The random stuff from X thread (13 Viewers)

I'm not sure what this means.
means that people are taught what the church wants to teach them. Do you think there is a difference between Eve being created from Adams rib and Eve Being created form equal parts of Adam? Do you think that coveys a different message?
When i was growing up, until i was in middle school and took a little biology, i believed that man really had one less rib than a woman because of this story that was taught in Sunday School, and a lot kids i knew thought the same thing. lol
I had some surprising good and tasty ribs from Ruby Tuesday last week.
were they spare ribs?
means that people are taught what the church wants to teach them. Do you think there is a difference between Eve being created from Adams rib and Eve Being created form equal parts of Adam? Do you think that coveys a different message?
When i was growing up, until i was in middle school and took a little biology, i believed that man really had one less rib than a woman because of this story that was taught in Sunday School, and a lot kids i knew thought the same thing. lol

were they spare ribs?

I think to quibble over it is entirely too myopic for the genesis creation story.

I was never taught that the rib was literal or that if it were it was to suggest that a woman was somehow less. Then again, I was always taught that the fulfillment of Eve, in Mary, is the highest and most beautiful of all of God's creation. She is the mother of God and was given to me by Jesus to be my own mother in the order of grace.

I can see if you grew up in a Protestant or especially southern American variant of it you might have a more literalistic interpretation. It would be necessarily closed to any of the larger understandings of the text due to a much more constricted and minimalist view of Mary. This would be in contrast to the early thinking of the Church. We can see in second century writings the connection between Eve and Mary aligned with Adam and Jesus.

I guess it's possible to say that English translations intended a condescension toward woman by using the word rib rather than side. But there's lots of stuff like this where English doesn't quite get the full meaning without necessarily contradicting. I'm just not sure it's fruitful or accurate to read into it cynicism.

I think to quibble over it is entirely too myopic for the genesis creation story.

I was never taught that the rib was literal or that if it were it was to suggest that a woman was somehow less. Then again, I was always taught that the fulfillment of Eve, in Mary, is the highest and most beautiful of all of God's creation. She is the mother of God and was given to me by Jesus to be my own mother in the order of grace.

I can see if you grew up in a Protestant or especially southern American variant of it you might have a more literalistic interpretation. It would be necessarily closed to any of the larger understandings of the text due to a much more constricted and minimalist view of Mary. This would be in contrast to the early thinking of the Church. We can see in second century writings the connection between Eve and Mary aligned with Adam and Jesus.

I guess it's possible to say that English translations intended a condescension toward woman by using the word rib rather than side. But there's lots of stuff like this where English doesn't quite get the full meaning without necessarily contradicting. I'm just not sure it's fruitful or accurate to read into it cynicism.

I spent many years in a religious run school. I was taught God used one of Adam's ribs to create women.

Your experience is 180 degrees out of anything I've ever heard from a member of church. I was beaten and told I was going to hell just for existing for the first 5 years of my education.

It has made me realize that all men are false prophets and that God exists inside me directing me more ably than any human can begin to comprehend.
I spent many years in a religious run school. I was taught God used one of Adam's ribs to create women.

Your experience is 180 degrees out of anything I've ever heard from a member of church. I was beaten and told I was going to hell just for existing for the first 5 years of my education.

It has made me realize that all men are false prophets and that God exists inside me directing me more ably than any human can begin to comprehend.
What I presented to you is the thought of the Church since it's inception. I'm sorry you were deprived of connection to that tradition. Your experience is by far the historical minority with regard to this subject. Search for early church Fathers' writings on Mary and Eve if you're interested. You'll find lots of stuff in the second century in part, long before the New testament canon was recognized much less English translations.
What I presented to you is the thought of the Church since it's inception. I'm sorry you were deprived of connection to that tradition. Your experience is by far the historical minority with regard to this subject. Search for early church Fathers' writings on Mary and Eve if you're interested. You'll find lots of stuff in the second century in part, long before the New testament canon was recognized much less English translations.
the translations from Aramaic and Hebrew is where a lot of changes were made/lost. And your last part is what we are talking about.
I think to quibble over it is entirely too myopic for the genesis creation story.

I was never taught that the rib was literal or that if it were it was to suggest that a woman was somehow less. Then again, I was always taught that the fulfillment of Eve, in Mary, is the highest and most beautiful of all of God's creation. She is the mother of God and was given to me by Jesus to be my own mother in the order of grace.

I can see if you grew up in a Protestant or especially southern American variant of it you might have a more literalistic interpretation. It would be necessarily closed to any of the larger understandings of the text due to a much more constricted and minimalist view of Mary. This would be in contrast to the early thinking of the Church. We can see in second century writings the connection between Eve and Mary aligned with Adam and Jesus.

I guess it's possible to say that English translations intended a condescension toward woman by using the word rib rather than side. But there's lots of stuff like this where English doesn't quite get the full meaning without necessarily contradicting. I'm just not sure it's fruitful or accurate to read into it cynicism.

How can you call it a quibble? A foundation of biblical/christian misogyny is rooted in the Eve story
the translations from Aramaic and Hebrew is where a lot of changes were made/lost. And your last part is what we are talking about.
This is what I have the most problem with. Rather than address the priests and administrators who teach wrong, it's a defense of the whole with the message to the confused that you got it wrong but it barely ever happens and you are in the minority.

Moral of the story is, yeah our house is fubar, but it's on you to fix the damage we created. Oops and don't try to sue or point it out because well, then people won't trust us.
What I presented to you is the thought of the Church since it's inception. I'm sorry you were deprived of connection to that tradition. Your experience is by far the historical minority with regard to this subject. Search for early church Fathers' writings on Mary and Eve if you're interested. You'll find lots of stuff in the second century in part, long before the New testament canon was recognized much less English translations.
Well, your house is not in order. If you expect me to respect your religion, then it should be established well enough that no child ever has to go thru what I have.

Until you can fix that, I don't want to hear how great and wonderful Church is.
Well, your house is not in order. If you expect me to respect your religion, then it should be established well enough that no child ever has to go thru what I have.

Until you can fix that, I don't want to hear how great and wonderful Church is.
That would require fixing people. That ain't happening.

And there's no such religion or organization unfortunately.
That would require fixing people. That ain't happening.

And there's no such religion or organization unfortunately.
That’s a sensible take, caveat being is this is exactly why religion argues for its existence ‘fixing people’
Jesus washed away our sins - isn’t that ‘fixing people’?
The Bible is an instruction manual (in theory) and so if it doesn’t fix people, what is it’s purpose?

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