Ukraine (30 Viewers)

It will be interesting to look back and see (although I may be dead by the time a definitive and properly arms-length history can be written!) whether this new age of warfare will be a net/net positive or negative to America. Certainly it will be a mixed bag.

For example, I see a potential positive effect (in blood and treasure) if there is enough time to supply and apply the lessons to the potential defense of Taiwan. Or a potentially big negative (primarily to our naval assets) if the lessons aren't applied fast enough and the defense of Taiwan falls largely to those U.S. naval assets against a Chinese opponent which HAS applied such lessons. Likely(?) a potential positive (in treasure and perhaps blood) to a defensive NATO vis-a-vis Russia. And perhaps a (large) negative in asymmetrical conflicts with non-state and smaller-state actors (especially Middle Eastern actors). I suppose there's also a potential positive to the USA given the general unfitness of American youth and the current recruitment difficulties.

Anyone claiming to know for sure what the net-net effect will be is crystal ball gazing, but I bet there is some super interesting War College stuff being discussed across the military experts around the world.
I think our next generation of armored vehicles are going to have low/medium powered lasers to shoot down drones like the Navy's Phalanx system for its ships.
I’m posting this for two reasons…first I’m proud to have served on three of them, Antietam 54, Chosin 65, an the Tico 47, in that order…and second, I wish we could find some way of extending their usability instead of just scraping them. Maybe UKR could use a couple? Two of them off the coast of Crimea would really help keep russia at arms length after all this is over.


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