Will Saints fans wear bags again? (4 Viewers)

It would just be this team reverting to its true roots. Buckle up young fans, this ride isn'tover yet. There's a reason why New Orleans is known for the bagheads and Aints
Again. You have to go back over 40 years to even see a Baghead season.
Those Meacom era teams have no resemblance to how the franchise is currently structured.
Again. You have to go back over 40 years to even see a Baghead season.
Those Meacom era teams have no resemblance to how the franchise is currently structured.
Yet you show anyone who knows anything about the NFL and show them a brown paperbag with eyeholes, they know it more as the saint's mascot than the dog.

I don't like it either but it is part of our identity
11 games into the season we are 1/2 game out of first place. Who Dat

I agree, but if you combine that with folks spending their Sundays doing more productive things it will hurt. But fans won't. People will still watch and attend games anyways.
Brother, I really understand what you are saying, really I do. But this team was a true laughing stock at one time and that stench took a very long time to correct. All I am saying is that this present team has true talent on it and although they aren't playing up standards set by Drew and coach Payton, they are nowhere near as bad as the Saints of old. There are a lot of teams that wish they had a team as good as the Saints have been the past decade. The team has gotten older for sure and needs better coaching, but I am willing to root thru the tough times because I know what wining a championship feels like. That championship made a lot of people stop the "AINTS/baghead" talk. The bottom line is that I am grateful to not be a Detroit Lion, and DIRTY TURD fan. Those teams are still looking up to the Saints. WHO DAT!!
Brother, I really understand what you are saying, really I do. But this team was a true laughing stock at one time and that stench took a very long time to correct. All I am saying is that this present team has true talent on it and although they aren't playing up standards set by Drew and coach Payton, they are nowhere near as bad as the Saints of old. There are a lot of teams that wish they had a team as good as the Saints have been the past decade. The team has gotten older for sure and needs better coaching, but I am willing to root thru the tough times because I know what wining a championship feels like. That championship made a lot of people stop the "AINTS/baghead" talk. The bottom line is that I am grateful to not be a Detroit Lion, and DIRTY TURD fan. Those teams are still looking up to the Saints. WHO DAT!!
It's just that Loomis & Co don't seem to handle things like most franchises do. The majority of league would have fired Pete a long time ago. And DA would be out by now too. Loyalty past a certain point becomes a liability.

They have given DA enough time to prove himself. He is not a leader. I wouldn't run though a wet paper bag for that dude!
If I lived in NO and had already bought tickets to a game, I'd be turning up with a bag on my head and join in the booing that this group deserves.
I’m very glad Bathurst has you.

If I were home, instead of hundreds of miles away, I’d go to as many games as I could to cheer loudly for the team I’ve supported since my brothers and youngest uncle were in the Bless You Boys club.
SAY WHAT YOU WANT ABOUT ME DUDE. I THOUGHT IT WAS IDIOTIC AND EMBARRASSING THEN AND IDIOTIC TO EVEN MENTION IT TODAY. The fact that it's 2023 and every other fan base still refer to the Saints as the "AINTS" and "BAGHEADS" just proves my point. The damage has been irreparable to the city and team. Top players didn't want to come here. Top coaches didn't want to come here. That idiotic bag stunt crippled this franchise for decades. Now that this team has overcome that disastrous reputation, some want to throw it all away. As bad as the team is playing, THEY ARE STILL TIED FOR FIRST PLACE IN THE DIVISION AND CAN STILL WIN IT. TRUE FANS STILL THINK THEY CAN.
So yeah dude run your mouth and call me what you want. I won't deliberately embarrass the team and city like some of you.
Well good for you, you get a gold status fan star. Like I’m running my mouth, please look in the mirror and tell that to yourself. If you don’t like my opinion you always have the opinion of responding or not responding.

I would say that the Saints organization itself played a major role in creating the negative AINTS and BAGHEADS stigma by producing such a piss poor product on the field for so long that fans finally had enough.

Saints fans always hope the saints do well even when they are down, it has nothing to do with your litmus test of “TRUE FANS THINK THEY CAN.”

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