Yeah, I'd say figure out some sort of minimum base level of income for those who can't or won't work, then those who work earn above the UBI level.
Exactly.. This way you wont have employers (legitimately in some cases) complaining that their workers wont return to work because theyre ‘making more on unemployment’.. Republicans can offer $1000/month, Democrats can counter with $2000 and we can all settle on $1500 per month.. That’s the equivelent to $18,000/yr.. Anyone with ANY motivation will not reject work and be content with $18k per year.. of course there will be some who abuse the system, as there always is- but nothing is perfect.. this way you’re getting the eqiuivelent of a stimulus check (plus $300) directly in peoples’ pockets each month for immediate needs, they feel free to go back to work without fear of losing Unemployment benefits, AND it stimulates the economy.. Win/Win/Win.