Michael J. Fox talks about campaign/Rush (1 Viewer)

If you knew me, you would know that I can laugh about almost anything... there's a big difference between laughing about something and laughing at someone.
I've got a million things wrong in my life and my family that I don't mind making a quick joke here and there about. It helps to not make it worse than it really is.

Exactly. Making jokes about things wrong in your life can help you get through some really tough times. We all know that MJF's condition is sad, but don't get on those of us who don't pity him. That is not the answer either.
Rush was just under-medicated.
If you knew me, you would know that I can laugh about almost anything... there's a big difference between laughing about something and laughing at someone.
I've got a million things wrong in my life and my family that I don't mind making a quick joke here and there about. It helps to not make it worse than it really is.

I see your point....I do the same thing I was just in a foul mood because the ole lady was ****** at me for going to see Saw III instead of going with her to see Marie-Antoinette,(if people aren't bleeding, I'm not interested) I'm pretty sure I made the right choice.

Late, ST
His positions are shakey at best.

(ps.... Like Rush should know how much medication somebody should be taking... what a lamer.)

I spent fifteen years watching Parkinson's slowly kill my dad and I thought that was funny as hell.

(You should get me drunk sometime and hear my "Parkinson's constipation" impressions. Yes, sometimes finding the humor in things is what keeps us from curling up into a little ball and rocking back n forth.)
Rush Limbaugh aside, there are actual issues to discuss here. If someone is going to go on TV and support one candidate, while spouting what amount to practically lies, then that said person is not immune from criticism. (regardless of there medical condition).

Talent does support stem cell research. He simply doesn't support embryonic stem cell research. Do some research and find out how many medical positives have came out of embryonic stem cell research, much less cures for anything, and you'll see why so many oppose it (the answer would be 0), People oppose it not only for the fact that its along the lines of abortion, but also because it isn't viable for anything and millions of dollars have yielded absolutely nothing from it.

Adult stem cell research has yielded many breakthroughs over the years, but noone talks about that, they just talk about embryonic stem cells because its a good political platform. Frankly I think its a little disgusting in its own right to use such things for political gain. We know several types of stem cell's are providing cures and medical breakthroughs but politicians ignore those and don't push for extra funding for it. Makes no sense.
To me, the whole point is that the field should be wide open. Adult, umbilical, embryonic, what-have-you...let's do the research across the entire spectrum and get us whatever results we can. Let those results dictate future endeavors rather than artificial limitations.
If you knew me, you would know that I can laugh about almost anything... there's a big difference between laughing about something and laughing at someone.
I've got a million things wrong in my life and my family that I don't mind making a quick joke here and there about. It helps to not make it worse than it really is.

I apologize if I came off too brash, for I don't mean to sound that way. I have a great sense of humor and laugh at stuff that most people don't. I just reacted to this because I'm constantly picked at day in and day out because I shake bad. I can't help it. As much as I try to laugh at myself, it gets very OLD hearing the same old jokes and comments, over and over from not only people I know, but strangers. I just feel like people take it too far sometimes. I'm all about making a joke, but sometimes you have to know when to draw the line, ya know? That's hard to ask from somebody that hasn't experienced it, but all I can do is try to open others eyes to the embarrasment that we have hundreds of times a day. Laughter is usually the best medicine, but in some cases, it just doesn't work bro.

JMHO, and thanks for posting.
Rush Limbaugh aside, there are actual issues to discuss here. If someone is going to go on TV and support one candidate, while spouting what amount to practically lies, then that said person is not immune from criticism. (regardless of there medical condition).

Talent does support stem cell research. He simply doesn't support embryonic stem cell research. Do some research and find out how many medical positives have came out of embryonic stem cell research, much less cures for anything, and you'll see why so many oppose it (the answer would be 0), People oppose it not only for the fact that its along the lines of abortion, but also because it isn't viable for anything and millions of dollars have yielded absolutely nothing from it.

Adult stem cell research has yielded many breakthroughs over the years, but noone talks about that, they just talk about embryonic stem cells because its a good political platform. Frankly I think its a little disgusting in its own right to use such things for political gain. We know several types of stem cell's are providing cures and medical breakthroughs but politicians ignore those and don't push for extra funding for it. Makes no sense.

Funny how there was no outcry when Michael J. Fox ran ads supporting Arlen Spector.

The fact is that embryonic stem cell research offer possiblities that adult stem cells may not. Why shouldn't we fund this? Because, as Bill O'Rielly says: "There's no guarentee"? When is there ever a guarentee in scientific research? What if Queen Isabella had denied funding to Columbus because there was no "guarentee" that he would reach the New World? What if Jonas Salk had not researched his Polio vaccine because there was "no guarentee" of a cure? I suppose all the researchers working on cures for Cancer and AIDS should just stop because we can't "guarentee" they'll find a cure!

Basically, this comes down to whether or not you think the "life" of a series of cells in a petrie dish are more important than the actual lives of actual people.

And for Fox's "behavior" in the political ad to even be and issue....well, that's (veiled profanity). You who are upset by it probably just want all of the "unclean" to lock themselves away so we don't have to see them. Because to acknowledge that they exist would mean we might, as a people, need to do something to help them.

How are you better than Tom Cruise, because of *his* religion, decrying the necissity of Psychiatry and medication? Because that's what this basically boils down to...your religious beliefs.

Go jump on a couch...and take your "liberal media" with you.
Funny how there was no outcry when Michael J. Fox ran ads supporting Arlen Spector.

The fact is that embryonic stem cell research offer possiblities that adult stem cells may not. Why shouldn't we fund this? Because, as Bill O'Rielly says: "There's no guarentee"? When is there ever a guarentee in scientific research? What if Queen Isabella had denied funding to Columbus because there was no "guarentee" that he would reach the New World? What if Jonas Salk had not researched his Polio vaccine because there was "no guarentee" of a cure? I suppose all the researchers working on cures for Cancer and AIDS should just stop because we can't "guarentee" they'll find a cure!

Basically, this comes down to whether or not you think the "life" of a series of cells in a petrie dish are more important than the actual lives of actual people.

I don't like Arlen Spector at all. So whats your point?

You say embryonic stem cells offer greater possibilites then adult stem cells? How? Theres never been a single study to show any such thing. There have been millions upon millions of dollars pumped into studies for along time and not one single person has come up with anything positive for them. Sometimes things don't work. You don't keep trying to start a car thats outa gas. We know adult stem cells work, so why not pump huge amounts of money into that trying to find cures? The only reason is because its not a viable political platform. Comparing Embryonic stem cells to finding cures for Aids makies no sense. Its apples and oranges. One is a single attempt to find a cure that has yielded nothing while Aids is a disease where they are trying 1000's of things to cure.

As for your latter statement. People with that view are just as biased and close minded as those who say those cells have life. So minimalizing that fact that those cells are alive and are what form humans doesn't make a valid arguement. A ton of people believe exactly what you said. They see those cells as actual people. That doesn't make them stupid. This is exactly why Embryonic stem cells are even talked about. Its a great platform for pro-choice people to continue to push there way of seeing things.

BTW...Who here is upset by Fox's actions in the ad? His condition has nothing to do with it. It was the fact that he was stating unfactual things. If someone is going to lie about something they aren't immune to criticism no matter what they suffere from. Trying to make things personal in this thread by saying anyone who didn't like the ad is against curing people or researching isn't fair or right.


Read that. Its pretty telling about how close we are to cures with Adult Stem cells (especially the disease Fox suffers from) and the fact that adult stem cells and others are just as effective as embryonic stem cells, yet all we talk about funding and pushing are embryonic stem cells. Its obvious its all political and taking advantage of peoples emotions to push other unreleated political ideas and people foward.
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Limbaugh has been winging it ever since 1992, when Bush 41 had him over for a Lincoln room sleepover. From that point, he changed from a commentator on the absurdities of liberalized American life (a genre Glenn Beck is currently mining) into Hannity-light, decrying the scourge of Liberalism. I believe he looks at the same websites each morning, reads the WSJ for his key talking points, and goes into battle. It sounds as though he has a group of attorneys who steer him through the legal morass. That's what happens when you've had one semester of college. His idle hours are given to restaurants and golf.

In that vein, he lacks any medical experts to guide him. That was my first thought watching the excepts and the Fox ad. It's just ignorant, but the right-wing doughboy has to give the audience what they want. At least it's not Hannity. We should be glad for small favors.
You say embryonic stem cells offer greater possibilites then adult stem cells? How? Theres never been a single study to show any such thing. There have been millions upon millions of dollars pumped into studies for along time and not one single person has come up with anything positive for them. Sometimes things don't work. You don't keep trying to start a car thats outa gas. We know adult stem cells work, so why not pump huge amounts of money into that trying to find cures? The only reason is because its not a viable political platform. Comparing Embryonic stem cells to finding cures for Aids makies no sense. Its apples and oranges. One is a single attempt to find a cure that has yielded nothing while Aids is a disease where they are trying 1000's of things to cure.

Millions of dollars is a drop in the bucket and ESC research is still in it's infancy compared to ASC. Geron is supposed to start human trials using ESCs to treat spinal cord injuries next year. Human ESCs were only isolated 8 years ago, so having a treatment go to trial already is pretty good. It's certainly too early to make claims that they don't work based on lack of human treatments. We should fund both embryonic and adult stem cell research, each could have advantages for specific treatments.
Michael J. Fox tells ABC he has not read Missouri's Cloning/Stem Cell Amendment

Stephanopoulos: In the ad now running in Missouri, Jim Caviezel speaks in Aramaic. It means, "You betray me with a kiss." And his position, his point, is that actually even though down in Missouri they say the initiative is against cloning, it's actually going to allow human cloning.

Fox: Well, I don't think that's true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I'm not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I'll agree with it in spirit, I don't know, I— On full disclosure, I haven't read it, and that's why I didn't put myself up for it distinctly.

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