Tea Party begins to split (1 Viewer)


is not a rookie
VIP Contributor
Oct 19, 2009
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So it begins. If the tea party does in fact fracture it could potentially lead to significantly fewer congressional seats lost by the Democrats in November. I really hope, for the sake of the GOP, that the Paul camp wins.

Tea party activists are divided roughly into two camps, according to a new POLITICO/TargetPoint poll: one that’s libertarian-minded and largely indifferent to hot-button values issues and another that’s culturally conservative and equally concerned about social and fiscal issues.
Palin, who topped the list with 15 percent, speaks for the 43 percent of those polled expressing the distinctly conservative view that government does too much, while also saying that it needs to promote traditional values.

Paul’s thinking is reflected by an almost identical 42 percent who said government does too much but should not try to promote any particular set of values — the hallmarks of libertarians. He came in second to Palin with 12 percent.

So it begins. If the tea party does in fact fracture it could potentially lead to significantly fewer congressional seats lost by the Democrats in November. I really hope, for the sake of the GOP, that the Paul camp wins.


Even if a fracture occurs, all are united against the democrats. The Democrats are headed for a cliff come November.

Antipathy toward Democrats runs deep: 76 percent said the Democratic Party represents the views of the movement “not at all well.” Only 11 percent said they’d consider voting for Obama in 2012, and only 6 percent said they’d vote for a Democrat on the generic congressional ballot.
I would wear one of those Teahats if the Paul side wins out. It would be a great day for our country to actually have the choice to vote for less government without the values and religious issues.

Please don't for a second think I'm saying I support Paul's ludicrous tax ideas or the abolition of government. I do long for a government that stayed out of the morality and religious business as any true liberal/libertarian should.
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I would wear one of those Teahats if the Paul side wins out. It would be a great day for our country to actually have the choice to vote for less government without the values and religious issues.
We agree on this one. I'm all for Ron Paul. Cut spending across the board.
This will be interesting to watch, but I have full faith the republican party will continue to push the agenda of the religous right.

I cannot forsee any possible events where the republicans earn back my support.
Even if a fracture occurs, all are united against the democrats. The Democrats are headed for a cliff come November.

If you take an honest assessment of what the Tea Party is doing they are splitting the Republican ticket. Not the Democrat ticket.

They will cancel each other out and give the democrat the winning majority.

Do your homework. Look at the Florida race and the stink of Crist running as an independent.

Your wishes and reality aren't always connected.
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The more (legitimate/intelligent) opposition to the status quo of R/D the better
Then pull for the Paul side. The Palin side of the Tea Party satisfies neither of your 2 conditions for better opposition.
I would wear one of those Teahats if the Paul side wins out. It would be a great day for our country to actually have the choice to vote for less government without the values and religious issues.

In a heart beat... I really feel that a party like this could attract part of the democratic party as well (the libertarian democrats for example). I have always been sympathetic towards libertarian ideals but I often feel that they are a little to extreme on their view of government programs. A moderate approach that pledges smaller government and a balanced federal budget along with a "its none of our business" approach to social and cultural issues would have my vote.

Then pull for the Paul side. The Palin side of the Tea Party satisfies neither of your 2 conditions for better opposition.

Very true the Palin side satisfies the buzz word crazed, "lets see how many people we can get riled up and morally enraged by suggesting that their style of life is going to be forever altered by allowing others to live the way they choose" opposition. Oh and by opposition I mean opposed to the current regimes agenda without presenting a real and clear alternative of their own. I am a fiscal conservative, Bush was not, nor to my mind would someone like Sarah Palin be... she is a social conservative and to even think of her being in charge of this nation makes my head hurt.

I want someone to vote for in the next presidential election and out of the likely candidates from the right I cannot stand Huckabee or Palin, I would consider Romney acceptable but he is also a social conservative who would likely try to push his ideals on the nation... Paul or someone like Bill Richardson (who is actually a D) I like but both completely lack the charisma to seriously be considered. The good news is Huckabee and Palin are probably taking themselves out of consideration with their over exposure (too many sound bites for the opposition) and there is still a lot of time for someone else to appear...

Warhawks will not back Paul because his stances on the war on terror.

The trouble would arise in him getting the nomination of his party, but if Paul wound up as the primary candidate from the right he would get the support of the war hawks and the religious right simply out of their outright opposition to the other side. Politics on both sides has become more about voting against what you do not like and less about voting for your own ideals.
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Who will be the candidate for the Anarchists Party?

That's who I want...
In a heart beat... I really feel that a party like this could attract part of the democratic party as well (the libertarian democrats for example). I have always been sympathetic towards libertarian ideals but I often feel that they are a little to extreme on their view of government programs. A moderate approach that pledges smaller government and a balanced federal budget along with a "its none of our business" approach to social and cultural issues would have my vote.

Moderate government with a balanced budget and a complete revocation of all religion would suit me well.

Don't tread on me!
The problem with the tea party was that is bore no distinction from neoconservativism.....it wasn't even paleoconservativism. This is what sours them claiming any legitimate voice of dissent.

You can't call yourself the 'voice of opposition' when you only oppose one side.

I voted for Paul in 2008, though he's going to be pushing 75 in 2012....that isn't realistic to push a guy not media friendly like he is.

All the legitimate leaders of opposition stand no chance of schmaltzing through the kabuki lowest common denominator political system.

What are the chances of a Kuccinich (D) or Paul (R) leading an independent charge? We need more than one consolidated voice of pissing and moaning. We need legitimate leaders OF the people (not corporate interests), someone independent of the existing machine.

A new Ross Perot is needed, like it or not, to split it into thirds.

What are the chances of a (Steve Forbes)/T.Boone Pickens character to jump the scene?
The problem with the tea party was that is bore no distinction from neoconservativism.....it wasn't even paleoconservativism. This is what sours them claiming any legitimate voice of dissent.

You can't call yourself the 'voice of opposition' when you only oppose one side.

I voted for Paul in 2008, though he's going to be pushing 75 in 2012....that isn't realistic to push a guy not media friendly like he is.

All the legitimate leaders of opposition stand no chance of schmaltzing through the kabuki lowest common denominator political system.

What are the chances of a Kuccinich (D) or Paul (R) leading an independent charge? We need more than one consolidated voice of pissing and moaning. We need legitimate leaders OF the people (not corporate interests), someone independent of the existing machine.

A new Ross Perot is needed, like it or not, to split it into thirds.

What are the chances of a (Steve Forbes)/T.Boone Pickens character to jump the scene?

I think your on to something here. A outsider would do well in the current atmosphere. As long as the candidate didn't get cold feet at the last second like Ross.

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