Tea Party begins to split (2 Viewers)

Of course I lean liberal, but losing to Ron Paul, despite some of his shaky ideas, would be a pill I'd have no problem swallowing. Maybe he's got me fooled, but I see him as someone who really believes in what he preaches and stands up for it , as opposed to the pseudo-patriotic posturing and warped moral agenda we see at most of the Tea Parties.

A worthy opponent indeed......
you can mark me down as being in the libertarian camp. Its all about money to me. I have no interest participating in social issues politically, other then stating my own opinion.

The republican party has the religious right, and as far as i'm concerned, they can stay there.
1 out of 6 members found this post helpful.
In related news, 5 out of 6 members are totally clueless about the crisis and internal hypocrisy the Tea Party faces as they continue dancing on the deck while the band plays on.

More at 11.

Not a Paul fan but I'd love to see a libertarian leaning alternative rise from the ashes. I also suspect the racist element of the Tea Party is the social conservative end. That means I would probably become a Tea Bagger if the social conservative side is cut out like a cancer.
In a heart beat... I really feel that a party like this could attract part of the democratic party as well (the libertarian democrats for example). I have always been sympathetic towards libertarian ideals but I often feel that they are a little to extreme on their view of government programs. A moderate approach that pledges smaller government and a balanced federal budget along with a "its none of our business" approach to social and cultural issues would have my vote.

same here.

and honestly, i'm not sure how any thinking person could be against a Party like that... i mean if u r a social conservative, that's very much okay-- but why look to politicians to reinforce your views? Why not look to your church, or parents, or whatever and let your politicians worry about the economy, like i do?? :shrug:
An independent movement would be successful if it was an INclusive movement. Paul captured that in 08. The tea party suffered from the same fearful vitriolic EXclusionist (scapegoating) method.

It shouldn't be that difficult. State minimalistic core principles and leave it at that. Don't start throwing out fear, anxiety, and restrictive edicts (or with us or against us). One thing Paul was successful at was raising the level of discourse (and would blow candidates away in debates).....the goal is to raise the standard of government, not dumb it down.
Rep system here as just as ******** as our political machine

I don't give a damn about the rep - I just marvel at the ignorance that this is a real crisis that the Tea Party is facing and to ignore the split and possibility of a sinking ship is perpetuating their own ignorance in the face of reality

the Tea Party was co-opted and so many people turned a blind eye, willing to turn the coverage and advertising and popularity over to the mindless neocon pundits and mouthpieces in exchange for their bastageization of the cause

Only now, it's time to pay the proverbial piper and the response is to stick heads in sands?

I can only assume that those who are reacting like that didn't get involved in the Tea Party for the right reasons anyway and probably have no clue why it existed in the first place
If you take an honest assessment of what the Tea Party is doing they are splitting the Republican ticket. Not the Democrat ticket.

They will cancel each other out and give the democrat the winning majority.

Exactly, and this is the math that so many conservatives just haven't figured out yet. Let's say you have 10 voters in a room, and 4 of them are Democrats. 3 of them are mainstream Republicans who will vote for the GOP candidate, 2 of them are Tea Party wackoes who will vote for Sarah Palin, and 1 of them is a Tea Partier who will vote for Ron Paul. The democrat wins with 40% of the vote. The more chaotic that damned Tea Party gets, the fewer seats Democrats will lose this fall.

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