Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord" (1 Viewer)

Why do aetheist alway comment that it's God who did this horrible thing....or refer to our christian God as this horrible individual who allows horrible things to occur in our a christian...

...I have an enemy....and I know who my enemy is....he comes to "rob"..."steal"..."kill" and "destroy" is quoted in my bible....and that enemy is companies have an "act of God" should be an act of satan....let's stop painting the horrible things that occur in our world with the broad brush of God....or better yet...if you don't believe in a just happen to have a bad day...cuz as you non-believers refer...$hit happens....
Well I can't speak for all Atheists but I don't blame any God for anything, good or bad because I don't believe any God exists at all.
I don't see the problem, she wasn't rude. He just kept prodding her (strangely I might add) for a "Thank God" response. She even said, "Yeah" the first time he asked her
Why do aetheist alway comment that it's God who did this horrible thing....or refer to our christian God as this horrible individual who allows horrible things to occur in our a christian...

...I have an enemy....and I know who my enemy is....he comes to "rob"..."steal"..."kill" and "destroy" is quoted in my bible....and that enemy is companies have an "act of God" should be an act of satan....let's stop painting the horrible things that occur in our world with the broad brush of God....or better yet...if you don't believe in a just happen to have a bad day...cuz as you non-believers refer...$hit happens....
Who knows, he might start with the people who eat pork or shrimp/crawfish, people who have tattoos or rounded haircuts, women who speak in church, teh gays etc.

God is mad at a lot people according to the bible, no real way to tell who he's going to start with.

Totally, I mean that if God saved her (which is what wolf is insinuating by asking her if she has to thank god) then what about the people he didn't save? what about the children? My point is only that it is far too chaotic to thank or blame god for anything.

I sure hope he doesn't smite people who eat pork first, I'd be DOOMED!
Why do aetheist alway comment that it's God who did this horrible thing....or refer to our christian God as this horrible individual who allows horrible things to occur in our a christian...

...I have an enemy....and I know who my enemy is....he comes to "rob"..."steal"..."kill" and "destroy" is quoted in my bible....and that enemy is companies have an "act of God" should be an act of satan....let's stop painting the horrible things that occur in our world with the broad brush of God....or better yet...if you don't believe in a just happen to have a bad day...cuz as you non-believers refer...$hit happens....

probably b/c if you believe such a thing it implies that your god is kind of a wimp and can't do anything about Mr. Bully Satan
i think most would rather an omnipotent but uncaring god rather than a Myron
Why do aetheist alway comment that it's God who did this horrible thing....or refer to our christian God as this horrible individual who allows horrible things to occur in our a christian...

...I have an enemy....and I know who my enemy is....he comes to "rob"..."steal"..."kill" and "destroy" is quoted in my bible....and that enemy is companies have an "act of God" should be an act of satan....let's stop painting the horrible things that occur in our world with the broad brush of God....or better yet...if you don't believe in a just happen to have a bad day...cuz as you non-believers refer...$hit happens....

The reason is because people who thank god when good things happen to them, are insinuating that God can control the bad things that happen to people. He is omnipotent and omniscient after all. You are at least insinuating that he helps some people, but chooses not to help other people (whether it be a test or whatever).

Much like ShoelessTroy says, I blame God for nothing. I thank God for nothing. God does not exist for me. When something good in my life happens it means all that much more to me that it happened because of my hard work or the people around me that care for me, not because some imaginary being that I cannot see or hear just decided to help me this day and not the other hundreds of times that I really needed him.

The reason we even say anything is terrible things happen to so many people, people were truly devastated by this tornado, then some sweet woman finds her dog (a heartwarming story) and it's cheapened by people saying "god is truly great". Well good for her and her dog, but her house is still destroyed. Two dozen people still died. Millions of people are still dying of cancer or aids or dictators or so many other reasons. What about them? Oh so you found your dog and therefore god is great. Glad he decided to help someone today. Sometimes we should just enjoy the good times when they are here, Zydeco pas sale, because bad things are always on the horizon and there is nothing that the christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, etc. God/Gods can do to stop it. I'd rather believe in humanity.
The reason is because people who thank god when good things happen to them, are insinuating that God can control the bad things that happen to people. He is omnipotent and omniscient after all. You are at least insinuating that he helps some people, but chooses not to help other people (whether it be a test or whatever).

Much like ShoelessTroy says, I blame God for nothing. I thank God for nothing. God does not exist for me. When something good in my life happens it means all that much more to me that it happened because of my hard work or the people around me that care for me, not because some imaginary being that I cannot see or hear just decided to help me this day and not the other hundreds of times that I really needed him.

The reason we even say anything is terrible things happen to so many people, people were truly devastated by this tornado, then some sweet woman finds her dog (a heartwarming story) and it's cheapened by people saying "god is truly great". Well good for her and her dog, but her house is still destroyed. Two dozen people still died. Millions of people are still dying of cancer or aids or dictators or so many other reasons. What about them? Oh so you found your dog and therefore god is great. Glad he decided to help someone today. Sometimes we should just enjoy the good times when they are here, Zydeco pas sale, because bad things are always on the horizon and there is nothing that the christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, etc. God/Gods can do to stop it. I'd rather believe in humanity.

Well said! Agree 100% #godlessAndHappy ...oh crap this isn't twitter ...I forgot again :hihi:
Talk about chance: What are the odds of Blitzer encountering an open atheist in Moore, Oklahoma?

(I sure didn't know many others growing up in a similar town outside Tulsa.)

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