Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged] (5 Viewers)

A Los Angeles police officer who fatally shot a 14-year-old girl inside a clothing store in 2021 will not face charges, the California attorney general announced on Wednesday.

Valentina Orellana-Peralta was shopping with her mother at a north Hollywood Burlington Coat Factory on 23 December 2021 when the LAPD entered to apprehend a man suspected of attacking customers in the store.

When officer William Dorsey Jones Jr fired three rounds at the man, Valentina was in a nearby dressing room with her mother praying and was killed by Jones’s gunfire.

The killing just before Christmas sparked national outrage, and the California justice department has been investigating it for years, following state law requiring inquiries into all fatal police shootings of unarmed victims.

The California department of justice said on Wednesday that there was “insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution” of the officer.

The state’s attorney general, Rob Bonta, released a report on the investigation, which recommended that the LAPD “consider updating their communication training bulletin and any related training to account for the type of situation presented during this event”.

The lack of charges comes despite an LA police commission ruling in 2022 that Jones had violated policy during the shooting, a rare rebuke from the civilian oversight group.

The commission said Jones’s second and third shots were not justified. Michel Moore, the police chief at the time, concluded that Jones should not have fired any of the shots and said it did not appear deadly force was “objectively reasonable or necessary”.

Body-camera footage of the shooting immediately raised concerns when it was released in 2021.

The video showed that as soon as Jones saw Daniel Elena Lopez, the 24-year-old who had assaulted customers, Jones fired three rounds in rapid succession.

It did not appear that Jones shouted commands at Elena Lopez or attempt to de-escalate before firing. Elena Lopez was also killed….

A Missouri judge awarded more than $23m to a former St Louis police officer who was beaten by other officers while working undercover at a protest in 2017.

On Monday Luther Hall was awarded the significant sum in a default judgment by Joseph Whyte, the St Louis circuit judge, after one of the defendants failed to respond to a lawsuit over the 2017 attack.

“Mr Hall had to endure this severe beating and while that was happening, he knew it was being administered by his colleagues who were sworn to serve and protect,” Whyte said.

Hall was severely injured by his own colleagues while undercover at a protest following the acquittal of Jason Stockley, a white police officer who shot and killed 24-year-old Anthony Lamar Smith, a Black man.

Hall was pinned to the ground by officers and beaten with a baton, suffering permanent injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder, Buzzfeed News reported.

Last year, the St Louis police department reopened an internal investigation into the incident, KSDK reported.

In a 2022 interview with KMOV, Hall said that officers at the 2017 demonstration were simply out to hurt protesters.

“I could have been anybody, but being Black definitely didn’t help,” Hall said.

Officers also lied on an incident report about Hall’s assault, writing that “Hall was knocked to the ground striking the concrete” as officers were making arrests.

Hall previously sued the city of St Louis in 2021 over the attack, later reaching a $5m settlement agreement.

In 2022 Hall sued three former law enforcement colleagues for their roles in the assault: Randy Hays, Dustin Boone and Christopher Myers, who are all white.

Hays did not respond to Hall’s lawsuit, despite being served while incarcerated for his role in the assault. In 2021, Hays was sentenced to four years in prison for using unreasonable and excessive force against Hall.

Boone was sentenced to a year and a day in prison for a civil rights charge related to the attack, the St Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Myers received probation for his role in the assault.

Hall’s claims against Boone and Myers are ongoing.…….

230 grains moving at about 800fps is all he deserves. I often wonder if killing someone like this is a sin. Would God forgive a person? If this is your child or grand child does God even exist to you now?

Honestly I am tired of hearing these stories. When do we as a society say fork it and show up at the jail with torches and a rope?

There is no reason these people should be walking earth.
A police department in Texas has admitted it did not act on key evidence in a 2019 murder case, with the suspect then going on to allegedly commit at least one other murder before his arrest in 2023.

Raul Meza Jr, 63, allegedly admitted to killing Gloria Lofton, after calling the Austin Police Department last May and confessing to killing his roommate Jesse Fraga that month.

Lofton was found strangled at her home on 9 May 2019, but Mr Meza wasn’t caught despite a reported DNA match in 2020. A note at the house in her handwriting, mentioning him by name, also allegedly went overlooked by investigators.

In a recent interview with NBC News, Lofton’s daughter Christina Fultz said she was furious to learn that APD did not act on key evidence which could have potentially prevented Fraga’s death.…..

230 grains moving at about 800fps is all he deserves. I often wonder if killing someone like this is a sin. Would God forgive a person? If this is your child or grand child does God even exist to you now?

Honestly I am tired of hearing these stories. When do we as a society say fork it and show up at the jail with torches and a rope?

There is no reason these people should be walking earth.
How does this help?

You are tired? Try living it for 50 years while everyone else gets to pretend it doesn't exist until something like this pops up and then they want to put a bullet in this one guy and act like it's fixed. The truth is you can't handle the reality of how bad it is. Why face facts when we can use a bullet and call it good.

You want to fix it, then you want billions of funding for expert childhood development workers regularly interacting with kids to identify the ones in need of help. Letting them develop until they abuse and then executing is useless as a fix. That's going to take a lot more than simply calling for an execution on a message board.

Are you really fed up enough to fix it still?
How does this help?

You are tired? Try living it for 50 years while everyone else gets to pretend it doesn't exist until something like this pops up and then they want to put a bullet in this one guy and act like it's fixed. The truth is you can't handle the reality of how bad it is. Why face facts when we can use a bullet and call it good.

You want to fix it, then you want billions of funding for expert childhood development workers regularly interacting with kids to identify the ones in need of help. Letting them develop until they abuse and then executing is useless as a fix. That's going to take a lot more than simply calling for an execution on a message board.

Are you really fed up enough to fix it still?
Well I was abused as a child so I feel like there should be consequences. Heee I will meet you in the middle. Let’s do both, invest in the stuff you said and the 45 acp ammo I said. I will tell ya I am 54 years old and have lived most of my life with this sheet. I rarely trust anyone. I am close to my kids my wife and my brother and mom. It has affected relationships because of the trust issues.
How does this help?

You are tired? Try living it for 50 years while everyone else gets to pretend it doesn't exist until something like this pops up and then they want to put a bullet in this one guy and act like it's fixed. The truth is you can't handle the reality of how bad it is. Why face facts when we can use a bullet and call it good.

You want to fix it, then you want billions of funding for expert childhood development workers regularly interacting with kids to identify the ones in need of help. Letting them develop until they abuse and then executing is useless as a fix. That's going to take a lot more than simply calling for an execution on a message board.

Are you really fed up enough to fix it still?
Better than using it to kill brown people. I'm in.
A California city has agreed to pay $11m to the family of a man who was killed by police in 2021 when officers restrained him in a prone positionfor five minutes as he struggled to breathe.

The city of Alameda, just outside of San Francisco, announced on Thursday that it had settled the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the estate of Mario Gonzalez, a 26-year-old who was killed in a similar manner to George Floyd in a case that led to protests and national outrage. The city said it was paying $11m to Gonzalez’s seven-year-old son and $350,000 to Gonzalez’s mother.

The police encounter, which was captured on body-camera footage, raised concerns about deadly restraint tactics and led to scrutiny of local officials who initially said Gonzalez had a “medical emergency” without disclosing the use of force and then blamed the death on drug use.

On 19 April 2021, Alameda police encountered Gonzalez in a park after two residents called police to report a man talking to himself. One 911 caller said, “He’s not doing anything wrong. He’s just scaring my wife.” A second caller said he had alcohol bottles.

The first officer who arrived spoke for several minutes with Gonzalez, who appeared dazed and disoriented, but was speaking calmly. The officer called for backup and when a second officer arrived, they grabbed him to handcuff him behind his back and forced him to the ground. A third officer showed up and three of them held him face-down with their bodyweight on top of him, including for three minutes and 45 seconds after he was already handcuffed, the family’s lawyers said.

Footage captured Gonzalez gasping for air and saying, “I didn’t do nothing.”

At one point, an officer said, “Think we can roll him on his side?” and another responded, “I don’t want to lose what I got.” Once Gonzalez appeared to lose consciousness, the officers then rolled him over. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The Alameda county coroner’s office, which is part of the sheriff’s department, ruled the case a homicide, but said the cause of death was “toxic effects of methamphetamine”. The coroner also said “physiologic stress of altercation and restraint”, obesity and alcoholism contributed to his death.…….

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A second former Arkansas law enforcement officer has pleaded guilty to violating the civil rights of a man he repeatedly punched during a violent arrest in 2022 that was caught on video and shared widely.

Former Crawford County sheriff's deputy Levi White changed his plea during a hearing in federal court on Friday, according to court documents. White pleaded guilty to a felony count of deprivation of rights under color of law during the Aug. 21, 2022, arrest of Randal Worcester outside a convenience store.

White and another former deputy, Zackary King, were charged by federal prosecutors last year for the arrest. A bystander used a cellphone to record the arrest in the small town of Mulberry, about 140 miles (220 kilometers) northwest of Little Rock, near the border with Oklahoma. King on Monday pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of deprivation of rights under color of law.

A third officer caught in the video, Mulberry Police Officer Thell Riddle, was not charged in the federal case. King and White were fired by the Crawford County sheriff. The video depicted King and White striking Worcester as Riddle held him down. White also slammed Worcester's head onto the pavement.

A trial had been scheduled next month for White and King before the two changed their pleas. Sentencing hearings will be held later. White faces up to 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $250,000...............

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A fired Philadelphia police officer pleaded guilty Friday to murder in the shooting of a fleeing 12-year-old boy, who prosecutors have said was on the ground and unarmed when the officer fired the fatal shot.

Edsaul Mendoza also pleaded guilty to possession of an instrument of crime as part of a plea deal with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. A sentencing date has not been disclosed.

The Associated Press left a voicemail message for Mendoza’s lawyer seeking comment Friday.

Mendoza had been charged with first- and third-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter in the shooting of Thomas “T.J.” Siderio in March 2022, with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office saying at the time that video contradicted the officer’s version of events. Police have said the boy had first fired a shot at an unmarked police car, injuring one of four plainclothes officers inside...........

1. Constitutional rights are clearly not being emphasized and taught in police academies.
2. Terry v Ohio needs to be overturned. That alone would cut down all these unnecessary "respek my authoritah" interactions with the psychopathic narcissists on the force.

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