Are we going to talk about that thing that no one's talking about (1 Viewer)

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Anyone offered T&P yet?

Incidentally, it's been 30 years since the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the presidential candidate in MX that fell out of favor with his PRI party, but was very popular with the people, as he was pushing for reforms that were going to end the PRI de facto dictatorship through violence and actual rigged elections.

Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Venustiano Carranza, Fransisco Madero, Colosio, even Paco Stanley, and so many others (37 the last 2 years) if there's something MX does well, is the political assassination.
Indeed. That's a lot.
I still lean heavily towards social media as being the main driver for the hate and sheer rudeness of people. People will type out things they would never say in front of someone. As a society we're losing the ability to interact with each other. People are a lot like dogs....if we aren't socialized properly we don't know how to act around people and social media is like putting a dog behind a fence. Makes them more prone to lashing out.
This feels baity. You want to be specific rather than vague so I can address whatever it is you're asking directly?

Not baity at all. You state you were very offended because that certain woman called certain people deplorables. You even bolded deplorables. But, other certain people, who belong to a certain group you don't agree with, not only were called worse before the incident you mention (actually since the 1990's), and even a certain man called for violence against them (which BTW was what prompted the deplorables comment). So I just wanted to know how you felt about that.
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Not baity at all. You state you were very offended because that certain woman called certain people deplorables. You even bolded deplorables. But, other certain people, who belong to a certain group you don't agree with, not only were called worse before the incident to mention (actually since the 1990's), and even a certain man even called for violence against them (which BTW was what prompted the deplorables comment). So I just wanted to know how you felt about that.
Well, I stated a specific word and referenced a woman not by name but is obvs. who I meant by contest of using the word deplorables. I do not what other "certain people" you are referencing or what "worse" they were called. I can assume, of course. But that's what makes it feel "baity" because you are asking me to guess what YOU have in mind. It also seems designed to do nothing but go off in a tangential morass. So I can't tell you "how I felt about that" without knowing what specific words, I guess, that you are wanting to know how I feel.
I actually woke up this morning thinking we HAVE to be nearing some saturation point - the human body is not built to handle so much stress so continuously- especially a stress that we (by and large) are manufacturing
Maybe there’s a chance we arrive at a collective ‘chill out’ phase
Or lots of burnt out people start making really poor decisions.
I suspect that strong emotion you felt then, elicited from an external source who you didn’t know personally and which pushed you in a direction you weren’t naturally inclined to go on your own, is at the root of all of this bullshirt.

This is definitely not a personal criticism in the slightest. That emotional response is simply part of the human condition - for folks on the right, the left and the middle - and it’s exacerbated by the non-stop barrage of social media and the 24 hour news cycle. And somehow we need to find a way to stay centered on ourselves, and carefully cultivate the external sources we use to challenge our own held beliefs while avoiding the echo chambers that cement our current beliefs.

Yep, "stick and stones" is a thing of the past.
Well, I stated a specific word and referenced a woman not by name but is obvs. who I meant by contest of using the word deplorables. I do not what other "certain people" you are referencing or what "worse" they were called. I can assume, of course. But that's what makes it feel "baity" because you are asking me to guess what YOU have in mind. It also seems designed to do nothing but go off in a tangential morass. So I can't tell you "how I felt about that" without knowing what specific words, I guess, that you are wanting to know how I feel.

You are telling me, that you never saw or don't remember a certain main in a certain rally advocating for violence against people who think differently than you, cheering up as a man was being attacked by the crowd, going so far as to promise to pay for legal fees if those who beat up others get arrested? It really doesn't ring a bell?
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