How has Society Passed You By? (6 Viewers)

Conservative is a word that uptight white people call themselves because they're afraid of the world changing around them. They try to scare others into listening to their uneducated ways by using words like "socialism" (which they confuse with "communism") and calling people names they think are hurtful like "liberal" not understanding that most people who have made meaningful contributions to this country have been liberals.

Can we get an irony check over here?
And for me, it's not just MP. Phone games, VR, always-online MP, microtransactions...all the new directions gaming is taking I want nothing to do with. Damn whippersnappers.

VR will be awesome if they can ever get it right ... I've demoed Oculus and it was a cool experience, but I didn't see anything that could have translated really well into a game.
I loved video games and played them well into my late 20s and then my career path started to get serious around the same time my wife was pregnant with our first child. Little by little my time started going to family and work and eventually, video games and I broke up. The last console I purchased for myself was the original X Box :covri:

Dont feel bad, i was born only 3 yrs before you, and the last console i purchased/received was an Atari 2600 circa 1983... though i did play quite a bit of Tecmo Bowl on a friend’s Nintendo system in the early 90s.
I think I’ll play till my eyes completely fail.
I have every latest system and always have. Been playin since Atari and Commodore 64, and still did family and bills first. Games just wound me down as I’m high strung.

@Mr. Blue Sky also you need to let that go with Yoko. That anger only traps you and it’s been enough time. ?
^^ of course, I am able to sneak into his world, because his friends like me and are polite to me. I get the dirt when they come over.

I think that's the way of the world. Kids treat their friends parents much better than their own parents.
Why would I care if my bottle of Coke has my name on it or my Snickers bar says “awesome”?
- Downloaded music - I just can't get down with this. Why am I spending $12 on this? If my hard drive crashes it's gone and I have to buy it again. Or I could just spend the $12 on the CD, rip it to my hard drive which is very easy, and have a backup copy and all the liner notes, etc.

- Youtube stars. This baffles me. I like Youtube and all, but you have these people making tons of money getting subscribers by building box forts in their living room, or testing out fidget spinners. Why do my kids sit and watch kids on TV play with toys for hours? They could play with their own toys, or build their own box fort.

- These neighborhoods where all the houses look the same and they're 3 feet apart. How the hell do you even know which house is yours? Don't you feel like a pod person? I was trying to find somebody's house and they were like, Yeah, it's a brick house with a white Acura in the driveway and there were at least 6 houses on the street that fit the description.

Downloaded music - are people downloading music still? Having a membership to Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, ITunes and/or others is better than jist downloading music or buying a CD. First, I,dont have to spend 12 bux on an album and only have one good song on it. Now I spend $10 per month and jave inlimited access to music and can save songs I really like and have access anywhere. Net positive, imho.

YouTube Stars - They are stars because a lot of people watch them. I really dont see the difference between them and someone on This Old House or some variety show. I dont really pay too much attention to celebrities. Meh.

Neighborhoods - are you referring to subdivisions in rural areas or metro neighborhoods? Millenials tend to,want to live where the action is and see it as worth sacrificing living area. I for one dont see the benefit of paying/owning/upkeep of large property. Esp if you spend your free time travelling or being in social settings. But I see this changing as I get older.
Dating apps & websites. Can't do it. Won't do it.

Get off my lawn!

Big time. For better or worse in my life my 3 serious relationships have been the result of real life chance. For that matter, every dating interaction my whole life.

To each their own but I cannot even fathom meeting someone based on internet relations.

I feel that way about bars too. I’ve only been to a few in my life, not usually my scene....but I won’t and haven’t dated anyone I’ve ever met in a bar.

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