The "diverted chips" are all the H100 chips. Musk probably has a plan between the Dojo and perhaps ordering Blackwells, but not being transparent with shareholders will end up biting him on the butt. He's too self-important and based on the history of how he has run Twitter and Tesla, does not value the input of others, and does not appreciate their contributions. I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually gets removed as CEO of Tesla, but I doubt he diverted the H100s without a plan of some kind for Tesla.NVIDIA is now moving on from H100 chips to Blackwell which will be much more powerful and roughly 30% faster than the H100 ( from what i have read )
Currently, the Dojo Wafer runs about 25% of H100 capacity and requires liquid cooling. Thats not enough for his Dojo Supercomputer which will be used exclusively for AI training
And when i read about the AI training and think of what it will have to be able to do....i dont know that he pulls this off. This Dojo SC will be responsible for spitting out the data that will be used in autonomous vehicles. ( self driving )
The magnitude of this endeavor is really hard for me to wrap my brain around.