90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory (2 Viewers)

i'm an optimist.. so i do have that sliver of hope.. humanity as a whole is terrible. i often quote Men In Black when agent K told J, A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals".
There might be something to be said about us being safer that most any previous generation/era/epoch
Like, by a long shot
And we have lots of fight/flight tools in our toolbox we no longer need to utilize very much
So instead of being legit fearful of tigers or invading tribes or weather destroying our entire crops; we become fearful of communism or drag queens or melanin
It’s stupid as heck but I guess I get it
This country is doomed. Everyone needs to realize this. There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube with this insanity. When a huge chunk of the population is no longer rational and has completely lost the plot and is so far removed from reality, you cannot have a functional society.

And as much as I'd like to say this is just whackos on the internet, it isn't. I've personally heard this "theory" from multiple people in my life over the last week. Some I was very shocked by.
So much this!!! When I first heard some of the preposterous claims about "man made hurricanes", I shrugged it off to people wanting some attention and saying crazy shirt. Then I saw more and more of it. People I know. Educated folks. That's when it hit me......we're screwed.

I shared a meteorologist's post about how it impossible for man to create and steer hurricanes. It was well written and detailed. I pretty much said "stop with the nonsense - here's the science". Well, to my surprise, more people commented in favor of the conspiracy theory than agreed it can't be done. Several were college educated and some I (used to) respect. I was totally caught off guard. I had no idea smart, educated people could fall for this type stuff. I'm still in disbelief.

Look, if you want to believe Oswald wasn't the lone gunman behind the JFK assassination, I can understand that. That particular conspiracy theory has a lot of angles and layers. It's plausible to think other actors were in play. It's not pie in the sky, per say. Creating hurricanes and steering them to certain areas of your own country for nefarious reasons is forking crazy talk. It's so far out there, it seems impossible anyone would buy it.....much less a large group of people. Many of which are normal, educated citizens. I'm floored. I don't know how to feel about this.
So much this!!! When I first heard some of the preposterous claims about "man made hurricanes", I shrugged it off to people wanting some attention and saying crazy shirt. Then I saw more and more of it. People I know. Educated folks. That's when it hit me......we're screwed.

I shared a meteorologist's post about how it impossible for man to create and steer hurricanes. It was well written and detailed. I pretty much said "stop with the nonsense - here's the science". Well, to my surprise, more people commented in favor of the conspiracy theory than agreed it can't be done. Several were college educated and some I (used to) respect. I was totally caught off guard. I had no idea smart, educated people could fall for this type stuff. I'm still in disbelief.

Look, if you want to believe Oswald wasn't the lone gunman behind the JFK assassination, I can understand that. That particular conspiracy theory has a lot of angles and layers. It's plausible to think other actors were in play. It's not pie in the sky, per se. Creating hurricanes and steering them to certain areas of your own country for nefarious reasons is forking crazy talk. It's so far out there, it seems impossible anyone would buy it.....much less a large group of people. Many of which are normal, educated citizens. I'm floored. I don't know how to feel about this.
Well, to be fair, it’s a lot easier to do on a flat, non-rotating earth.
The earth has a fever to get rid of the virus. It's going to keep getting warmer.
Yeah, you have to think in geological terms. The earth is 4.5 billion years old, but homo sapiens have only been around for a few hundred thousand years, and it's been pretty much only the last 150 years that human activity has been making an notable impact.

This will be a problem that will get worse generationally until things either change for the better or get so bad as to start to cull the human population. We're not there yet, and probably not even close, but between microplastics in everything and extreme weather making previously populated areas unlivable, it would seem to be where we're heading.
So much this!!! When I first heard some of the preposterous claims about "man made hurricanes", I shrugged it off to people wanting some attention and saying crazy shirt. Then I saw more and more of it. People I know. Educated folks. That's when it hit me......we're screwed.

I shared a meteorologist's post about how it impossible for man to create and steer hurricanes. It was well written and detailed. I pretty much said "stop with the nonsense - here's the science". Well, to my surprise, more people commented in favor of the conspiracy theory than agreed it can't be done. Several were college educated and some I (used to) respect. I was totally caught off guard. I had no idea smart, educated people could fall for this type stuff. I'm still in disbelief.

Look, if you want to believe Oswald wasn't the lone gunman behind the JFK assassination, I can understand that. That particular conspiracy theory has a lot of angles and layers. It's plausible to think other actors were in play. It's not pie in the sky, per say. Creating hurricanes and steering them to certain areas of your own country for nefarious reasons is forking crazy talk. It's so far out there, it seems impossible anyone would buy it.....much less a large group of people. Many of which are normal, educated citizens. I'm floored. I don't know how to feel about this.
The thing that boggles my mind is that if you could control hurricanes, you wouldn't use that power to do it. You'd do something else more profitable/strategic.

Instead of trashing Florida you'd send typhoons to disrupt your competition in Asia. You'd buy futures in Africa, then make it rain. You'd vaporize Moscow. Or DC, or Beijing.

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