Have we seen the last of Taysom’s Joker role? (1 Viewer)

I am worried about how Taysom reacts if he doesn't get the starting role at QB. Guess Payton will give him a certain number of plays plus he could play both where either can be used to throw on trick plays. Definitely will open up imaginative plays.

I think he's a team guy so I have no doubt that he will continue in his current role if he's asked to. But, I think he seems himself as a better QB than he really is so I could see him forcing the Saints to cut him next year to see if he can catch on with someone else as a QB.
What if Jameis becomes the joker and Taysom is the starting QB? Really makes you think.
Taysom does not have to learn a role he's been playing for 3 seasons and the Saints more than likely will be choosing another QB in this draft.
I'm not. I'm just saying that if CSP thought that Jameis was clearly better than Taysom in practice then he would have played Jameis. But, you're right. Taysom clearly has further to go to be a starter than Jameis.

I was really just wondering what people thought about the chances of the Saints losing Taysom after this season and what it means for the Saints. The Saints are clearly a better team with him in the Joker role. I hope I'm wrong, but I think there's a good chance that happens which would be sad because I love seeing Taysom trucking defenders.
If Taysom doesn’t win the starting job, plays the Joker role in 2021, and decides he wants to test free agency, who will pay him more than the Saints will for either a QB job or Joker-like role in their offense?
I don't think anyone is foolish enough to sign him as a starting QB. But, I could see someone giving him a contract to come in as a backup with a chance to compete for a starting role. Personally, I like him in the Joker role.

And, I'm not convinced that the Saints see Jameis as a significantly better option. If Jameis light it up against the Niners, do the Saints still put in a lesser QB and risk losing just because CSP made a promise to Taysom? I'm not buying that.
Uhhh there are many crappy teams with garbage qb's that he would be a upgrade to.

You guys think Taysom is not qb material but I do.

At least I guess we will find out soon.
If he plays that this year we’re going to have to dress Trevor S. every week in case they both get hurt on the same play. I believe if he isn’t the starter in 2022 he will go somewhere else. That’s why he signed the contract that’s starting QB money or void and he’s a free agent.
For this year, I agree. But, what about when the season is over and the Saints have to renegotiate his contract? Will Taysom renegotiate and remain with the Saints or go elsewhere? I'm guessing the Saints thought of that when they gave him that contract. I just don't understand that contract because it puts the Saints at risk at losing Taysom if he's not the starter. Maybe the Saints see a Taysom clone in the draft?

I think that if Taysom doesn’t win the starting QB job... played the season in the Joker role similar to past seasons... and Winston emerges as the QB of the present and future... that the Saints would allow him to seek a trade to a team that was going to give him a shot at playing QB full time. If there are no takers, then renegotiate his contract as a full time Joker.
Saints should trade him... Patriots, Bears, Eagles, Panthers...

... and this so-called "joker" role... sure, Taysom can line up at RB/TE/WR/STs, but so other players on the roster, and they can do it better, as those are their positions. About the only position in which Taysom does something that other players can't do, is coming in at QB and run the RPO; and if you don't think he can pass the ball, then of what actual value is he?
i think it's pretty much the exact opposite - he's 'ok' in the RPO, but could be an all-pro as a 'football player'
AK is a matchup nightmare for his quickness/elusiveness, Taysom is a matchup nightmare with speed/strength
Saints should trade him... Patriots, Bears, Eagles, Panthers...

... and this so-called "joker" role... sure, Taysom can line up at RB/TE/WR/STs, but so other players on the roster, and they can do it better, as those are their positions. About the only position in which Taysom does something that other players can't do, is coming in at QB and run the RPO; and if you don't think he can pass the ball, then of what actual value is he?

I don’t know about this dude.... you have watched Taysom Hill play right? If you don’t see the element that he brings to the offense when he’s out there (in any capacity), then I don’t what to tell you.

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