1st the response to Sun and you was a consideration of the broader economics of education- that kid was not kept in the classroom after multiple assaults because of bad parentingIt's almost entirely a parenting issue... There are just as many rouge rich kids out there screwing up schools as their are working class poor kids... both lack basic home training and parenting (empathy, respect, motivation, emotional stability). Economics play a part to some degree in a parents' availability on both ends of the spectrum... but in the end it's the responsibility of the parent to raise their children - not the school system. Money don't fix bad non-existent parenting.... and Schools can't teach kids to be decent humans... nor should they be tasked with doing so.
The breakdown between admin and teacher is a political/economic issue (not even an educational one)
We used to put these kids into institutions- and broadly those were horror shows - with plenty of kids who should not have been institutionalized but were anyway
So ‘we’ sought to fix that
Broadly the fix was teach both behavioral and developmental challenges in ‘regular’ classes just have additional help
Guess what usually happened to the funding for the extra help at the state level?
Evaporated like so many other social programs
And the mandate to keep the kids in regular school did not change
I’m sure we can all see the problem here…