The Avengers: Age of Ultron ****Now with Spoilers in living Technicolor*** (2 Viewers)

Nope to both of those. They will not be the children of Magneto nor will they be mutants as Fox has the rights to those elements and will never play nice with Marvel. Rumor has it that Marvel is going to position the Inhumans (given powers via the Terrigen Mists) to be the MCU equivalent of mutants, but mutants proper are off limits for them until Disney writes Fox a big *** check or Fox goes 7 years without an X-Men property in active development, in which case the rights revert to Marvel/Disney.

And why would Fox ever let that happen? Even if they keep producing crap, they're going to make bank every single time.

It's a crying shame.
It's a really contentious relationship, too. Walk into a toy store and look for an X-Men action figure. You won't find any because they don't exist. Fox has to get Marvel's OK to produce figures, but Marvel doesn't want Fox to see any profits, so they refuse.

Marvel has also barred their comic writers from creating new characters in any X-Men related comic, because if they do Fox automatically gets the movie rights to that character. They're outright cancelled The Fantastic Four and mandated all artists not draw FF characters in promotional pieces because they don't want to give Fox's upcoming movie version any support.

The relationship with Sony is actually pretty good and there have been rumors as recently as last week of Spider-Man somehow crossing over into the MCU if a mutually beneficial deal can be struck. But Fox and Marvel despise each other.
Nope to both of those. They will not be the children of Magneto nor will they be mutants as Fox has the rights to those elements and will never play nice with Marvel. Rumor has it that Marvel is going to position the Inhumans (given powers via the Terrigen Mists) to be the MCU equivalent of mutants, but mutants proper are off limits for them until Disney writes Fox a big *** check or Fox goes 7 years without an X-Men property in active development, in which case the rights revert to Marvel/Disney.

In either case, it's unlikely until after 2016...

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) May of 2016 release date. In pre-production now.

So, 2023? Probably too late for Marvel by then.
If they nerf Thor again, I'll be ******.
Am I the only one who would be completely satisfied is AoU was just 2 and a half hours of Spader monologuing as Ultron?
So is that Hulkbuster occupied by Tony or Ultron? Either way...I HATE how all the IPs for Marvel are split amongst other companies. I mean, how much of a gip is it that we'll never see a Civil War level crossover event? I mean, you have Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch, but can tney even mention their dad? Or being mutants?

And Spidey needs to be in the hands of Joss Whedon. I mean, if there's any superhero that would suit his creative voice, it's him. Him and Deadpool.

Edit: Also, should cause some humorous tension between the two lover boys.
"Dude, you built a friggin' suit just to take me out?"

"You don't have the best track record when it comes to wanton destruction, Brucie. Always pays to be prepared."

"Great. I'll remember that the next time you're plummeting from orbit."

That looks like Tony in the Hulkbuster suit as it closes. I read somewhere that Ultron messes with Hulk's mind causing him to kinda turn on the Avengers which would lead to him going to another planet or something of that manner, all of which would spawn a new Hulk movie.
That looks like Tony in the Hulkbuster suit as it closes. I read somewhere that Ultron messes with Hulk's mind causing him to kinda turn on the Avengers which would lead to him going to another planet or something of that manner, all of which would spawn a new Hulk movie.

And then subsequently loop the guardians of the galaxy into the avengers universe.
That looks like Tony in the Hulkbuster suit as it closes. I read somewhere that Ultron messes with Hulk's mind causing him to kinda turn on the Avengers which would lead to him going to another planet or something of that manner, all of which would spawn a new Hulk movie.
:yes: :rock:
And then subsequently loop the guardians of the galaxy into the avengers universe.
I think GotG2 is going to come out before Avengers 3, and from what I've read, they will be tied into the 3rd Avengers film in some form or fashion.
Who is Andy Serkis playing?


The theory is Ulysses Klaw


Where the Klaw is... BLACK PANTHER!

If Klaw, wouldn't he be the enemy of Black Panther? Teams up with Ultron in the comics too.

EDIT: nevermind, misread what you said. Yes, if Klaw is involved, there has to be a lead in to Black Panther.

It fits with rumors that they're subbing vibranium in for Ultron's traditional Adamantium body from the comics.
Hmmmm... Thor drops his hammer. Is it because he becomes unworthy to wield it because he choked Tony Stark because (pure speculation on my part) something bad happens to Jane Foster and Thor thinks it is Tony's fault because he created Ultron?

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