How has Society Passed You By? (7 Viewers)

So what I hear you guys saying is when in the men's room, you all are taking notes on what the other guy is doing. This is why women have stalls. We mind our own business.

Honestly yall, technology and society are changing so fast that most of the people I know that are younger than me are mystified and bewildered too.
This is why women have stalls. We mind our own business.

Umm... yea, that is not true. The door to the hall is not sound proof. I can hear the clackin through the little door vent.

Also, please do not talk to me when I am in the bath room. No hi, no hey, no sup, NOTHIN.
How has Society Passed You By?

In a McLaren.
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Young people have no filter on social media. Hey 14 year old niece. Your uncle is reading your Twitter feed.

Unfortunately this phenomenon is not limited to young people.

Actually it seems like the generation older than me is worse, in a lot of ways. 14-year-olds are dumb, they don't know better. But grown-arse people 20 years older than me should.
as a general rule, if you want to stay hip with society, you have to stay current with its popular movies and music. I would start by finding some music you dig. Anything after around 95' should do the trick and the newer the better. Good luck.
There's a lot of potential things to list here, aside from the decline of the NFL.

The suckiness of hollywood product, constant remakes and reliance on endless chains of comic book sequels is near the top of my list for feeling like "everything is sucking".
For me, it’s tattoos on chicks.. i’m mid 40s, and it seems like moist attractive women in their 20s and 30s have at least some tattoos , a lot of them have full sleeves, etc.. it really detracts from the overall look for me, but i’m not delusional enough to think they’d care what i think.. i just dont get it, which is how i know i’m getting up in years.

ETA: i meant to type ‘most’ instead of ‘moist’, but i’m gonna leave it cuz it made me chuckle — so in some ways, i’m still 12.

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