Retired "USMC" Warrior
Haven't we learned anything this year. We were not supposed to win more than 2 games this year. Everyone (including some Saints fans) are extremely surprised how well the team has played. Noone knows how to view this team yet. Are we playingand winning because of post Katrina emotions, bad luck by other teams, teams unconciously not giving their all against us or is it that the Saints are just plain GOOD? The only thing anyone is sure of is that the Saints are WINNING and looking GOOD doing it. My feeling is that the "air of speculation" about this team will continue until next year. Until the season is over and the final record is known we may as well get used to being underestimated, looked down on, praised by some and a "feel good" story. I just hope that this "FEEL GOOD STORY" ends with a Super Bowl appearance and WIN. I am just going to sit back and be in awe of what the team is doing. Geaux Saints!!!!! Of course, this is just my two cents.....