Are we going to talk about that thing that no one's talking about (1 Viewer)

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The man killed at the rally has been identified. Corey Comperatore

Yes, I fully expect it will get shut down, and likely soon. But let’s let the folks who wish to make the attempt to be civil do so, and others can just stay away.
Please don't let 1 or 2 of us not let us have nice things. We are doing so good at having an adult conversation.
Imagine what Oscar Wilde would do commenting on our current state of affairs
Well, he'd have a wider range of individual idiocy to aim for in the social media age, but people (and society at large) were just as stupid, weak and compromised then as they are now.

Humans suck, in general, but we're stuck with one another.
"There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Haha, just happened to watch Dream Scenario yesterday, and Paul Matthews would beg to differ!

If you haven't seen it, the back end of the second act and the entire third act are heavy-handed and without nuance, but the premise and the two leads make it worth seeing.
"Who said that? Freud?"
Oscar Wilde wrote it.
It comes from "The Picture of Dorian Gray." I forget if Dorian says it or if Lady Brandon says it, but the full quote is, "It is silly of you, for there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Oscar Wilde wrote it.
It comes from "The Picture of Dorian Gray." I forget if Dorian says it or if Lady Brandon says it, but the full quote is, "It is silly of you, for there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Oh, sorry, that was a quote from The Big Chill. "Who said that, Freud?" And the answer was something like, "No. Me."
Ha, I'd forgotten that line! Been a long time since I've seen that film. William Hurt's character said. "No, me," right? Or wasi t Jeff Goldbulm's?
I think it was Jeff Goldblum. I looked for it and couldn't find it. Guess it's not one of the more well known quotes. One of the ones I use a lot is "That's what's great about the outdoors. It's one giant toilet"
Ha, I'd forgotten that line! Been a long time since I've seen that film. It was Jeff Goldblum's character who said that, right?
To be honest, it's probably a TIL for me that it was from Oscar Wilde.
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