on a hunting trip this weekend."

Reacting to the news, Obama's campaign spokesman Bill Burton told CNN's Dana Bash with tongue in cheek, "Obviously, Dick Cheney is sort of the black sheep of the family."
Obama is also an 11th cousin of President Bush tied to a Massachusetts anscestor in the 1600's. He's related to Cheney via the first Richard Cheney who came to America in the 1650's.
What Obama said about it last week was that you want to be related to someone cool, like a king. But he's related to Dick Cheney, not so cool. :17: Of course we all probably are too, but, yeah, he's the blacksheep.