Pete Carmichael Jr will be coming back for Revenge (1 Viewer)

Word is that Pete did not want to move his family after all these years in New Orleans. He had been offered OC interviews over the years but always turned them down because he was happy here and happy in the situation he was in.

He basically just wanted a job on DAs staff so he could keep his family here. And, I don't think it's that he didn't want the OC job, it's that DA wanted another OC and Pete was willing to wait around in hopes that he could keep his family here. DA tried to get other OCs but could not get the guys he wanted. So he went back to Pete to offer him the OC job. Probably don't want to hire your OC by default. But at least they targeted, went after and got Kubiak this year.
Well, as long as his family's happy.
Another curious development is that PC was here for essentially 16-17 years and likely never got the same respect, admiration, or focus from all of his players under him the same manner Kubiak has managed to achieve and gain in less then 5 months.I don't think its unfair to argue or speculate that in all the years Carmichael was here, most of the players, assistants, Payton himself saw him as an underling. Sort of similar to how Mora viewed Bill Kuharich after Finks' retirement and death in 1994, even though Kuharich had the title of "executive GM", he was never going to be seen and revered in the same manner Mora treated a legend like Jim Finks, who he had worked with and achieved so much since they both arrived in New Orleans in early 1986.
False, he know s how to draw up plays and coordinate an offense just fine. I may not agree w/ the revenge angle but people forgetting Payton saying how creative and smart Carmichael is w/ play design is just being dismissive.
I don’t know about the “coordinate an offense” part, but Pete is an excellent play designer. He can draw em up but he struggles with the execution. That’s why Pete pairs perfectly with SP, who is a solid play caller.
Pete did a good job filling in for Payton and in spot duty, but he was working with a well-oiled machine.

Given his career path, he’s apparently more comfortable in a support role - focusing on design and helping with the gameplan - but I think there’s a tendency, in these evaluations, to downplay just how badly the OL performed much of last season. Hard to have consistency and build success when the line is consistently losing in the trenches.
So much attention is on SP coming back, but our former OC will be coming back with him. He may want revenge and knows how to attack this defense.

I'm pretty sure the reason he's no longer here is because he DOESN'T know how to attack a defense...

And the same is true on the other side of the ball. Allen knows how to attack Pete's offense.

Not really scurr'd.
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I'm pretty sure the reason he's no longer here is because he DOESN'T know how to attack a defense...

And the same is true on the other side of the ball. Allen knows how to attack Pete's offense.

Not really scarred.
Or scared.
What does he have a cause for revenge? He got fired from a job he didn't even want. to begin with. As soon as he said he didn't want the job 2 years ago he should have been removed from consideration. That is my main objection of DA as HC. I don't know for sure he was insisting PC be retained as OC or if it came from Loomis or Lauscha but DA should have insisted not to retain PC as OC or turn down the HC job.

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