Education / Teaching thread (1 Viewer)

Having a wife that was admin at site level, now at District Office, and more than a few friends that are admin I take absolute offense to this and will tap out on this thread now so I don’t go off on a bannable rant.
That’s unfortunate bc you might be able to share a perspective few of us are privy to
That’s unfortunate bc you might be able to share a perspective few of us are privy to
Not sure why he got worked up. Like I said, policy, staffing, priorities, funding, etc. vary greatly from district to district. Here we have a lot of incompetence and dysfunction at the school and district level which does nothing to detract from his and Ms Goatman's situation. I'm sure Goatman's wife is a competent and dedicated admin. Would there were more like her here. There ain't, and it sucks.
If children aren't told about the "theory" of gravity, they won't be limited by it.

If children aren't told about the "theory" of gravity, they won't be limited by it.

i get that this is a rhetorical question, but what historical theocracies are these nimrods looking to and thinking, 'yeah, we need to bring this back'?
or are they seeing how good Afghanistan and Iran are doing and want to get in on that action?
If children aren't told about the "theory" of gravity, they won't be limited by it.

That senator is a forking idiot. He must not have paid much attention in any science class.
If children aren't told about the "theory" of gravity, they won't be limited by it.

This kind of sheet is funny but also scary as hell. When someone who doesn’t know what a scientific theory actually is starts wanting to regulate it, the next thing you will see is a certain religious text being taught as actual historical fact. I’m so glad that my children got the education that they did.
Fortunately the idiot in Montana is simply that. He’s an idiot looking for controversy and the spotlight. The Montana office of Public Instruction by the constitution has the right to decide content and curriculum, not the legislature. So even I’d Tweedle Dumb’s idea passes-it won’t- and Gianforte signs it (he’s another idiot who would sign it) it would be thrown out.

Being from Montana I can’t believe this comes out of my state. Montana was always very conservative and risk averse. Never too excited when the good times were there, never freak out when the bad times come. Just very solid middle of the line. Full of people where you may not like them because they were of the opposing party, but you grudgingly respected them because they were high quality guys.

Now there’s people like this
If children aren't told about the "theory" of gravity, they won't be limited by it.

Bugs Bunny never studied it and never fell off a cliff.

Louisiana out of their damn mind. They don't have a teacher shortage? Yeah, ok. Take away the massive amounts of retired teachers you have coming back year to year and you're screwed.

Louisiana out of their damn mind. They don't have a teacher shortage? Yeah, ok. Take away the massive amounts of retired teachers you have coming back year to year and you're screwed.

Hahaha, that's hilarious. We're out of touch with reality as usual.

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