Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord" (2 Viewers)

IF I believed in a God I'd be more inclined toward Deism rather than Theism.

However, it is just as likely we are the descendants of the remnants of a planetary exploring alien race's picnic lunch as beings created in the image of a God.

Well I doubt organisms from an aliens picnic will creat technology, clothing or manufacture morals but I guess anythings possible? I agree with you. In the end? We're all worm dirt. No afterlife or recreations/rebirth.
Oh the irony of all the atheists here being SAINTS fans

Not really, I can appreciate the Pyramids while disagreeing with the oppressive religion and slavery it took to create it. The eagle is one of my favorite creatures on the planet, but I still root for Vick's ankle to explode every time he cuts. Can't believe that plug ruined my fantasy team!
It's hard to square a just god with the early years of the Saints
The best you could hope for is one with a tremendous, though twisted, sense of humor

May be he was angry with the blasphemious would explain the bad years but then had to be ironic that religious types would keep rooting for them not atheists sense it was obvious that god didnt like them...ironically...
But then again may be he was just testing like Job...every thing turned out good for a while until last year (God is great)
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Can you imagine how long this thread would be, or how fast Blitzer would be fired, or how big the national ****storm would be if instead he'd asked a religious woman, "Well, in the wake of all this destruction surely you don't by into that God nonsense?"
Can you imagine how long this thread would be, or how fast Blitzer would be fired, or how big the national ****storm would be if instead he'd asked a religious woman, "Well, in the wake of all this destruction surely you don't by into that God nonsense?"

Wow ...great point ...yeah it would have certainly been headline news for days especially on FOX News
"...and I don't blame anybody for thanking the lord"

Very classy. There are a lot of us who could learn something from her, whether we believe in God or not.
Your program in your signature made my computer freeze up...
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Can you imagine how long this thread would be, or how fast Blitzer would be fired, or how big the national ****storm would be if instead he'd asked a religious woman, "Well, in the wake of all this destruction surely you don't by into that God nonsense?"

Great point, they'd be calling for his firing with protests in the streets.

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