N/S Jason Garrett Still Not Fired (yet) (5 Viewers)

It’s not that Jerry likes Garrett. It’s that he LOVES Garrett like a son. He has said as much many times. He’s known Jason since he was a kid. Garretts dad even worked for Jerry, as a scout, at one time.

I’ll give this to Jerry. Loyalty, Family, and relationships mean ALOT to him. If you’re a player that is in the family, he’ll always treat you like you’re part of it. While part of the problem is Jerry wanting to prove himself the greatest GM/Owner in the world, the other part is that he really is too loyal to his inner circle of people.
That's the rub. Jerry doesn't want to admit he was wrong about Garrett. It's too painful for him and his ego.
Jerry Jones is a joke. Always has been. Heck, he fired the 2 best Coaches in their history - basically - in Landry and Johnson, because of his own ego. Does this latest shenanigan surprise anyone?
That's the rub. Jerry doesn't want to admit he was wrong about Garrett. It's too painful for him and his ego.

Not really. Jerry looks on Jason almost like a son. You’re right in that this is painful for Jerry but not for ego reasons. I still won’t be surprised if Jason is retained either as HC or a made up “Special Assistant” position.
Not really. Jerry looks on Jason almost like a son. You’re right in that this is painful for Jerry but not for ego reasons. I still won’t be surprised if Jason is retained either as HC or a made up “Special Assistant” position.

Exactly, he looks at Jason as a son. From everything I hear he loves Jason and it would crush him to fire him. Not a good reason, I have cared for people I had to fire, but I did it. I went home and cried afterward, and did not eat or sleep for a few days, but I did it.

I know how he feels. Even though I don’t care for the man, I hate it when anyone has to fire someone, especially someone they care about
Never get THAT close to employees. That was his first mistake.

It does show the human element of Jerry Jones though, which I thought didn't exist. He has a soul in there somewhere.
I think it's a combination of his loyalty to Jason and Jerry calling around and finding out his HCing job doesn't have quite the demand he thinks it does. No established coach will ever go there as long as Jerry is the GM and shadow-coach.
I think it's a combination of his loyalty to Jason and Jerry calling around and finding out his HCing job doesn't have quite the demand he thinks it does. No established coach will ever go there as long as Jerry is the GM and shadow-coach.

Exactly. There are some strong rumors that the Cowboys front office went hard after Payton before his last contract extension. Of course the Joneses are denying that they were spurned by a coach they so coveted. Payton apparently used the Cowboys interest to leverage a little more from the Saints Front Office. Cowboys fans are deluded in believing that their Head Coach position is one of the most (most believe it’s THE most) desirable of all 32 teams. Right now the Cowboys job would probably rate somewhere in the high 20’s (bolstered by the team‘s current roster and the high profile nature of the job). If not for those two factors it would be in 30’s.

Read about the Cowboys pursuit of Payton from CBS Sports - https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/...son-were-ready-to-move-on-from-jason-garrett/
My guess is the announcement that Garrett's being retained happens Friday, but he's being forced to build an entirely new coaching staff........and he names Jerry Jones the OC and DC.
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Why would a coach who's about to be fired need to complete exit interviews? What good is that going to do?

Seems like an excuse to not fire him? Maybe Jones is just waiting for his contract to run out this month. That's the only reason not firing him yet would make any sense if he intends to let him go.

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