What Saints player from the past could help this team the most? (1 Viewer)


Very Banned
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Kennesaw, Ga.
If you could pick one former Saints player from all of the years the Saints have been around, and put him on our current teams roster (in his prime), who would you pick and why? Who from the Saints past, could help this current team the most?
If you could pick one former Saints player from all of the years the Saints have been around, and put him on our current teams roster (in his prime), who would you pick and why? Who from the Saints past, could help this current team the most?

Easy - Ricky Jackson

Why: Leadership - Talent. He made everyone around him better.

I would have loved to be able to pick 2 because Sam Mills would have been an easy second choice for the same reasons as Rick was my 1st choice.
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and clone him 7 times and we would be cool. On the Oline I would like Dombrowski. Guy was nasty.
Easy - Ricky Jackson

Why? I know Ricky was a BEAST for the Saints back in the Dome Patrol days, but do you think he would have made the same impact playing in a 4-3 on this current defense? I'm not saying he wouldn't, but I just want to know why you picked him so quick.
Sam Mills, not sure it's even a contest. Ricky Jackson would be the only one close, but we don't play a 3-4 so it's a bit of a square peg/round hole situation.

Eric Allen would be 3rd on the list.
If we didn't have Karney, I'd say Ironhead....

I'll take the Field Mouse. His leadership was unparalelled.
Why? I know Ricky was a BEAST for the Saints back in the Dome Patrol days, but do you think he would have made the same impact playing in a 4-3 on this current defense? I'm not saying he wouldn't, but I just want to know why you picked him so quick.

Edited my original post probably while you were asking, but once again, he just made everybody around him better. He was the heart of that dominating D. No one would ever dispute that.
I couldn't really think back far enough to remember the last time we had a great cornerback, so I'd go with Rickey Jackson, Pat Swilling, or Sam Mills.
Sam Mills, not sure it's even a contest. Ricky Jackson would be the only one close, but we don't play a 3-4 so it's a bit of a square peg/round hole situation.

That's the reason I didn't go with one of the Dome Patrol guys... Could they do their best in a 4-3 defense opposed to the 3-4 that they flourished in?

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