Two Dat, Here We Come!
I merely support the finding of facts PRIOR to the execution of judgement . I would have thought , given your line of work , that you'd agree .
That's the problem: a lot of cops aren't upstanding citizens fighting the evil of the world. They're normal people who make the same stupid mistakes us non-cops do and they have bad days like everyone else. On the whole, most street cops are high school graduates at best and many of them have authority issues (as in, they like to exert theirs). The smarter ones move on to be detectives. Cops are also mostly good people, but that job also has a tendency to attract more scoundrels than a normal non-authoritative job due to the power it involves. It also doesn't take much to become a police officer.
Cops shouldn't be placed on a pedestal above the rest of us because the truth is they aren't the best of the best. The people who choose to become a cop usually can't do much else. Sure, some are do-gooders who want to help the community and what-not, but there are far more who become cops because they couldn't get into college or get a better job. It's similar to those who become actors. Most of them do so because they can't do anything else. Think about it, how many of us would choose to risk our lives everyday when we could do a million other things? The only people who do are A) the do-gooder types or B) those who are unable to do anything else.
BTW, I used to work for the Mobile police department at headquarters, I've never been arrested so I have no grudge, and my best friend is a cop (he's one of the college grad-types) and he can attest to this.