Tea Party begins to split (3 Viewers)

(1) governing against the will of the people
Not leftist.
(2) quadrupling the deficit to unsustainable levels
Not leftist, in and of itself.
(3) garnering ZERO Republican votes on huge bills such as the stimulus package and the health care bill
Not leftist.
(4) bribing members of your own party to vote for a health care bill
Not leftist.
(5) responsible for a grassroots "tea party" movement
Not leftist.
(6) advocating a cap-and-tax bill that would decimate the energy sector
Not leftist, in and of itself.

You can't just make up your own definition!
(1) governing against the will of the people
Not leftist.
(2) quadrupling the deficit to unsustainable levels
Not leftist, in and of itself.
(3) garnering ZERO Republican votes on huge bills such as the stimulus package and the health care bill
Not leftist.
(4) bribing members of your own party to vote for a health care bill
Not leftist.
(5) responsible for a grassroots "tea party" movement
Not leftist.
(6) advocating a cap-and-tax bill that would decimate the energy sector
Not leftist, in and of itself.

You can't just make up your own definition!

He didn't make it up - he heard it on the radio.
Not in a primary system. The Tea Party crowd, while not in love with the Republican Party, show no signs of becoming a third party to run candidates against the 2 parties. I know there are exceptions (Nevada), but the tea party leaders such as Palin have talked about re-making the GOP. Conservative talk radio has discouraged the formulation of a third party also.

A good test of this theory will be Florida's Senate race. Rubio has overtaken Crist and Crist may run as an Independent, even though he took GOP money and pledged to run as a Republican. I still believe Rubio will win that race.

It is amusing to me to see the left portray the Tea Party as racist, dumb, astroturf, right-wing nutjobs, and now fractured. I don't see Obama stopping his leftist agenda anytime soon which serves to fuel the Tea Partiers' discontent.
I guess I'm confused. If they're not splitting up the party, then aren't we just calling the GOP another name?

FWIW, I don't see the left portraying the Tea party as anything. The problem is that the members of the Tea Party can't seem to keep the dumbest members out of the public eye. The movement was introduced to the American Public as pushy people who yelled and screamed in an effort not to be heard, but to prevent other people from being heard. My mind is pretty much made up right there and I don't even know what the issues are yet. Still, the biggest complaint has been regarding taxes which were at an all-time low for the middle class in my lifetime.

If the Tea party is concerned about their image and how they are portrayed, then they should first and foremost tell Sarah Palin to stop speaking on their behalf because no one is going to take them seriously as long as she is the de facto voice of the movement.
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Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff. The Tea Party wants to stop the fall IMHO.

Chimpy already drove us off the cliff. What we're about now is furiously trying to grow wings.
If you don't know by now after.....

Thanks Barkus, I appreciate your passion, but how are any of those things leftist or liberal?
Many of those same actions were true for the last guy (my complaint) - so I'm not sure where this guy has served liberals in one bit.

I get you don't like those things, but how is a LIBERAL/Leftist jumping for joy over his performance?

*unless you're labeling EVERYTHING the guy you listen to disagrees with as "liberal" (if I am 'right' then everything I don't like is 'left'), I'm not sure you're really grasping the whole definition of liberal philosophy
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I get you don't like those things, but how is a LIBERAL/Leftist jumping for joy over his performance?
Yeah... he's *just* like Bush..

health care reform, stem cell research, ungagging of scientists, reduced nuclear weapons, an improving economy, greater rights of states to legalize marijuana, more rights for gays, lower income taxes for 98% of America, lowest overall taxes in 60 years, an end to the job loss crisis, greater fuel economy standards, credit reform, a reduction in the war in Iraq (say what you want about Afghanistan, but don't forget that Iraq has been far more costly, deadly, and morally nebulous), a much-improved relationship with Russia, improved relations with Cuba, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, investments in alternative energy, a crackdown on tax havens, an end to the abuse of the stop-loss program, and an executive order forbidding torture...

And this is just ONE YEAR. Still to come in Year 2: The end of combat troops in Iraq (followed by removal of ALL troops in Year 3), Financial Reform to install tougher regulations on Wall St and banks, and tougher environmental regulations.

Yeah, what a failure in terms of liberal ideals.
You're undermining our point, which was that the specific issues raised by Barkus are not liberal and Bush was guilty of most of them as well. For some reason, though, Bush earned conservatives' undying support to the bitter end.
(1) governing against the will of the people
Not leftist.
(2) quadrupling the deficit to unsustainable levels
Not leftist, in and of itself.
(3) garnering ZERO Republican votes on huge bills such as the stimulus package and the health care bill
Not leftist.
(4) bribing members of your own party to vote for a health care bill
Not leftist.
(5) responsible for a grassroots "tea party" movement
Not leftist.
(6) advocating a cap-and-tax bill that would decimate the energy sector
Not leftist, in and of itself.

You can't just make up your own definition!

As usual discussions on here dissolve into semantics arguments. Obama, as a whole, is growing government in every sector of the economy, a stable of liberalism. He is setting up government to be the arbitrator of health care, energy, and now the financial industry. We have seen government employment explode while the private industry employment tank. Obama has waged a full-scale attack on capitalism in favor of government intervention.

This cap-and-trade bill, the health care bill as passed, the uber-spending of this administration would NEVER happen under a moderate administration, not to mention a conservative administration.
He is setting up government to be the arbitrator of health care, energy, and now the financial industry.
Newsflash- energy and financial sector is *already* regulated by the government. Just not very well. That is what they are fixing- REGULATIONS. They are not "controlling" anything. "Government Takeover" is the boogey-man the right wing media is using to scare their followers into hating any Democratic bill without ever even knowing whats in it.


Obama has waged a full-scale attack on capitalism in favor of government intervention.
Oh wow, a full scale attack? On capitalism? You mean, the economic theory- the one where we have NEVER been 100% capitalist, ever, where we have ALWAYS had governmental oversight and regulations?

the uber-spending of this administration would NEVER happen under a moderate administration, not to mention a conservative administration.
*cough* *cough* *cough*
Wow, I almost choked on my imaginary filet mignon that I bought with welfare money from Whole Foods that I drove to in my welfare-bought Escalade. Republican Fantasy World is awesome.
Obama, as a whole, is growing government in every sector of the economy, a stable of liberalism.

Not arguing - but you realize this was indicative of the last administration, right? Do you say that the last guy was liberal? Will that compute on your chalkboard?

The ONLY reason I'm engaging this with you, is because these semantical issues are what (help) define a true party of opposition to our current system
There has always been two tea partys. This is what I want some of these liberals to understand. The original tea party is more the Ron Paul(and even Dennis Kuchinich) backers but, people who overall have populist agenda's that include exposing and getting rid of the corruption on both sides. Then you had the republican elite try to take it over and discredit it.
An argument can be made that the government has grown every year since the election of George Washington...
Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff. The Tea Party wants to stop the fall IMHO.

So, what you're saying is that all of us who don't wear teabags on our hats want the country to fail, right?

If Ron Paul Mania is heating up again, that's great news for, Ron Paul.

In the 2008 GOP Primary, Paul became a cult hero, and raised major cash over the net. After he got stomped in the primary, surely he would inspire his movement and run for President as an independent!!???

Uhh, no. He quickly ruled out a run, banked his campaign money and paid family members with some it for their "work."

The only "movement" there is with Ron Paul is libertarian dollars into his pocket.

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