How has Society Passed You By? (3 Viewers)

And none of you guys pee in the shower?
That was a trick question to make you guys talk about tampons.

Been going to pick those up for my wife since I was but a wee lad. No shame for me. Too secure in my masculinity.

Gents is that a genuine problem for y’all?
I'm curious what you are supposed to do with the poopy wipes when you're done. I should get on with the Diaper Genie people about this.

I mean... I taught a member or two on this board that you don't stand up to wipe your arse, I guess I can teach some more how to properly use a wipe.. Wipe your arse with a regular paper first. Then use the wipe. You can throw the wipe in the trash can and not have a huge lump of poop wrapped up in paper in your can.
you don't stand up to wipe your arse

I mean... I taught a member or two on this board that you don't stand up to wipe your arse, I guess I can teach some more how to properly use a wipe.. Wipe your arse with a regular paper first. Then use the wipe. You can throw the wipe in the trash can and not have a huge lump of poop wrapped up in paper in your can.
File this under: Things I Never Thought I'd Read on SR .com
Some folks never learned that you don't get completely naked to poop, and you don't have to stand up to wipe your arse, just lean over.
If there are people who don't know this, it explains a LOT that is going on these days in society.
Hey now, being on the (ASD) spectrum is the next phase in evolution me thinks.
Been going to pick those up for my wife since I was but a wee lad. No shame for me. Too secure in my masculinity.

Gents is that a genuine problem for y’all?
Speaking of things that are passed by, only thing I don't get online is produce and meats. I've no issue ordering a box of liners or tampons and not having to deal with any kind of human.

I do however still enjoy buying condoms in person. I like to smile a lot and lament not being able to get the magnums.
You can go that route, too, but that is some expensive sheet.

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