So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED] (2 Viewers)

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Oh look, he’s about to get it!

Whoops, never mind.

On the other hand, putting it where a woman craps is just good, clean fun. American as apple pie.

This is the whole forking point.

You just want LGBTQ+ people to be invisible.

They’re not. They exist, and pride is about you needing to learn to get over it.
Fair enough. But people’s disgust about it also visible. I mean “get a room” was a thing before any of the alphabet gang stuff. It’s about for the kids. So they grow up to make their own decisions based on biological instincts. This crap going on is trying to be selfish and ignore that kids are in the room.
are you suggesting there might be more to the story behind the getting underage drinks at Oz back in the day?
Yeah that stood out to me too

Whittier wrote:
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been

humans are complex creatures
I make no accusations. I'm genuinely curious. If he knows he'll answer. Doesn't matter if he tells us either. Only important he knows. Life is complex. Feelings are difficult. But until I recognize my own, I'm pissing in the proverbial wind.

I can't tell him what he's about any more than he can tell me about myself. What I think? The more I figure out my happy, the less what someone else does matters.

That feels like all I can handle.

Some people once said this and even if they could never imagine the changes, still put it prominent in declaration. I don't know how to say it better. I imagine we all agree.
Like i said. I could care less where you or anyone wants to stick their manhood. I have been around that lifestyle as a typical person living around New Orleans. However, as a parent now i am not a fan of the trying to push it onto kids as normal. It isn’t. As long as we all acknowledge that, there won’t be so much hostility.
Nah buddy. Not about me. Hate me all you want but i’m worried for the next gen of kids that are just being told to “accept it, that’s the just the way things are now”

I don't hate you. Frankly, I pity you for being so ignorant of the world around you. It's not just the way things are now. It's the way things have always been. You don't know that because people were forced to hide who they really were. Your attitude is exactly the reason that Pride exists and the fact that there are still people who think like you that it must continue to exist.

Hopefully, through teaching and Pride your kids will learn better than you.
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Explain to me how it is normal or biologically correct to be other than straight. Anybody? Back up your thumbs down against me with legitimate facts.

There are numerous examples of homosexuality in nature beyond humans if you want to ignore the fact that homosexuality has always existed in humans. And it has been written about in literature since at least the Iliad which was written somewhere between 750 and 850 B.C.E. And it most certainly existed for thousands of years before that.

And either, it's a biological fact or you can choose to be gay. So, can you choose to want to have sex with a man?

There are your facts. Now continue to ignore them.
Explain to me how it is normal or biologically correct to be other than straight. Anybody? Back up your thumbs down against me with legitimate facts.
I don't think having sex is purely about procreating - it's also about pleasure and fun - I can't back that up with facts
I’ve cautioned you about trying to speak for me
You’re not being honest you’re being defensive
You are resorting to ad hominem attacks bc (assuming) you realize you have no valid argument aside from IMO and instead of admitting it you dig in

You told us to read a Bible, I’m fairly certain the Bible has an admonition against Bearing False Witness - like I think it commands people to NOT bear false witness
YOU are bearing false witness- intentionally
Maybe remove the plank from your own eye before wading into discussions you clearly know nothing about
I am being defensive for the hundreds of thousands who resent that lifestyle but am probably more sympathetic to that lifestyle because i have been around it. You and others are literally trying to force your lifestyle onto others and if they disagree it is hate. It’s bulllshirt and you know it. Yes, i like that verse too but i mean reread it in your own context. The New Testament can be twisted if you don’t know the old testament. In the Old Testament it says eating seafood is a sin.
Explain to me how it is normal or biologically correct to be other than straight. Anybody? Back up your thumbs down against me with legitimate facts.

And, by the way, who cares if something is "biologically correct"? As if that really means anything. Biology is not right or wrong, it just is.

Beyond that, whether or not something normally occurs in nature, and homosexuality most certainly does, does not determine if you have a legal right to do it or even if it is moral to do it. You don't get to force your morality on others. That's the entire point of the U.S. Constitution.
I don't think having sex is purely about procreating - it's also about pleasure and fun - I can't back that up with facts
Fair enough. If you believe in creation though, then you believe that a man’s sperm create’s babies with a woman’s egg. You have to be mentally different to disagree about what the male and female anatomy were designed for. Sure a spoons can sometimes be used for other than designed but does that make it Normal?
And, by the way, who cares if something is "biologically correct"? As if that really means anything. Biology is not right or wrong, it just is.

Beyond that, whether or not something normally occurs in nature, and homosexuality most certainly does, does not determine if you have a legal right to do it or even if it is moral to do it. You don't get to force your morality on others. That's the entire point of the U.S. Constitution.
Wtf does the constitution have to do with anything? I have not once said people who disagree with my lifestyle should be put away. Get over yourself. Trying to be hero fighting against somebody not even fighting you. Short man syndrome
Wtf does the constitution have to do with anything? I have not once said people who disagree with my lifestyle should be put away. Get over yourself. Trying to be hero fighting against somebody not even fighting you. Short man syndrome

Have you heard of the First Amendment? The one about free speech? What do you think Pride and Pride Parades are? They are free speech and protected by the U.S. Constitution. So, when you complain about Pride and Pride Parades, you are complaining about free speech.

But, please continue to insult me because you don't understand the issues involved and are ignorant of the world around you.
I don't hate you. Frankly, I pity you for being so ignorant of the world around you. It's not just the way things are now. It's the way things have always been. You don't know that because people were forced to hide who they really were. Your attitude is exactly the reason that Pride exists and the fact that there are still people who think like you that it must continue to exist.

Hopefully, through teaching and Pride your kids will learn better than you.
Ah yeah you pity me bc i don’t just Please stop! and accept what is being pushed down my throat. There was a lapse in parenting between the boomers and x gen. Best believe my Gen already sees the problem and is working hard to correct it. Great for you single guys with no kids but hell for us that have to raise kids. We will win the culture war. How do i know? Because we have to. Period
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