Will Saints fans wear bags again? (2 Viewers)

Ridiculous. Who are you to judge? Who anointed you?

It's not judgment it's common sense. If you're a fan of the team, you don't try to embarrass the team. Falcons' fans don't show up to games with 28-3 shirts...because if they did....They're NOT FANS! This isn't a hard concept. There's literally even a self-proclaimed Falcons fan saying this is a horrendous idea for someone claiming to be a fan of the team.

Get shirts printed up that say Aints for all I care, Boutte. But don't then try to give me some backwoods explanation about how no-really-I-am-a-fan "sad face". If you're in the dome wearing a bag, I'm lumping you in with the rival team's fans who also bought a ticket. Having a ticket doesn't make you a Saints fan. Plenty of Falcons fans will have tickets in a few weeks too. And they would be the only ones to appreciate idiots that show to the game with a bag on their heads. That makes you more a rival fan than a Saints fan in my book.
It's not judgment it's common sense. If you're a fan of the team, you don't try to embarrass the team. Falcons' fans don't show up to games with 28-3 shirts...because if they did....They're NOT FANS! This isn't a hard concept. There's literally even a self-proclaimed Falcons fan saying this is a horrendous idea for someone claiming to be a fan of the team.

Get shirts printed up that say Aints for all I care, Boutte. But don't then try to give me some backwoods explanation about how no-really-I-am-a-fan "sad face". If you're in the dome wearing a bag, I'm lumping you in with the rival team's fans who also bought a ticket. Having a ticket doesn't make you a Saints fan. Plenty of Falcons fans will have tickets in a few weeks too. And they would be the only ones to appreciate idiots that show to the game with a bag on their heads. That makes you more a rival fan than a Saints fan in my book.
When people showed up wearing bags, it was the most horrible of times one could imagine. The franchise was a complete joke. A winning season would have been like winning the Super Bowl. This franchise was a complete joke that had no clue what winning looked like. Losing is all we did since day one. Every time you didn't think it could get worse it did, many times over. Fans had showed up, supported the team through thick and thin, primarily thin. Virtually all thin actually. It (bags) was the next step after booing, entertaining themselves by throwing paper airplanes, etc. I think it was an attempt at comedy. Like telling a joke at a funeral when everyone is devastated to try to get a smile. At least they were showing up. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't do it today, but as a young man, I was emotional and didn't make the decision I would make 40 years later. I've shed too many tears (good and bad), invested too many hours, etc. to be judged by one bad decision when I was bout 20 years old. That "real fan" crap isn't for anyone to judge. No one has a clue how invested in this franchise I am and what it has meant to me. As Jim Mora would say, you (not you directly "ivefrom DC", just using Mora's words in general) think you know, but you don't know, and never will.
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I stand corrected. You are right. Was a game against the Oilers if I remember right. I was 12 years old then.
Dude, I've known you for decades and didn't think you were that old. Don't tell anyone that....
11 games into the season we are 1/2 game out of first place. Who Dat
Dude, I've known you for decades and didn't think you were that old. Don't tell anyone that....
I turned 60 this past June. Crazy. I don't think of myself as that old unless I start doing math about dates like this. Haha.

My oldest memory of the Saints is when we drafted Archie Manning. I think that was 1971. I remember all of the "Archie is a Saint" bumper stickers around New Orleans after we picked him. The first Saints game I remember attending was against Joe Namath and the Jets in Tulane Stadium.
There wont be anyone in the stands with bags on their head. They'll all be wearing Lions jerseys. They are going to pack the dome.
That's small change stuff. Operational revenue is generated from TV contracts and NFL revenue sharing.
I agree, but if you combine that with folks spending their Sundays doing more productive things it will hurt. But fans won't. People will still watch and attend games anyways.
Payton raised our standards. Having a winning season was the goal.
Sean Payton isn't this team's head coach anymore. We are fans of a team in a competitive sport, and we have no impact on the outcome. How is it that "our" standards are raised? What raised was what we believe is possible. What raised is hope. We can control how our hope waxes and wanes. We cannot control team standards. We can be disappointed or excited, or moving along as expected. A not-small portion of this fanbase has now turned toward actively rooting for losses. If Payton "raised our standards," we sure are fickle and weak to already be... here.

Fans want a "Building towards championship" mentality. Can you blame people? The price for the NFL has risen to astronomical levels that outpace household median income since the paper bag days.
This team built toward a championship for the better part of two decades, including doing some of the most bizarre (complimentary) exploiting of the salary cap in the name of kicking the can down the road. There's a point where you can set a can upright and swing your leg right and get it off the ground a bit, but now it's all smooshed and sliding weird when you can even get a kick on it. We're at that end-stage and these years are going to be lean. I believed winning was possible because of the players present, but it's clear there's a coaching problem on the offensive side of the ball and one is emerging on the defensive side of the ball, perhaps as apathy sets in. It feels a bit adjacent to Ricky Watters' "for who, for what?" remarks after alligator-arming a pass (that, to be fair, was absolutely what we now call a hospital ball).

People pay way too much money for a losing product now.
And yet, people remain strong, supportive fans of other, more dire franchises. We Saints fans are in the midst of year two of a Hall-of-Fame QB retiring and the architect of his HOF career moving on. I greatly dislike the "real fans" canard, but wholesale jumping ship in these moderately-bad times, claiming other teams as the new favorite (I'm seeing this all over social media lately, and remember this vividly at the 0-2 start to the 2017 season too) is just sour to me.

so, if you want change. Stop giving them money. It's what they ultimately have to answer to if they don't want to listen to anyone outside the building.
St. Louis and San Diego residents played versions of this "we ain't going" game and now their favorite teams are in Los Angeles.
I think some are misunderstanding the intent. Since there is a history of this, if it happened to show up on the broadcast or national highlights, it might pressure ownership/ management by making them realize we expect more. It’s not unrealistic to think this team should have maybe 2 losses at worst with this team with competent coaching. Some of yall are worried about what other team’s fans think, and you don’t even live anywhere close to the stadium or have anything invested in this team other than maybe NFL Sunday Ticket.
Do you think the Saints FO is oblivious to fan displeasure?
Do you think the Saints FO is oblivious to fan displeasure?
To an extent. Do you not hear their ho hum such is life interviews. Focused more on who they are promoting and giving new job titles to in the front offfice?
Too late, one time is more than BIGSAINTSFAN could accept since he’s the true fan gatekeeper. Most everyone else gets it, I lived thru those “bag years” as well so I see why fans did it at the time. I also see that it’s such a stain that fans would be able to make an immediate impact by wearing them now, just this mere thread is causing controversy. Imagine national media picking it up.
SAY WHAT YOU WANT ABOUT ME DUDE. I THOUGHT IT WAS IDIOTIC AND EMBARRASSING THEN AND IDIOTIC TO EVEN MENTION IT TODAY. The fact that it's 2023 and every other fan base still refer to the Saints as the "AINTS" and "BAGHEADS" just proves my point. The damage has been irreparable to the city and team. Top players didn't want to come here. Top coaches didn't want to come here. That idiotic bag stunt crippled this franchise for decades. Now that this team has overcome that disastrous reputation, some want to throw it all away. As bad as the team is playing, THEY ARE STILL TIED FOR FIRST PLACE IN THE DIVISION AND CAN STILL WIN IT. TRUE FANS STILL THINK THEY CAN.
So yeah dude run your mouth and call me what you want. I won't deliberately embarrass the team and city like some of you.
It would just be this team reverting to its true roots. Buckle up young fans, this ride isn'tover yet. There's a reason why New Orleans is known for the bagheads and Aints
Again. You have to go back over 40 years to even see a Baghead season.
Those Meacom era teams have no resemblance to how the franchise is currently structured.

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