Least Favorite Foods? (3 Viewers)

I hate tomatoes raw, but still eat them for the health benefits, Pineapples are the opposite. I love them raw, but hate them cooked.

I am pretty sure that i eat waaaay too much tomato product, and should probably cut back... It seems like every meal i eat involves either salsa (lots of salsa), or I’m eating spaghetti with marinara, or if i grab pizza, i feel like it’s always too dry, no matter where i get it- so once i get home, i open a jar of spaghetti sauce and literally POUR it all over the pizza... i always think about the Tom Brady diet thing where he talks about the yin/yang and the acidic food , and it makes me aware that i have a problem with tomatoes and tomato based products.
I am pretty sure that i eat waaaay too much tomato product, and should probably cut back... It seems like every meal i eat involves either salsa (lots of salsa), or I’m eating spaghetti with marinara, or if i grab pizza, i feel like it’s always too dry, no matter where i get it- so once i get home, i open a jar of spaghetti sauce and literally POUR it all over the pizza... i always think about the Tom Brady diet thing where he talks about the yin/yang and the acidic food , and it makes me aware that i have a problem with tomatoes and tomato based products.
Keep on slamming tomatoes. Research has shown the Lycopene content may prevent several forms of cancer . It's the only reason I'll eat them.

I don’t have much of a sweet tooth to begin with, and I don’t do much dairy.

The one exception for me would be the garlic ice cream at “The Stinking Rose” in San Francisco. Haven’t been there in years, but it is/was splendid.

Fair enough

Also "I hate most ice cream, but I love garlic ice cream" is wonderfully random
I had posted one on liquor a few years ago

This one is about the foods that make you gag

For this thread let keep either to whole ingredients, something you can buy at a store or order from a restaurant

I hate tuna = acceptable

I hate Bumblebee canned tuna = acceptable

I hate the grilled tuna steak from Applebee's = acceptable

I hate my Aunt Helen's nasty tuna casserole = not acceptable

For me my number one with a bullet is


I can deal with them if they are in a casserole or salad (if there aren't too many) but just a side of peas by themselves are a no go

In college I was having dinner at a girl's house and they served peas, I politely declined saying "I don't like peas", her whole family took offense and was told something along the lines of "I'll have you know that my grandmother won the blue ribbon at the county fair every year from 1952-1964 with this recipe"

They wore me down and finally 'I said alright! I'll have some', and I had some, and oh my god, it was of the nastiest things I've ever had in my mouth. I just had the one spoonful and the evening went downhill from there

Here are some of my others:


This one is ironic because I BEGGED my mother for this for months (we were an Ovaltine family) My mom gave in and I was so excited. That was probably the first time I experienced the old saying, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"

I hated it and was crushed, was doubly crushed when my mom wouldn't let me go back to Ovaltine until the Quik was gone.

I haven't had any strawberry quik since then (over 30 years ago) and I still remember exactly what it tastes like


I hated liver as kid (is there any kid who likes it?) We would have it every few months for a few years growing up and mercifully it just went away. haven't had it since grade school

Just last year for some insane reason I ordered it at a restaurant (actually the reason was thinking that I'm mature now with a more refined palate there are some things I hated as a kid that I love now, grapefruit and broccoli chief among them, and I thought maybe now I'll like liver) Nope, like the quik it tasted exactly the way I remembered. And unlike being a kid where I was forced to eat dishes I didn't like, I sent that crap right back to the kitchen and ordered something else (weird thing is I do like pate)


I mentioned we were an Ovaltine family. specifically Chocolate flavor. I hate malt, and whoppers were my least favorite candy and would be immediately traded away when I got them on Halloween


This one is because of association more than the taste of them. one summer when I was a kid there was a massive sale on them, like 10 for a dollar, I had them everyday for lunch that summer. so now I don't care for them. When we go to fairs or carnivals my girlfriend usually gets one and I'll have a bite or two and it tastes fine but I one get one for myself


I just hate rye bread

I'm sure I'll have plenty more when I have time to think more on it

Onions of any type , mayo can't stand the smell or taste , pickle relish , lol , I could go on .

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