Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (1 Viewer)

Texas schoolchildren as young as four years old are being given Winnie-the-Pooh cartoon books, teaching them to “run, hide, fight” if a gunman enters their building.

Parents and teachers in the Dallas area have expressed alarm and concern that the Stay Safe book, produced by a law enforcement consulting firm in Houston, has been sent home in the backpacks of children in pre-kindergarten and elementary classes.

The book features the honey-loving bear created by AA Milne and illustrator EH Shepard instructing kids about how to react to a mass shooting. It is not an official production, Winnie-the-Pooh has been in the public domain in the US since 1 January 2022.

The subtitle to the Stay Safe book is: “If there is danger, let Winnie-the-Pooh and his Crew show you what to do: Run Hide Fight.”

Run, hide, fight are the tactics advised by the FBI “should the unthinkable occur”.

Inside pages of the book, featuring other characters from the Hundred Acre Wood, tell kids: “If it is safe to get away, we should RUN like Rabbit instead of stay … If danger is near, do not fear, HIDE like Pooh does until the police appear.”.

The “hide” page has a drawing of Pooh burying his head in a pot of honey.

On the following page, Kanga and baby Roo are shown wearing boxing gloves. The text says: “If danger finds us, don’t stay, run away. If we can’t get away, we have to FIGHT with all our might.”

The book was given to children in Dallas-area schools on Monday without discussion or comment either with teachers or the families who received it. The move came on the week of the first anniversary of Uvalde, the mass shooting in a Texas elementary school in which 19 children and two teachers were killed.

A teacher from a Dallas elementary school of about 500 students told the Guardian she found the book “terribly disturbing”. She had been given a stack of copies, she said, to give to each child in her class.

“I found it extremely disturbing, and was very uncomfortable with the whole contents of the book,” the teacher said, requesting anonymity.

The teacher added that she was troubled by the distribution of a Winnie-the-Pooh book at a time when Republican politicians in Texas were loosening gun laws.

“The fact that people think it’s a better idea to put out this book to a child rather than actually take any actions to stop shootings from happening in our schools, that really bothers me. It makes me feel so angry, so disappointed.

“It’s a year since Uvalde, and nothing has been done other than this book. That is putting it on the kids.”.............

So let me see if I got this right. We’re using Winnie the Pooh to teach children how to handle an active shooter who invades their supposedly safe place in which they are doing nothing wrong, just being educated?

Meanwhile we protect the “rights” of a shooter to carry a gun into that space used for learning and kill everyone he can?

Do I have that correct? Man, someone needs to unplug this ******-******* country and plug it back in again, because this is insanity.
So let me see if I got this right. We’re using Winnie the Pooh to teach children how to handle an active shooter who invades their supposedly safe place in which they are doing nothing wrong, just being educated?

Meanwhile we protect the “rights” of a shooter to carry a gun into that space used for learning and kill everyone he can?

Do I have that correct? Man, someone needs to unplug this ******-******* country and plug it back in again, because this is insanity.

The next episode will have Piglet showing them how to adjusts the sights on an AR15.
So let me see if I got this right. We’re using Winnie the Pooh to teach children how to handle an active shooter who invades their supposedly safe place in which they are doing nothing wrong, just being educated?

Meanwhile we protect the “rights” of a shooter to carry a gun into that space used for learning and kill everyone he can?

Do I have that correct? Man, someone needs to unplug this ******-******* country and plug it back in again, because this is insanity.
and more concerned that the kindergarten teacher may talk about her wife to the kids
A jury has acquitted the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, finding him not guilty on all counts.

Scot Peterson had pleaded not guilty to 11 counts, including charges of felony child neglect and culpable negligence stemming from the deaths and injuries that happened on the third floor of the school’s 1200 building. He was also charged with perjury based on comments he made to investigators after the shooting……

Not really been following this but Scot Peterson, the school resource officer, found not guilty on all counts in Parkland shooting.
A jury has acquitted the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, finding him not guilty on all counts.

Scot Peterson had pleaded not guilty to 11 counts, including charges of felony child neglect and culpable negligence stemming from the deaths and injuries that happened on the third floor of the school’s 1200 building. He was also charged with perjury based on comments he made to investigators after the shooting……

Oh, we posted at the same time. Were you following this closely?
Oh, we posted at the same time. Were you following this closely?

not really, I saw when the case was proceeding and read how the verdict would have an impact on any possible cases against the uvalde cops
not really, I saw when the case was proceeding and read how the verdict would have an impact on any possible cases against the uvalde cops
Now I sort of want to deep dive because I'm not sure how analagous it is to Uvalde except on the face.
So let me see if I got this right. We’re using Winnie the Pooh to teach children how to handle an active shooter who invades their supposedly safe place in which they are doing nothing wrong, just being educated?

Meanwhile we protect the “rights” of a shooter to carry a gun into that space used for learning and kill everyone he can?

Do I have that correct? Man, someone needs to unplug this ******-******* country and plug it back in again, because this is insanity.
You do not to a degree. To my knowledge there is no state that allows a person to carry a firearm legally into a school unless they are a cop. I know there has been a push nationally for teachers to be allowed to carry but not sure if any of that has passed.

I don’t see a problem with the book beyond the fact someone would desire to harm a child.

I know in Wisconsin it is illegal for anyone beyond law enforcement to carry a firearm onto school property. If you have a CCW you can carry on the sidewalk if you will outside of school property but not on to school property. We also have open carry in Wisconsin. If you don’t have a CCW you can’t be within 1000 ft of a school.

Ultimately I hate our children have to be taught to fear some whack job coming to kill them.

On a side note I did have conversations with my kids on what to do and where to go if someone broke into our home. A child’s first impulse is typically to go to mom or dad. My kids were taught were to hide and that me or mom would get there as quickly as we can. It never happened but there’s something to be said about being prepared.
You do not to a degree. To my knowledge there is no state that allows a person to carry a firearm legally into a school unless they are a cop. I know there has been a push nationally for teachers to be allowed to carry but not sure if any of that has passed.

I don’t see a problem with the book beyond the fact someone would desire to harm a child.

I know in Wisconsin it is illegal for anyone beyond law enforcement to carry a firearm onto school property. If you have a CCW you can carry on the sidewalk if you will outside of school property but not on to school property. We also have open carry in Wisconsin. If you don’t have a CCW you can’t be within 1000 ft of a school.

Ultimately I hate our children have to be taught to fear some whack job coming to kill them.

On a side note I did have conversations with my kids on what to do and where to go if someone broke into our home. A child’s first impulse is typically to go to mom or dad. My kids were taught were to hide and that me or mom would get there as quickly as we can. It never happened but there’s something to be said about being prepared.

Yes, it's already illegal to a crazy murderous guy with an AR-15 to go into a school

That's not the issue

The issue is the Winnie the Pooh book is a preferred solution versus A. making it hard as fork for crazy murderous guy to get an AR-15 and B. making it easier for crazy murderous guy to get the mental health treatment he needs so maybe he's not crazy and murderous anymore
Now I sort of want to deep dive because I'm not sure how analagous it is to Uvalde except on the face.
I think it's a general dereliction of duty. not sure what the specific charges were for this guy and how they'd be different for Uvalde

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