Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words (1 Viewer)

and was scared to be politically unpopular by sending too many troops too fastQUOTE]

Not picking on you JJ

this actuallt worries me, I have heard this from a couple of areas, the re-working of the history, that the President was snookered and he secretly wanted to send more troops in early but was afraid to.

It's a shifting of blame to the administration and away from the man. But the man is President and what he wanted happened. THis is a guy that nominated Miers becuase thats what he wanted. I don't think he was hood winked on Iraq. He just didn't care about the details, like he didn't care about the details for Katrina...
Mitch Snyder. That's the guy's name. I was in the kitchen, checking on the baked spaghetti, and out of the blue the name pops into my head, Mitch Snyder. Now I probably won't be able to forget it. lol.
>>The wealthiest Americans, as a group, are paying a much higher share of taxes today than they were before the tax “cuts

I only clicked on the end of the thread (posted earlier) because I saw dapperdan had posted. So I read your last two posts. FWIW, the idea that the rich are paying a much higher share of taxes today than they were before the tax "cuts" is a completely irrelevant point (or at least doesn't tell but part of a story). It's only valid in combination with with other factors* to have any real meaning.

*Other factors would include (but cetainly not be limited to) things like share of the wealth, income, accumulation of assets, etc.

Rush used to say that about the Reagan years all the time (the rich paid 'record' taxes under the Reagan tax cuts. What he didn't tell you is that in the redistribution and consolidation of the middle and lowerclass' wealth, they got record "richer" too ;).

I'm not sure if this was covered already or not but, simply put

the complete and utter lack of accountability.

Look, I don't mind that he screwed up (and yes, he's screwed up a lot more then just the Iraq war). I don't even directly mind that he mislead the nation (he's not the first president to do so).

It's the total lack of accountability.

We go into Iraq with too few troops and he keeps Rumsfield on until Rumsfield causes the Repulicans to lose the midterms and only then sacks Rumsfield to prove that he didn't do it under pressure. We just don't need that kind of self-centered egoism in office.

Presidents screw up. Lincoln went through, how many Generals over the AotP? 8? Kennedy had his Bay of Pigs, FDR went through well over a dozen New Deal programs started and stopped, it happens. It's ok. But freaking &(#^@( dadgummit, when you screw up suck it up, admit it, and try something new. Don't freaking act like everything is going "just as planned" when 7 year olds can look at it and clearly know it didn't.

I mean jeez, just say you screwed up. It's not going to make you look weak dude, we know that you screwed up already. Everyone's just waiting for you to freaking admit it so you can do something about it.
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>>The wealthiest Americans, as a group, are paying a much higher share of taxes today than they were before the tax “cuts

I only clicked on the end of the thread (posted earlier) because I saw dapperdan had posted. So I read your last two posts. FWIW, the idea that the rich are paying a much higher share of taxes today than they were before the tax "cuts" is a completely irrelevant point (or at least doesn't tell but part of a story). It's only valid in combination with with other factors* to have any real meaning.

*Other factors would include (but cetainly not be limited to) things like share of the wealth, income, accumulation of assets, etc.

Rush used to say that about the Reagan years all the time (the rich paid 'record' taxes under the Reagan tax cuts. What he didn't tell you is that in the redistribution and consolidation of the middle and lowerclass' wealth, they got record "richer" too ;).


Completely off point, but it's a funny thing you bring up Rush. Before Rush became a big national radio personality, he had moved to Sacramento in the late '80s to a newstalk radio station KFBK 1680 if memory serves. I'm from Stockton originally, and as a boy used to listen to KFBK somewhat regularly. Anyway, I'm back home one day visiting my dad, and I hit the far right button on the car radio, the KFBK button. Who should come on but the most irritating talk radio guy I'd ever heard - Rush Limbaugh. Now, believe it or not, Rush was WAY more over the top in those days, before he went national. Good God, I couldn't listen to him for any more than, like, a minute. I had to turn the station. He made me cringe it was so bad, just painful to listen to.

Anyway, a year or so later, I hear on the local SF Bay area station, the sports station, KNBR, was having a devil of a time filling their morning slot. At the time, KNBR was sort of a talk show in the morning until 3:00 when they switched over to sports talk. They had a popular duo, Frank and Mike, recently retire had couldn't fill the morning slot. Anyway, they bring Rush on to fill the slot, and give him a two week trial period. Maybe it was a month trial. Once the trial period is up, they give Rush the boot. So Rush jumps over to the old Giants station, I can't remember the call letters, and goes on to dominate the airwaves. Unbelievable programming blunder by the KNBR folks, but it goes to show you never know what you've got.

But regarding the tax cuts and all that. Just to fill you in, TPS, I don't get my economic ideas from Rush. Von Hayek, Stigler, Friedman, Michael Boskin, yes, I plead guilty. Heck, I have a lot of respect for Keynes' work. Galbraith, no. Krugman, no, the guy's a joke, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Krugman really makes you wonder what the heck the hiring standards are at Princeton because Krugman is a total hack.
Let's see, since I don't know him personally, I'll limit this to policy matters...


1) 9/11
2) Afghanistan
3) Iraq invasion
4) Tax cuts
5) SCOTUS appointments
6) Good Economy
7) Not being the Goracle
8) Not being the "French looking", Vietnam veteran, John F(lip-flop) Kerry Heinz


1) Post-war Iraq policy - should have CRUSHED insurgency immediately
2) Letting go of Rumsfeld
3) No progress on SS reform
4) Prescription Drug Bill


1) The "New Tone" - yes, that worked out REALLY good /sarcasm
2) Campaign Finance Reform
3) Letting Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy write Education Reform
4) Not holding the line on spending
My likes and dislikes are pretty similar to dapperdan, but I will add a few. Other than spending and communication, I dislike Bush on immigration, the amendment to the consitution banning gay marriage(leave it up to the states), his inability to veto anything, Dubai Ports related issues, and his cronyism. I cannot stress how much I strongly dislike Bush in spending, lack of quality communication, and immigration. Those 3 are huge in my book.

My like's are more oriented to mostly security issues like the Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Iraq, but I also support most of his tax policy and his efforts to reform entitlements. Eventhough I think Bush made huge mistakes in Iraq I still support this last effort to try to be successful. We might fail, but the consquences of failure are huge and IMO it warrants one last try with a new strategy that seems to be working initially. I do not support Bush on every decision he has made in these areas, but I have agreed with him on the majority of them. The security issues overide my dislikes because I feel they are much more important.
I hope DadsDream can forgive me for posting a link, but I figured it would be alright since I already states my likes/dislikes of Bush and this is off topic.

The Poor get $8.21 in goverment spending for every dollar they pay in taxes, middle-income receives $1.30 in goverment spending for every dollar they pay in taxes,and the rich get $0.41 in govermnet spending for every dollar they pay in taxes.
These findings suggest tax distributions alone do not tell Americans how much the nation's fiscal system is helping or hurting low-income households. To answer that, we must look beyond tax burdens to government spending as well. Lawmakers who ignore the distribution of govern­ment spending risk making policy judgments based on an incorrect set of facts about the United States fiscal system.
With me, it's nothing personal against Bush. Man as a whole has shown through the course of history that they are unable to fix the biggest problems and make everyone happy. The Bible clearly states that only GOD will do that. (Rev 21:4)
Actively backing one person over another is a waste of time because failure is always the end result.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the 'Our Father' prayer which is taken from a model prayer that Jesus gave his disciples at Matthew 6:9-13. Every time someone says that prayer, they are praying for God's Kingdom to come and make conditions on the earth as peaceful and perfect as they are in heaven. So it is actually contradictory to this prayer to put any amount of time and energy into supporting human efforts at government. Getting involved in politics shows a lack of faith that God will do what he has promised.
With me, it's nothing personal against Bush. Man as a whole has shown through the course of history that they are unable to fix the biggest problems and make everyone happy. The Bible clearly states that only GOD will do that. (Rev 21:4)
Actively backing one person over another is a waste of time because failure is always the end result.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the 'Our Father' prayer which is taken from a model prayer that Jesus gave his disciples at Matthew 6:9-13. Every time someone says that prayer, they are praying for God's Kingdom to come and make conditions on the earth as peaceful and perfect as they are in heaven. So it is actually contradictory to this prayer to put any amount of time and energy into supporting human efforts at government. Getting involved in politics shows a lack of faith that God will do what he has promised.

While as a fellow Christian I agree with you that man can't cure all the ills of this world, I still think that we are supposed to be involved in our government. I think that we should stand up for our beliefs and profess them to anyone who will listen...
While as a fellow Christian I agree with you that man can't cure all the ills of this world, I still think that we are supposed to be involved in our government. I think that we should stand up for our beliefs and profess them to anyone who will listen...

As a Christian you are fimilar with Jesus saying at John 17:16 that true Christians are no part of this world. So, getting involved in government goes against what it means to be a Christian.
He was illegally elected because his brother purged his own fellow citizens from the voter rolls
From the beginning before he was even “elected” he was stomping the rights of citizens guaranteed by the constitution into the mud
He gave a tax cut to all his rich buddies
He was involved with Enron and Ken Lay
The Bush and Bin Ladens have a great relationship
Bin Laden killed 3 thousand Americans
Before 9-11 Bush ordered the CIA to back off hunting down Bin Laden
After 9-11 he flew all of his friends (the Bin Ladens) out of the country
Patriot act
Military commissions act
LIED to get us into a war with Iraq so he could pay off all his rich buddies
He blew the cover on an under cover CIA agent that could have gotten her killed he did this because he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him from going to war.
Murdered thousands of U.S. soldiers
Murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis
Won’t listen to pentagon commanders on Iraq
Won’t listen to generals on the ground in Iraq
If their opinions differ from his he fires them
Won’t listen to congress on Iraq
Won’t listen to the American people on Iraq
Probably won’t listen to the Iraqis on Iraq
He acts like he is a Texan when he is really a yuppy from up north
He acts like a cowboy but he is afraid of horses
Pre Katrina he didn’t provide enough funds to protect New Orleans
During Katrina he just let people die
Post Katrina he has done nothing to protect my city, the protection we have is probably worse than before Katrina. If another hurricane hit he would just let people die again.
He wants to go to war with Iran and will LIE to get that one going also.

There is nothing that I like about Bush. He is a criminal and his administration is full of criminals. They should all be arrested and put on trial for treason.

I agree. You hit it dead on.

I know this isn't the popular opinion... But hopefully that's what this discussion was supposed to be for.
I agree. You hit it dead on.

I know this isn't the popular opinion... But hopefully that's what this discussion was supposed to be for.

It's exactly what this discussion is supposed to be for.

We've had 20 threads asking the same questions over and over again, with the same point-counter-point confrontations and battling links and copy-and-paste jobs.

This has been going on for nearly three years on this board.

I figured it would be interesting if we just dropped all the pretenses.
It's exactly what this discussion is supposed to be for.

We've had 20 threads asking the same questions over and over again, with the same point-counter-point confrontations and battling links and copy-and-paste jobs.

This has been going on for nearly three years on this board.

I figured it would be interesting if we just dropped all the pretenses.

- I agree; great thread, Dads- it has been interesting to read the posts of a lot of people who usually defend Bush, and find out why even they dislike him... I just finished reading though all 70 or so posts that have been made so far, and I think it's safe to summarize them thusly (keeping in mind that there are some exceptions):

Bush's handling of the economy: Bad.

Bush's handling of Katrina: Really Bad.

Bush's handling of Iraq: Spectacularly Bad.

...With that in mind, how can anyone say that history will record Bush as anything but a complete joke of a President???
He is a true politician. Tell the people what they want to hear, regardless of what he actually intends to do. He's a wealthy person without any concept or more importantly any care for the working man. He tried everything in his power to stop the elderly and sick who were basically choosing between food and drugs from getting cheaper drugs in Canada. He has presented himself as being completely above reproach while lying every step of the way. He didn't listen to the troops on the ground fighting his war when there was a slim possibly of actually accomplishing something. Instead listening to people like Cheney and Rumsfeld, and now has brave American heroes dying every day for a lost cause. All things summed up. He has done absolutely nothing good for America in any way. In fact, everything he's done has made America worse off. He's the worst President in our history.

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