Play Haener (1 Viewer)

If the Saints lose to Tampa next week (God forbid) then I can see Haener getting to play against Atlanta in the last week since they will be eliminated from the playoffs. Until then no.
Haener is gonna be a real gamer whenever a coach finally puts him in. Best QB the Saints have drafted ever, or maybe since Archie. Both Carr and Winston have bad accuracy and no touch on the short passes and Haener definitely already has them both beat there, and he has a rocket arm and nice release, good pocket presence. What is not to like ? Those saying he isn't a NFL QB just have their blinders on hoping the Saints pick their guy.
I haven't seen enough (or any) of Haener with the 1st team to agree with you. What little I have seen from him makes me want to see more, and the sooner the better. The Saints coaches are watching him in practice, if he is really excelling, I think he will play in a lame duck game. If not, it's a bad sign.

How can anyone say at this point that Haener is "not an NFL QB"? That's a real head scratcher. Maybe I'm blind, but from what I've seen he has shown fewer non-fixable issues than our veteran QBs.
I agree, play him and see if he can become the backup next year
It would be nice to see him play but with this OC and DA would you get a fair evaluation. The stupid play calling lack of execution, porous OL what would we learn? With all that said I would still like to see what he could do.
I liked Haener going into the draft, I was psyched when we drafted him, and I still like Haener now. I very badly want to see what he can do with the starters, BUT, only with a proper game plan and good coaching. Otherwise we’ll not only not get a true sense of his abilities, but we’ll get him killed.
Until this coaching staff is different I don’t know what we’ll learn from starting him.
So which NFL teams are you a scout for? Or which teams have you been QB coach for? Maybe it was college then, which teams ? Not college, for sure you have to have HS coaching experience to say that a player is not an NFL starter.. But at least you've done your homework and studied Haener throughout his career. What are his strengths and weaknesses?
These types of comments are the most hilarious. As if just because you are a scout for an NFL team that means you have some super human ability over peasants like us. In reality they got into their positions because that is what the career path they decided to go down.

Unless you think that these countless hours of work and super human abilities were used perfectly to trade 2 firsts for Davenport over Lamar Jackson sitting their at our pick.

Or using 6 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 thirds to come away with Davenport, Turner, Ruiz, Olave and Penning.

Fans are absolutely entitled to their opinions from watching games.
After rewatching several Jake Haener videos. I think I want the Saints to leave QB alone this draft and roll with Haener as #2.

Let Haener beat Petetson in camp, which he absolutely will, and back up Carr in 2024. I actually think Haener could be an excellent QB in a smart offense. And listen, I understand Peterson has experience with the coaches and system, but Haener is smart and he will know the playbook and offense. I think Haener is the clear frontrunner.

Here's some videos if you want to see what I and others see.

What stood out to me in this video was Jake's ability to grasp and recall; Confidence in what he's doing; Naturally looks to take his place as alpha when the opportunity presents (watch body language of Haener and Mariucci after the "post corner post 90s play"comment. He has leadership confidence and intelligence. He's a natural competitor. You know one when you see one.

What may stand out to you in this video is what he was able to do at Fresno State in close games. Watch him play and it's easy to see his excellent anticipation and confidence, and that carries over to big moments.

Heck, just watch his Saints' work. His first NFL pass is EXACTLY who he is. If it isn't there or he doesn't see the play, he has a natural feel for throwing on the run. That's dangerous. You'll see him make nice throws on scrambles fairly often iwhen you watch some of his Fresno State games.

Watch him suit up and play his first NFL snap in his role model QB's uniform, facing the team who let that same hero leave to Free Agency. Haener wore #9 because his favorite player was Drew Brees. Honestly amazing coincidence that will put some people on alert. He's a sharp guy who had great success in a Tedford pro style offense.

Seems clear to me, if it walks like a duck...

And then you get to watch him perform with the pressure on, but now in an NFL uniform. Still looks good. The potential is evident.

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These types of comments are the most hilarious. As if just because you are a scout for an NFL team that means you have some super human ability over peasants like us. In reality they got into their positions because that is what the career path they decided to go down.

Unless you think that these countless hours of work and super human abilities were used perfectly to trade 2 firsts for Davenport over Lamar Jackson sitting their at our pick.

Or using 6 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 thirds to come away with Davenport, Turner, Ruiz, Olave and Penning.

Fans are absolutely entitled to their opinions from watching games.
Fantastic post.
I’d like to see what the kid brings to the table. Turn him loose and let him geaux. What else do we have to lose at this point. I don’t see him beating out Carr, but I do want to see what his upside is.
Lol most of the people in this thread made statements based on their belief Allen was coaching for his job.

Wasn’t last year, won’t be this year.
Yeah, I started this thread with what we like to call "wishful thinking".

Now that we're past that, I'm back on the "let's go DA" train and hopeful Kubiak will be the missing piece of the illusive recipe for HC DA success.

Haener should be QB2 (and maybe QB1 if Carr struggles with new playbook).
Haener will have his shot in the preseason. He's a very smart and accurate passer, knows how to move around the pocket and keep his hips square/eyes downfield BUT... he is very small. I really noticed it when he played in the preseason. Gonna be hard to take the hits in the NFL

Before y'all come for me, I know drew was small too but not this small.

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