How has Society Passed You By? (1 Viewer)

moist attractive women

For me, it’s tattoos on chicks.. i’m mid 40s, and it seems like moist attractive women in their 20s and 30s have at least some tattoos , a lot of them have full sleeves, etc.. it really detracts from the overall look for me, but i’m not delusional enough to think they’d care what i think.. i just dont get it, which is how i know i’m getting up in years.

ETA: i meant to type ‘most’ instead of ‘moist’, but i’m gonna leave it cuz it made me chuckle — so in some ways, i’m still 12.
another gender thing
i love the word 'moist' but there are some women i know who hate that word with a passion
I agree with the giant tattoos on chicks.

I've also gotten to where I find it annoying going to concerts or football games with certain people, because invariably there will be 10 to 15 photos (and even a few brief videos) that they just have to post on FB. Which means invariably I'm tagged in multiple posts / photos, meaning everybody knows where I'm at right then (and where I'm NOT....i.e...home).......even though I myself posted absolutely nothing of the sort.

I never feel the need to ask them not to do it.....because I just understand it to be the way of the world now............but is it really a huge deal to detail every step of a trip to Arlington, TX to watch LSU/Miami ? I mean, damn, if that was the first time you'd ever been to a football game...........or even to that specific stadium......then it might be different.......but that is usually not the case. It's like...take about 2 group photos and be done with it.

That's why I chuckle when I hear people talk about the dangers of us "over-sharing" online. I'm thinking "I haven't shared a damn thing........and everybody still knows what I'm up to right then, because other people can't go longer than 30 minutes anymore without waving a phone around like a monkey to record or photograph something".
I genuinely no longer understand politics. At all. I don't know what liberalism and conservatism even mean anymore. Ans increasingly I don't care to know.
I don't get why generation is this way.
Perhaps we're just sick of Baby Boomers whining about how the generations after them turned out without Boomers taking the responsibility for raising them that way? For coining the phrase "snowflake" despite being the biggest snowflakes on the planet? For Boomers, despite being given every advantage from the backs of their parents and having very little to show for it except griping that no one turned out like their parents did?

I have worked with you people for two decades and you're the biggest crybabies out there, always telling me how life isn't fair. No sheet life's not fair. Look at the world you ***holes have left us while trying to blame it on us.

I hope you know that you're all going into nursing homes.
I genuinely no longer understand politics. At all. I don't know what liberalism and conservatism even mean anymore. Ans increasingly I don't care to know.
Conservative is a word that uptight white people call themselves because they're afraid of the world changing around them. They try to scare others into listening to their uneducated ways by using words like "socialism" (which they confuse with "communism") and calling people names they think are hurtful like "liberal" not understanding that most people who have made meaningful contributions to this country have been liberals.
Conservative is a word that uptight white people call themselves because they're afraid of the world changing around them. They try to scare others into listening to their uneducated ways by using words like "socialism" (which they confuse with "communism") and calling people names they think are hurtful like "liberal" not understanding that most people who have made meaningful contributions to this country have been liberals.

Totally agree on Socialism. I am almost physically attacked in my neck of the woods when I bring up anything even remotely close to that word, even if it’s only in their mind.

I had to look up my generation lol.
Unboxing videos on YouTube

I first noticed it with video game console launches but it’s spread from there

If you’ve never seen one it’s exactly what it sounds like

Someone buys a product and records themselves opening the box and removing its contents

That’s it

And there are a million of them and I don’t get it
Lol agreed Optimus.

How about being rich and famous just for being on social media? That one perplexes me too.
Conservative is a word that uptight white people call themselves because they're afraid of the world changing around them. They try to scare others into listening to their uneducated ways by using words like "socialism" (which they confuse with "communism") and calling people names they think are hurtful like "liberal" not understanding that most people who have made meaningful contributions to this country have been liberals.

That's the high school freshman explanation of it, sure.

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