So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED] (3 Viewers)

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No, i have legitimately have never had feelings sexually for another man.
Oh look, he’s about to get it!

IMO it has to be a lifestyle choice.
Whoops, never mind.

Other than straight is a mental state. Not biological. You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?
On the other hand, putting it where a woman craps is just good, clean fun. American as apple pie.

Well you could always go about life not specifying where you like to stick your baby maker for pleasure.
This is the whole forking point.

You just want LGBTQ+ people to be invisible.

They’re not. They exist, and pride is about you needing to learn to get over it.
Going to be honest. Reading this thread has made me to believe that most don’t know what they want and just want a fight because they don’t “fit in” with society.

Other than straight is a mental state. Not biological. You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?

I’ve cautioned you about trying to speak for me
You’re not being honest you’re being defensive
You are resorting to ad hominem attacks bc (assuming) you realize you have no valid argument aside from IMO and instead of admitting it you dig in

You told us to read a Bible, I’m fairly certain the Bible has an admonition against Bearing False Witness - like I think it commands people to NOT bear false witness
YOU are bearing false witness- intentionally
Maybe remove the plank from your own eye before wading into discussions you clearly know nothing about
Going to be honest. Reading this thread has made me to believe that most don’t know what they want and just want a fight because they don’t “fit in” with society.
Who are you trying to convince?

Something something 'dost protest too much, methinks.'
Going to be honest. Reading this thread has made me to believe that most don’t know what they want and just want a fight because they don’t “fit in” with society.

Other than straight is a mental state. Not biological. You think it’s natural to stick your baby maker where another man craps?

You call your penis “baby maker”. 😂. Now I get it.
Are you saying there is something Freudian about Getting in the Carr?
It's vaguely familiar as Freudian but I'm only passingly familiar with his work. I hardly think a few sentences 40 years ago in grade school qualifies me to diagnose.

I'm just trying to get em to think more about internal issues than external ones. To the real question.

Why does someone else celebrating homosexuality cause such vehement denial of it's existence that it becomes necessary to attempt control over their expression?
Why does someone else celebrating homosexuality cause such vehement denial of it's existence that it becomes necessary to attempt control over their expression?
are you suggesting there might be more to the story behind the getting underage drinks at Oz back in the day?
Yeah that stood out to me too

Whittier wrote:
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been

humans are complex creatures
For the love of God please quit calling it a baby maker…
Right it’s the testicles that do all the work
Well…womb/ovary does the real work
Penis is just a delivery system
It’s like thinking your Uber Eats driver made your meal
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I read your post many times and i get your point of view. No, i have legitimately have never had feelings sexually for another man. Even when at OZ on Bourbon to get drinks underage back in the 90’s.

IMO it has to be a lifestyle choice. The penis was designed to pregnant a female. I mean yeah they have come up with other ways to make babies but it almost always involves sperm and egg right?

It’s a lifestyle choice because it isn’t normal in terms of human nature. If you think that is hate than i don’t know what else to say except maybe read the Bible, touch the grass, and grab some arse.

WTF does a book of fairy tales (the bible) have to do with this?

You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried…..
are you suggesting there might be more to the story behind the getting underage drinks at Oz back in the day?
Yeah that stood out to me too

Whittier wrote:
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been

humans are complex creatures
I make no accusations. I'm genuinely curious. If he knows he'll answer. Doesn't matter if he tells us either. Only important he knows. Life is complex. Feelings are difficult. But until I recognize my own, I'm pissing in the proverbial wind.

I can't tell him what he's about any more than he can tell me about myself. What I think? The more I figure out my happy, the less what someone else does matters.

That feels like all I can handle.

Some people once said this and even if they could never imagine the changes, still put it prominent in declaration. I don't know how to say it better. I imagine we all agree.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
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