So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED] (1 Viewer)

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Have you heard of the First Amendment? The one about free speech? What do you think Pride and Pride Parades are? They are free speech and protected by the U.S. Constitution. So, when you complain about Pride and Pride Parades, you are complaining about free speech.

But, please continue to insult me because you don't understand the issues involved and are ignorant of the world around you.
That’s cool. Well next time tell Amy with a penis to go around telling everybody she likes in the poop shoot. They have the 1st amendment right to say that but doubt they do right?
I don't hate you. Frankly, I pity you for being so ignorant of the world around you. It's not just the way things are now. It's the way things have always been. You don't know that because people were forced to hide who they really were. Your attitude is exactly the reason that Pride exists and the fact that there are still people who think like you that it must continue to exist.

Hopefully, through teaching and Pride your kids will learn better than you.
Just re read this and i disagree. It is not close to how things have always been. Not even close. Not sure where you grew up or during what time. I mean i am sure having sexual feelings for the same sex can go back to even the Bible times. Does that mean you should be proud of it? I don’t think anyone should hate themselves for much of anything but proud? Can’t just be ok with you doing you?
Explain to me how it is normal or biologically correct to be other than straight. Anybody? Back up your thumbs down against me with legitimate facts.
Does peer-reviewed, scientific data work for you?

Explain to me how it is normal or biologically correct to be other than straight. Anybody? Back up your thumbs down against me with legitimate facts.
Explain God making people who are born with hermaphroditism. Once you realize that people can be born with both sets of sex organs you realize that many different situations can happen. How are they supposed to identify? Which sex are they supposed to be attracted to?

People are born with some sets of genomes being xx and some xy within the same person. If someone has some xx and some xy chromosomes, how are they supposed to identify?

These are real people, with real feelings and real lives. Once you understand that people are born this way, you can see how other things happen. It explains how some people are born attracted to the same sex. If people can be born with both sets of sex organs and can identify as either sex it makes you realize that there is the possibility of being born with one set of sex organs, but identifying internally as another sex or even not identifying as either, even asexual.

It’s not a choice or lifestyle. It’s how people are born.
Does peer-reviewed, scientific data work for you?

Nope. All has agenda by people who likely haven't touched grass for years. I can find articles for days to prove either point, I want real life experiences.
Nope. All has agenda by people who likely haven't touched grass for years. I can find articles for days to prove either point, I want real life experiences.
These are scientific studies. Not articles. Please point me to the one's that back your claims.
Explain God making people who are born with hermaphroditism. Once you realize that people can be born with both sets of sex organs you realize that many different situations can happen. How are they supposed to identify? Which sex are they supposed to be attracted to?

People are born with some sets of genomes being xx and some xy within the same person. If someone has some xx and some xy chromosomes, how are they supposed to identify?

These are real people, with real feelings and real lives. Once you understand that people are born this way, you can see how other things happen. It explains how some people are born attracted to the same sex. If people can be born with both sets of sex organs and can identify as either sex it makes you realize that there is the possibility of being born with one set of sex organs, but identifying internally as another sex or even not identifying as either, even asexual.

It’s not a choice or lifestyle. It’s how people are born.
Good points and nothing wrong with how are they are born. That’s their own personal situation and what they choose to identify is what it is. I’m talking about those that like to think influencing other kids is ok. Kids are already worried about their height, weight, skin color, etc
Good points and nothing wrong with how are they are born. That’s their own personal situation and what they choose to identify is what it is. I’m talking about those that like to think influencing other kids is ok. Kids are already worried about their height, weight, skin color, etc
It’s not influencing. There is nothing that someone can say to make someone else be attracted to someone they are not attracted to or feel sexually different to how they feel. It’s to let kids know that it’s ok and to be accepted.

What would it take to make you gay or feel like a woman inside. According to what you say, there is something that could persuade you to change. What is your trigger to be gay?
I see you are wanting to me to go there but the Bible is my data. Adam and Eve. Simple. If all men died off we would all die off. Same with women.
I'm not asking you to go anywhere. You requested facts, I provided them. That you refuse to understand or read them is irrelevant. You said there were "articles for days", I'm simply asking to see them. If you read the bible with the same level of comprehension you are demonstrating here, I think we have identified the crux of the issue.
It’s not influencing. There is nothing that someone can say to make someone else be attracted to someone they are not attracted to or feel sexually different to how they feel. It’s to let kids know that it’s ok and to be accepted.

What would it take to make you gay or feel like a woman inside. According to what you say, there is something that could persuade you to change. What is your trigger to be gay?
When i was in the middle east many of the men would say” women are for babies” and the men are for pleasure. So i am not totally oblivious that it is a lifestyle choice some choose. Whether it is under the radar or out in the open is s big difference to me as a father. Kids have way too much to deal with as it is. If they gravitate towards that lifestyle as they grow older so be it. I don’t think any kid should feel bad about how they were born.
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