Tea Party begins to split (1 Viewer)

Even if a fracture occurs, all are united against the democrats. The Democrats are headed for a cliff come November.

So you think that by splitting the Republican vote in half it will lead to a Democrat loss?
So you think that by splitting the Republican vote in half it will lead to a Democrat loss?

Not in a primary system. The Tea Party crowd, while not in love with the Republican Party, show no signs of becoming a third party to run candidates against the 2 parties. I know there are exceptions (Nevada), but the tea party leaders such as Palin have talked about re-making the GOP. Conservative talk radio has discouraged the formulation of a third party also.

A good test of this theory will be Florida's Senate race. Rubio has overtaken Crist and Crist may run as an Independent, even though he took GOP money and pledged to run as a Republican. I still believe Rubio will win that race.

It is amusing to me to see the left portray the Tea Party as racist, dumb, astroturf, right-wing nutjobs, and now fractured. I don't see Obama stopping his leftist agenda anytime soon which serves to fuel the Tea Partiers' discontent.
LOL @ people who still think Palin is a viable candidate.

She took her high school nomination as "Most Likely To Be Folksy" a little too seriously.
Not in a primary system. The Tea Party crowd, while not in love with the Republican Party, show no signs of becoming a third party to run candidates against the 2 parties. I know there are exceptions (Nevada), but the tea party leaders such as Palin have talked about re-making the GOP. Conservative talk radio has discouraged the formulation of a third party also.

Sure, but the thing about the Tea Party crowd is that they're a bunch of mavericky mavericks who go mavericking about in mavericky ways. That's their whole schtick. You know that no matter how the primaries turn out, many of the Tea Party candidates are going to get themselves on the ballot as third party or independent candidates, and come election day the Tea Party voters are going to vote for them. Many will probably fall in line and vote for the GOP nominees in order to vote against the Democrats, but a significant number will not. Because that's who they are.

They will peel off voters from Republican candidates; there's no way around that. The only question right now is, how many?
Sure, but the thing about the Tea Party crowd is that they're a bunch of mavericky mavericks who go mavericking about in mavericky ways. That's their whole schtick.

Lol, thumbs up just for that line. :plus-un2:
Could you help articulate what 'leftist agenda" you're referring to, so I can start praising Obama for it? (Because as a 'leftist', I'm not thrilled with this guy)
Well, for one, he isnt a Republican. That means he is automatically the most leftist, socialist president as well as the WORST president in ALL OF HISTORY EVER (until the next Democratic president)
Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff. The Tea Party wants to stop the fall IMHO.
Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff.

It doesn't get much more asinine then this unless you're Sarah Palin.
Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff. The Tea Party wants to stop the fall IMHO.
I cant believe anyone actually believes this. Please tell me you at least havent had any kids that youve indoctrinated with the same irrational, illogical hatred.
Could you help articulate what 'leftist agenda" you're referring to, so I can start praising Obama for it? (Because as a 'leftist', I'm not thrilled with this guy)

If you don't know by now after (1) governing against the will of the people, (2) quadrupling the deficit to unsustainable levels, (3) garnering ZERO Republican votes on huge bills such as the stimulus package and the health care bill, (4) bribing members of your own party to vote for a health care bill, (5) responsible for a grassroots "tea party" movement, (6) advocating a cap-and-tax bill that would decimate the energy sector, (7) and growing government to interject in our lives in the Health, Financial, and Energy private sectors, then what else could I say to convince you? We have not even discussed the World Apology tour...

If I took you to the edge of a forest, would you be able to see the trees?
Most Libs and media want the Tea Party to fail because they luv what this country is heading to: a cliff. The Tea Party wants to stop the fall IMHO.

I bet your students appreciate your discriminating nuance and complex subtleties :9:

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