Education / Teaching thread (3 Viewers)

Wife and I were just talking about the Arizona Voucher and she was asking what the overall point was, like what are ‘they’ hoping to accomplish
My response was that I’m pretty sure breaking education was the sole aim
At least in broad terms
If something is a public good backed/endorsed/funded by the government, then breaking it is the goal
Like she was trying to connect
A. Burn crops
B. Salt Earth
C. ?????
D. Profit
I was like, ‘stop at B, B is the point’

Governor Edwards released his proposed budget today. In it, he's asking for $2000 raises for certified teachers. He said that if the REC finds more funds available, it should be $3000. How much you wanna bet the legislature says no to both and MAYBE gives us $1000 or $1500 at most. Meanwhile, insurance premiums will go up and eat up most of that raise. Fun times.
Governor Edwards released his proposed budget today. In it, he's asking for $2000 raises for certified teachers. He said that if the REC finds more funds available, it should be $3000. How much you wanna bet the legislature says no to both and MAYBE gives us $1000 or $1500 at most. Meanwhile, insurance premiums will go up and eat up most of that raise. Fun times.
I’ll see if I get a raise then let you know how much I’m willing to bet
I’m on the fence. I mean I was in K-5 education for 25 years. Suspending younger kids for defiance was usually a situation where the teacher had lost control or was on a power trip. Most of the time, there were a few times where even with me situations would escalate. But as a whole k-5 I agreed with it.

Now that I’m in 6th I’m more undecided. I mean I can control just about anything just because it’s extremely hard to get me irritated, and it’s really hard to find that point to have a kid challenge me with defiance. But, it’s happened more this year than ever.

Let me say this. Lots of teachers I see suck. They are on their power trip, and rather than trying to bond with the kids and work with them, they go all high and mighty and end up with situations that do nothing but go downhill. Out of the 22 teachers in my school there are 4 of us that can pretty much handle anything. But that leaves 18. Some are young and just don’t have the skins on the wall, but a good half of those teachers even the kids say don’t like kids and they have no respect for. So they act out and challenge them.

I mean there should be training for teachers on how to phrase and word things so that they avoid the us vs them thing. There are a lot of things that can be done on the teacher side to limit these things from happening.

On the other side there is a sizable number of kids who seem to relish in their defiance attitude. Some kids that you let get away with things because they beat you down and do you want to deal with their stuff day after day. Student X you know who I’m referring to. But here’s the thing, are you going to suspend them every day? Every class period? What do you do with kids like this? And to many there are no real repercussions, and sadly while it may make that teacher happy, suspension doesn’t work, although it does get them out of your hair for a day. Although to this same subset, you have limited buy-in from parents, and most of the time the apple doesn’t fall far if you get the drift. So to go after their little darling for defiance probably means you get that same attitude from the parents sadly.

Sometimes the answer is hauling in parents, as at least California Ed code allows you to require parents to sit with their kids. Sometimes it’s the calls home, heck even in front of their classmates, though that can be tricky.

So there’s a lot of things that should also be done, and need to be done as suspension doesn’t work, and doesn’t solve anything. But, to just completely get rid of it 6-12. Yeah I dunno if I’d go that far.

But then there was the day I was pissed off and joked to my VP, why don’t you just give them their damn vape pens back and make my life easier?
I’m on the fence. I mean I was in K-5 education for 25 years. Suspending younger kids for defiance was usually a situation where the teacher had lost control or was on a power trip. Most of the time, there were a few times where even with me situations would escalate. But as a whole k-5 I agreed with it.

Now that I’m in 6th I’m more undecided. I mean I can control just about anything just because it’s extremely hard to get me irritated, and it’s really hard to find that point to have a kid challenge me with defiance. But, it’s happened more this year than ever.

Let me say this. Lots of teachers I see suck. They are on their power trip, and rather than trying to bond with the kids and work with them, they go all high and mighty and end up with situations that do nothing but go downhill. Out of the 22 teachers in my school there are 4 of us that can pretty much handle anything. But that leaves 18. Some are young and just don’t have the skins on the wall, but a good half of those teachers even the kids say don’t like kids and they have no respect for. So they act out and challenge them.

I mean there should be training for teachers on how to phrase and word things so that they avoid the us vs them thing. There are a lot of things that can be done on the teacher side to limit these things from happening.

On the other side there is a sizable number of kids who seem to relish in their defiance attitude. Some kids that you let get away with things because they beat you down and do you want to deal with their stuff day after day. Student X you know who I’m referring to. But here’s the thing, are you going to suspend them every day? Every class period? What do you do with kids like this? And to many there are no real repercussions, and sadly while it may make that teacher happy, suspension doesn’t work, although it does get them out of your hair for a day. Although to this same subset, you have limited buy-in from parents, and most of the time the apple doesn’t fall far if you get the drift. So to go after their little darling for defiance probably means you get that same attitude from the parents sadly.

Sometimes the answer is hauling in parents, as at least California Ed code allows you to require parents to sit with their kids. Sometimes it’s the calls home, heck even in front of their classmates, though that can be tricky.

So there’s a lot of things that should also be done, and need to be done as suspension doesn’t work, and doesn’t solve anything. But, to just completely get rid of it 6-12. Yeah I dunno if I’d go that far.

But then there was the day I was P'Oed off and joked to my VP, why don’t you just give them their damn vape pens back and make my life easier?
Good stuff- it seems to me this is trying to remove the easier/more punitive tool - probably signaling to local schools and boards that they need to find what works best for them
I'll be following this closely, as it looks like they're already trying to figure out ways to avoid pay raises for teachers.

Especially in light of this bill that was proposed...

If they actually pass that pay raise for themselves and screw over teachers, there's going to be a lot of angry educators.
I understand the idea of what they're going for here, but the optics are terrible.

' we can't get any worse than 50th so what's the harm?'
Incentivizing the profession is the way to go; it has to be. It isn't just pay, it's also say, benefits, support/administration, academic and professional autonomy/respect, and so much more.

But direct compensation is what is going to get them there, while the institutional supports are going to keep them there.

Here in Ontario, it was a solid job on both counts. In the last few years, tho, the latter has been crumbling and the numbers are dwindling and shortages are being faced in places where you could be a sub (requiring a teaching degree) for 5-10 years before getting a full time gig.

This says much about the state. None of it good.
Incentivizing the profession is the way to go; it has to be. It isn't just pay, it's also say, benefits, support/administration, academic and professional autonomy/respect, and so much more.

But direct compensation is what is going to get them there, while the institutional supports are going to keep them there.

Here in Ontario, it was a solid job on both counts. In the last few years, tho, the latter has been crumbling and the numbers are dwindling and shortages are being faced in places where you could be a sub (requiring a teaching degree) for 5-10 years before getting a full time gig.

This says much about the state. None of it good.
i'm bracing for the possibility that the regional transphobic/anti-lgbtq+ insanity - wherein many, many plays are coming under scrutiny because they don't demonize the people that reactionaries want demonized
i tend not to care too much about matching gender to role - i've slated Midsummer Night's Dream for the fall
my wife's team has proposed Romeo & Juliet for their Fall - one of her admins asked if there was any content that might cause concern in families
these are CENTURIES old plays
how have we sunk back to being little more progressive than Elizabethan english culture?
it's maddening
>>my wife's team has proposed Romeo & Juliet for their Fall - one of her admins asked if there was any content that might cause concern in families

I hope I'm not spoiling the ending for anyone here, but maybe the double suicide might be what "kills" this from going forward? Or Mercutio's death? And how does the admin not know the story of Romeo & Juliet?
>>my wife's team has proposed Romeo & Juliet for their Fall - one of her admins asked if there was any content that might cause concern in families

I hope I'm not spoiling the ending for anyone here, but maybe the double suicide might be what "kills" this from going forward? Or Mercutio's death? And how does the admin not know the story of Romeo & Juliet?
Ridiculous, but I am 0% surprised
>>my wife's team has proposed Romeo & Juliet for their Fall - one of her admins asked if there was any content that might cause concern in families

I hope I'm not spoiling the ending for anyone here, but maybe the double suicide might be what "kills" this from going forward? Or Mercutio's death? And how does the admin not know the story of Romeo & Juliet?

The opening lines, after the Chorus, is a couple of dudes measuring their manhood and then talking about pinning virgins against the wall, after the murdered the brothers and fathers, and sexually assaulting them.

If you can handle that, you ought be able to manage the rest.

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