N/S Justin Fields traded to the Steelers for a conditional 6th round pick (1 Viewer)

I think 10th in TDs, 10th in QB rating, 13th in yards/game, top 10 in least INTs, and 6th in completion percentage means I can say he had a "good" but not great or elite season without it being crazy.

Stats don't count. Wins don't count. Do you understand why I said it's not worth the argument?

It’s really a tired and silly argument from the anti-Carr crowd.

Most of the NFL is predicated on doing well against the teams you’re supposed to do well against while likely playing subpar against the good teams but hopefully getting some luck in those tougher matchups.

It’s crazy…so now that crew is resorting to throwing those games out entirely.

I don’t think fans like that will ever accept another QB unless Drew Brees reincarnated steps in.
How many times has DA defended him in press conferences, sometimes at the expense of throwing other players under the bus? He seems very concerned with Carr's feelings. I think that is more the issue with the locker room culture than other players.

As far as $3.2 million. That is absolute peanuts for a backup QB. It only is about $2 million than Peterman will cost us (assuming that hopefully he is at league minimum). If we would be that concerned with paying $2 million more to have someone like Fields to backup Carr rather than a guy who would be a backup at best in Arena Football, we have other issues.

It appears that Mike Tomlin is more concerned with the feelings of Russell Wilson. It was let known that Tomlin called Russ immediately after the Fields trade to assure Wilson he would be the starter for the Steelers in 2024. Say What? Feelings? This is a game played by men. Set your feelings aside and compete. Let the best man win the starting job.

Handing Wilson the torch when both he and Fields are newcomers on one year prove it contracts undercuts the culture of true competition. It may have sent a comforting message to Russ but what kind of message did that send to Fields and the rest of the Steelers?

It would be poetic justice should Fields take over the starting job due to injury or poor play be Russ and show out only to spurn the Steelers in free agency next year by moving on and signing with another team as the Starter. Not out of the realm of possibility.

The Peterman signing may not have sent similar shockwaves throughout the Saints building but at least we didn't hear of DA calling Carr to make sure his feelings weren't hurt. Geez!
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Sorry to derail the thread from Carr bashing, but I’ve seen this reported in a couple places. Maybe it’s just damage control, but looks like the Bears took less to do right by Justin

Sorry to derail the thread from Carr bashing, but I’ve seen this reported in a couple places. Maybe it’s just damage control, but looks like the Bears took less to do right by Justin

Was this information put out by Fields agents? Sounds like it from the way the tweet is phrased.

Not that they would have a vested interest in trying to create the illusion their client was 'worth' more than a conditional 6th. Not at all.

ADDITIONAL: It also followed quickly on from the reports that more teams in the NFL were more interested in trading for Ridder than for Fields. This feels more and more about brand perception and damage limitation.
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It’s really a tired and silly argument from the anti-Carr crowd.
It’s crazy…so now that crew is resorting to throwing those games out entirely.
Also according to them Carr faked injury, and he wasn’t good enough to hold the 17-0 lead against Green Bay anyway. Had nothing to do with Jameis coming in and not being able to hold it. The argument is getting old.
At least they arent tied down by a 35 million dollar average QB
Carr is the 13th highest-paid QB. He was 10th in TDs and completion percentage, and 13th in yards. He threw the 7th fewest INTs in the league.

Call him average if you want, but what exactly do you think $35M gets you these days?
I think giving DA and Carr a mulligan and seeing how they do next season with a different offensive scheme and hopefully more weapons on offense is reasonable. Saying it’s all a wash because of last season is an overreaction. If you’re going to be that down on the two then at least give your alternative. Do you really think we would have been better with Justin Fields over Carr?

No, and I never said we would be better off with Fields.....the only argument I've put forth is that Carr had an average year, not a good year, he didn't make a difference, he played well against the teams we should beat and not so well against the playoff caliber teams.....

I have no problem retaining Carr, I think he can play better with a better offensive coaching staff, I don't think he has great leadership skills and I don't think he is our quarterback of the future, but he did not play "well" last year, he was inconsistent.....

I really don't think DA deserves a 2nd mulligan, I thought he should have been fired after his first disaster of a season.....last year was even worse, he got "his qb", with the incredibly favorable schedule in the worst division in the NFL? 9-8 and miss the playoffs.....unacceptable.....

But as Saints fans we have no choice but to wait and see what happens, I hope I'm wrong and suddenly DA becomes a competent HC....
Also according to them Carr faked injury, and he wasn’t good enough to hold the 17-0 lead against Green Bay anyway. Had nothing to do with Jameis coming in and not being able to hold it. The argument is getting old.

So, if we are going to cherry pick single games how about the Vikings game, that would be the one where Carr played 2.5 quarters and produced a whopping 3 points......

Jameis comes in and they at least made it a game, scores 16 points in 1.5 quarters.....

Jameis should have done better in GB (though didn't our young inexperienced FG kicker miss a kick to win at the end?), Carr should've done better against the Vikes, there are games like above where the offense couldn't generate points with Carr.....
Call him average if you want, but what exactly do you think $35M gets you these days?
Nothing against your argument, but just chuckled at this comment (about professional sports as a whole). How sad is it in professional sports that these type of comments are legitimate? The amount of money these guys make is unbelievable, such that someone is considered a "value" at $35 million a year.
Reading this thread is hilarious. People really crying like we missed out on a bust from the 2021 QB class 🤣
So, if we are going to cherry pick single games how about the Vikings game, that would be the one where Carr played 2.5 quarters and produced a whopping 3 points......

Jameis comes in and they at least made it a game, scores 16 points in 1.5 quarters.....

Jameis should have done better in GB (though didn't our young inexperienced FG kicker miss a kick to win at the end?), Carr should've done better against the Vikes, there are games like above where the offense couldn't generate points with Carr.....

Come on man, Winston scored some points in Minny, but he was 13 for 25, barely over .500, and had 2 TD and 2 INT. He was chucking it up like the old days in what to Minny was garbage time. That's not a good performance. Especially when at least one of the TDs was lucky to not be picked off.

I like Winston. He's seems to have become a good guy and embraced New Orleans. I also think he's a good backup QB who just before Devin White destroyed his knee finally seemed to be about to turn a corner. But after that injury, whether related to the injury or not, he was never got back to that point and never even got back to where he was in Tampa. Some of it due to later injuries, but he hasn't performed well when given the chance even when he wasn't hurt.

And, I'm not a big fan of Carr. I think his red zone issues are a problem, he lacks mobility and pocket awareness, and I don't think he's a team leader. But, he is in the range of top 15 NFL QB and he is paid like one and he's better than Winston at this point in their careers.
Nothing against your argument, but just chuckled at this comment (about professional sports as a whole). How sad is it in professional sports that these type of comments are legitimate? The amount of money these guys make is unbelievable, such that someone is considered a "value" at $35 million a year.

Just think about how much money the people paying them must have to even consider paying a guy like Carr $35 million per year.
Nothing against your argument, but just chuckled at this comment (about professional sports as a whole). How sad is it in professional sports that these type of comments are legitimate? The amount of money these guys make is unbelievable, such that someone is considered a "value" at $35 million a year.

These games are very valuable to say the least, especially for the networks and advertisers.

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