Battlestar Galactica Discussions (MERGED)

19 minutes to go...

Got a cold Pale Ale in hand..

Ready to veg in front of the t.v. for one last BSG episode... I'm such a geek :hihi:

Frakkin' awesome. Worth the wait. Bellyful of geekiness satisfied.

The Battlestar Galactica herself had some of the most awesome scenes in this one. Hats off to the special effects folks.

Tad on the preachy side toward the end. It's like they had multiple scenes, any one of which could have been the end of the show and they strung them all together one after another.

I'll give it a day to let the folks who DVR'd it catch up before posting spoilers.
Wow. Great action sequence followed by Ron Moore running the DVD Extras of Alternate Endings back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. Jeesh. The show should have ended when they arrived at their final destination.
Wow. Great action sequence followed by Ron Moore running the DVD Extras of Alternate Endings back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. Jeesh. The show should have ended when they arrived at their final destination.
By my rekoning they could have ended the show at least 25 minutes sooner than they did.
It sure did seem like there were a lot more commercials than usual.
Loved it. I think I heard that Ron Moore had saved most of this season's FX budget for the final episode and man did it show. Gotta love those red stripe centurions.

All of the endings were a little odd and the commercials didn't help with that but I did like how they tied off every character's storyline.
I'm surprised more main characters didn't die :hihi:
I thought Helo was a goner.. was glad to see he made it..

Freakin' Starbuck disappeared ! Someone else besides just Lee should have witnessed that though...

Head 6 and Baltar were 'angels' I take it ? Which I guess so was Starbuck...

and I guess according to Baltar's speech, everyone who had that same vision of the Opera House, was all due to divine intervention ?

Athena mows down Boomer !!

What left me with a really weird feeling.. was how everyone decided to split up like they did in the end..
After a few years cramped up on a ship, running for their lives I am not surprised in the least...
I didn't get why Adama would just go off on his own. I don't think it was really explained what Starbuck was, maybe that was the intent.
I didn't get why Adama would just go off on his own. I don't think it was really explained what Starbuck was, maybe that was the intent.

I am ok with everything they did except that they left the Starbuck deal a little too ambiguous. The head six and Baltar thing wasn't truly explained either, although it was strongly suggested through Baltars words that they are "Angels".

I'm like most, the first hour and twenty minutes was the best of the series....the last 40 was average. That still puts it heads and shoulders above everything else on TV right now.....but as far as the bar the show has set for was average.
Nothing was as awesome as the episodes with the humans leaving New Caprica. Ramming the Cylon Colony was damn close, but realistically there's no way that Galactica and the humans make it back from t he Colony, much less back from the Colony with few casualties.
That last show was a very good example of how to end a series like BSG.

It tied up almost all of the loose ends but left just a few ambiguities such as the "angels".

The entire battle scene was greatness. I was really hard to top the Exodus battle scene but I think they just barely did that.

I loved watching Cavil eat his pistol.
I still have some questions about a few things

Like Cavil - why did he do that - I kept hoping for someone else do that - I wanted some vengeance and that did not give it to me

loved the part about starbuck jumping the ship

knew those nukes would come into play - a little too obvious on that one

i liked that they wrapped up everybody's story line - but it started so soon it made me feel like there were going to have a gotcha moment so I kept waiting for something

I need to re-watch to see what I missed
In the "Last Frakkin' Special" show, they said Starbuck was an "agent of a higher power."

So, yes she was an "angel" but a different kind than the apparitions, because she actually manifested in physical form.

Wonder how many times over the years Starbuck got "killed" and replaced anew. You know, she goes out on a Viper patol, gets blown to bits...poof...she gets replaced and lands back on Galactica with no memory of getting blown away.

Also, my apologies to those who said they hadn't found the real Earth (our Earth) the first time around. Y'all were right. I totally blew the call on that one.

I'd still have to rate the escape from New Caprica, including the Pegasus kamakazi run and Galactica's jump into the atmosphere above the spaceship effects on this one, but not by much. After the jump, with her back broken, Galactica looked like Rubic's cube with all the pieces misaligned. Great stuff!
Part of me feels that the "higher power" thing was a cop-out. Maybe they had written themselves into a corner. But if they had found another group of intelligent (even more technologically advanced) people, it probably would have raised more questions than it answered. Not every question needs answering (see the last episode of The Shield, for example). Although I'd have loved to have had a more "techy" answer to Starbuck's regeneration, this one sufficed. I was pretty satisfied with the ending, overall.

There are a few things which are left hanging - mostly, I think, due to needing to have another half-season or so to explain them.

Why was there such a big deal about giving guns to Baltar's people. I felt like they had a good plot idea and just decided to kill it before it got going.

Are there still other Cylons out there? I'm thinking probably so. They destroyed the colony, but there are certainly more base ships out there and surely there are some still on Caprica.

They never went anywhere with the plot-line of removing the restraining circuitry from the centurions. No big deal here.

And of course, why did Cavil kill himself?

Basically, there's probalby a lot of missing footage and perhaps some writing that got started but went nowhere. One of the producers said, in "The Last Frakking Special" that they were really having some problems with the plots, when it came to him to focus more on the characters because that was what was really important. I think he was probably right. I'd loved for there to have been a few more episodes and take care of both, but... cest la vie.

All in all, a very good ending to what I consider to be the greatest show in the history of television.

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