Where were these teachers when I was a kid? (7 Viewers)

interesting that they felt the need to explain the pronounciation of Chaisson to a mostly South La. readership.. and what exactly is 'prohibited sexual conduct with a student'? It can't be that serious if it only carries a fine of $1k and a 6 mo. sentence, am i rite?? Maybe she just talked dirty to him, or flashed him or something..

Note the (AP) in the byline. This story went national, as most stories like this do.
Note the (AP) in the byline. This story went national, as most stories like this do.

Anything for a new Cajun exploitation show

CAJUN STUDENT HUMPERS, Friday night at 9 on the History Channel

"These ladies want to get humped bayou kids!"
Anything for a new Cajun exploitation show

CAJUN STUDENT HUMPERS, Friday night at 9 on the History Channel

"These ladies want to get humped bayou kids!"

The concept of the post is great but the tagline is amazing
Not true. 17 is age of consent, but if the other person is over 19 then it is still statutory rape in La.

This is incorrect. Anyone 17 or older is good for anyone else 17 or older, as long as it is all consensual.

The only reason this teacher got in trouble was that it was apparently with a student. It has nothing to do with his age.
When I was in school, since I'm a guy, there was always locker room/lunch table talk about the "hot teacher," and how bad we wanted to hook up with them. And then in college of course I'd hear these stories and have the same reaction as the OP.

But then my first job post-degree was in a high school. I was teaching/working with kids just a few years younger than me. The amount of power/control that a teacher has over a student is pretty incredible, even in a failing school like the one I was in.

After that, I stopped thinking these stories were "awesome" or "hot." They're just sad. If you switched the sexes, and it was a 20-something guy sleeping with a 17-year old girl, you wouldn't have a thread full of guys drooling.
and it was a 20-something guy sleeping with a 17-year old girl, you wouldn't have a thread full of guys drooling.

Or would you....:scratch:

No, in all seriousness, the jist of your post is correct. Teenagers are not emotionally mature enough to even fully comprehend what a "relationship" actually entails muchless engage in one. I know some teenagers get married and even have happy marriages, but the success rate is statistically dramatically lower.

So any adult engaging in any kind of relationship with a teenager is, frankly, abusive. Because the teenager just isn't emotionally equipped to handle it, to be a consenting partner. It, at best, demonstrates severe emotional stunting on the adults part and, at worst, demonstrates some perverse idealized fascination with "innocence" and control. Either way, it's not healthy.
If you switched the sexes, and it was a 20-something guy sleeping with a 17-year old girl, you wouldn't have a thread full of guys drooling.

Or imagine you only switched one of the sexes. Imagine a 17-year-old boy with a 20-something male teacher. Would we hear all the cries of "Nice!"
this doesn't even make sense... what are they consenting to? rape?

That post was wrong as far as 17 and up - it's just legal and that's it.

But there is a difference between statutory rape of a consenting minor who really can't "consent" and just rape of someone saying no.

That's probably why the law calls it crazy stuff like "carnal knowledge of a juvenile"

You have to admit although sleeping with a 16 year old girl who is willing is very wrong for an adult, it is not on the same level as forcing her to do something she doesn't want to

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