The random stuff from X thread (14 Viewers)

That would require fixing people. That ain't happening.

And there's no such religion or organization unfortunately.
Well that might be workable if it was publicly admitted. Instead, Churches proclaim their authority and steadfastly hold that they do no wrong.

You can find plenty of examples of Church members attacking others, but they never seem to turn that view inward where it's needed.
That’s a sensible take, caveat being is this is exactly why religion argues for its existence ‘fixing people’
Jesus washed away our sins - isn’t that ‘fixing people’?
The Bible is an instruction manual (in theory) and so if it doesn’t fix people, what is it’s purpose?
The goal and presumably, purpose, is certainly to "fix" people, but whether that works or not, or people simply don't want to be fixed or what have you, results may vary.
Well that might be workable if it was publicly admitted. Instead, Churches proclaim their authority and steadfastly hold that they do no wrong.

You can find plenty of examples of Church members attacking others, but they never seem to turn that view inward where it's needed.
Some do, some don't admit it. Every church, organization big or small, are made up of flawed people regardless whether the Church admits it or not.
the translations from Aramaic and Hebrew is where a lot of changes were made/lost. And your last part is what we are talking about.
Well that's the thing. The texts of scripture are not meant to be a standalone source for the faith. If it were, you would be spot on. I don't believe one should read the Bible as their own arbiter as it's not meant to be separated from the tradition of faith that produced and ratified it in the first place.

I don't think much if anything was lost though. There's remarkable agreement in ancient examples.

At any rate, I'll leave it there. No need to threadjack any further.
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